When you're posting an image of your character to this blog (like for a contest), please post a link directly to your image and not to a jump page. Here's how you do that for the various services.
To the right of your ImageShack image is this box, titled "Links to Share This Image":
You want to use the URL in the "Direct Link" box. You do NOT want to use the URL from your browser's address bar. The former takes you to the image and only the image, while the latter loads up all the ImageShack stuff that goes around it.
Good: http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/6329/leomm.jpg (From the "Direct Link" box in "Links to Share This Image" box.)
Bad: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/4/leomm.jpg/# (From the browser URL)
Bad: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/4/leomm.jpg/ (From the "Link" box in "Links to Share This Image" box.)
To the right of your PhotoBucket image is a box labeled "Share this photo":
You want the link from the box labeled "Direct Link", not the one from the browser's address bar or the one from the box labeled "Email and IM". The former takes you to the image and only the image, while the latter loads up all the PhotoBucket stuff that goes around it.
Good: http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx260/hastur1/Hero_Machine/cavalier.jpg (From the "Direct Link" box.)
Bad: http://media.photobucket.com/image/heromachine/hastur1/Hero_Machine/cavalier.jpg?o=189 (From the browser's address bar.)
Bad: http://media.photobucket.com/image/heromachine/hastur1/Hero_Machine/cavalier.jpg?o=189 (From the box labeled "Email and IM".)
PicasaWeb is not one of the preferred image hosts for this site. However, if you want to use it, please right-click on the image and choose "Copy Image URL" from the flyout menu:
Good: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-HkpI-oBLspE/ThzQBQMpO3I/AAAAAAAADx8/52YwBH9XzKk/%25255BUNSET%25255D.jpg (From right-clicking the image and choosing "Copy Image URL" from the flyout.)
Bad: https://picasaweb.google.com/110582698825637617540/Illustrations?authkey=Gv1sRgCLea29PPkPPaxwE#5628602354252725106 (From the browser's address bar.)
Bad: https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/8-no1oyz2HnpccqCZQzfCg0SVwt_GzEs7LqBcwS4Hj4?feat=directlink (From the "Link to this photo" box over on the right side.)
Facebook is the least preferred image host for this site. However, if you have to use it, make sure you set the image's properties to "public" or else I can't see it no matter what you do. To do that, edit the album you're going to use for your HeroMachine images and choose "Edit Album". In the dropdown labeled "Privacy", choose "Everyone" like this:
Since in February Facebook instituted their new JavaScript photo scroller, I can't figure out how to get a direct link. I know AJW still uses the direct method, so if you're willing to chime in via comments on how you do it, I'd appreciate it.
Deviant Art
Deviant Art is the home to a lot of mature illustrators. When looking at your image, in the right hand column is this set of links:
Right-click on the "Download Image" link, and choose "Copy Link Location" or "Copy Target Link", however it shows in the popup menu.