Yearly Archives: 2011

HM3: Female Briefs

In a totally unplanned bit of synchronicity, I've just posted the Legwear-Female-Briefs set to HeroMachine 3. This is just a straight item-for-item conversion of the male items, so no big whoop. Only nine items, and most of them are copies from the Pants-Standard set, but at least they fit.

Let me be briefs

Several new photos have been sneaked out of the new Superman "Man of Steel" set, this time featuring full frontal Superman:

I say it every time, but it's hard to judge a motion picture super hero costume from stills, or even fan videos. You have to see it in motion, with full effects treatment, in the context of a story to know if it "works" or not. Having said that, I am very dubious about the choices made here, specifically about removing the red trunks.

I know the arguments against them, made most prominently by Dan DiDio, Co-Publisher of DC Comics, that modern audiences simply cannot accept the sight of an actual man running around in his underwear. If that's your position, that's fine -- I don't necessarily agree, but I can understand it.

However, just removing the trunks without paying attention to the impact that has on the overall design is, in my opinion, a serious mistake. And lazy. That visual band of red with the yellow belt serves to separate the uniform into a shirt and pants. Simply removing them, as it appears has been done in the movie costume, means you end up with a grown man running around in a onesie instead of his underwear. I'm not sure that's necessarily an upgrade.

You need either some kind of a visual break there like a belt (that's not the same color as the top and pants!), or you need to design the tunic and pants in such a way that they're clearly separate elements. You can do it with piping, or seams (the modern equivalent of the Nineties pouches), or you can make them subtly different colors (i.e. different blue tones), but you need something to make it clear that we're not looking at a one-piece leotard. Because outside of the Bolshoi or an NHL game, men in one-piece leotards look ridiculous.

Friend of HeroMachine John Hartwell had another excellent point as well arising (if you will) from these shots:

It's like a naked blue buff man in a cape. Are the Village People in town?

And I'm sorry - but the tight "onesie" look (well said) only draws attention to his groinal area when the light catches it the wrong way, as you can see in the shot where he's facing the camera. There's this expanse of blue, then, hell-oooo! It's a super-crotch! It's just...disturbing.

Now, I don't necessarily have anything against seeing the outline of a guy's junk. Goodness knows, I have junk myself and I'm happy for it. But in terms of costume design, if you don't have anything else going on in that region then the junkage becomes the focus, rather than the costume.

Fundamentally, that's my problem with this. It's not that the trunks are gone, it's that the trunks were removed and seemingly no thought was given to how that impacts the overall design.

I poked around online and found some suggested "no trunks" alternatives that I thought solved the problem in a much better way, and which in my opinion would look better "live" than what I see in the stills above. Thoughts?

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Who says comics aren’t philosophical?

(From "Fantastic Comics" number 23, 1941.)

HM3: Female Pants

I've just updated HeroMachine 3 -- at long last -- with newly converted female items. "Legwear-Female-Pants" is now live and available for your feminine clothing needs. If you don't see it, you may need to clear your browser's cache and try again.

HeroMachine 3 Replacement Items 2 VOTE!

In lieu of our usual Poll Position metaphysical question today, it's time to vote on what items you'd like to see in HeroMachine 3 to take the place of various unclaimed contest prizes! You can vote once, for up to 10 items. As of noon next Tuesday, the top 10 vote getters overall will be slotted in as replacement prizes. These are all from the suggestion thread a few days ago.

You should be able to click the image next to each choice for a sample of what the submitter was talking about. On a few, I lumped together several suggestions into one choice if they were similar enough. Others I left off because they were either already done by dblade (Converse shoes) or have already been claimed as a prize by someone else (3/4 view head).

There are a lot of these, so I'm putting the poll after the jump so the front page doesn't get too long. If you want to make your case for a particular item in the comments, go for it!

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Also your house. And garage.

(From "Fantastic Comics" number 23, 1941.)

Character Contest 71: In the Cards

Your character design challenge this week is to create an awesome illustration using HeroMachine based on a deck of cards. Now, you could go with the standard playing card deck with numbers from deuce to ten, with the Jack, Queen, King, and Ace, in the four suits of Hearts, Clubs, Spades, or Diamonds. Or, you could change directions completely and go with a Tarot Card Deck, along with the various colorful figures and concepts contained therein. One famous example of the former is DC's "Royal Flush Gang", though of course you don't have to do a whole group.

The person with the winning entry as selected by our expert panel (i.e. me) will win their choice of a) a portrait to go in HeroMachine 3, b) an item to go in HeroMachine 3, or c) a custom black and white "Sketch of the Day" style drawing (also by me). The rules otherwise are the same as always:

  • Be sure to check out this thread that explains how to post a link to your image!
  • All entries must be in JPG or PNG form (BMPs are too big), posted to a publicly accessible website (like ImageShack, PhotoBucket, the UGO Forums, whatever);
  • Entries must be made as a comment or comments to this post, containing a link directly to the image and the character name;
  • The image cannot have been used in any previous HeroMachine character design contest;
  • Please name your files as [your name]-[character name].[file extension]. So DiCicatriz, for instance, would save his "Bayou Belle" character image as DiCicatriz-BayouBelle.png.
  • Please make the link go directly to the image (like this) and not to a hosting jump page (like this). If you see "preview" or "rotate" somewhere in the link you're probably doing it wrong.
  • All entries must be in by next Monday, when I'll choose a winner.

Good luck everyone! No more than ten (10) entries per person this week, folks, so make 'em count.

Caption Contest 105 Winners!

Thanks to everyone for the outstanding entries in Caption Contest 105! There were a lot of great ones, so the Finalist list this week is pretty long, including a couple of HM-memes-in-the-making courtesy of Danny Beaty's wrist-blasters and TopHat's evocation of everyone's architecture-smashing "hero", Samson:

  • Worf: Damn these mitts!
  • TopHat: ”I’ve come to preach the word of Samson!”
  • Joel: “Hello? I’m supposed to be on trial for destruction of public property, is this the right court room?”
  • Myro: “Robot God needs booze.”
  • Danny Beaty: I should have used my wrist-mounted blasters!
  • Blue Blazer: Ha! Chalk up one more shifty-eyed door!
  • Gregg: Good afternoon. Might I interest you in some fine replacement doors?
  • McKnight57: Bite my shiny metal adult diaper!!
  • MartianBlue: Everyone stay calm, I’ve just recieved information over the com of a very dangerous looking large, white robot entering this building.
  • Wierdrocks: “NOW it’s a party!”
  • TheNate: Hulk smash, ROM Kavoom!
  • Jester: Hi.
  • Jessica: Jocasta, what the HELL is going on here?!
  • Knighthawk: I put the ROM in romance!
  • Kyle Hilsee: Is Lucy here? Cause’ I’m home.
  • X-stacy: Why are you marrying him? I’ve got five speeds and three attachments!

But as you know, there can be only one. And that one is ... Worf!

I liked that it both provided an explanation for why he was smashing the doors in, and referenced those never-to-be-understood mitts ROM parades around in. Good job, Worf!

Now THAT’s how you start a week!

(From "Fantastic Comics" number 19, 1941.)

And architecture!

(From "Fantastic Comics" number 19, 1941.)