Monthly Archives: June 2010

HM3: Miscellaneous

I've just updated the HeroMachine 3 Alpha with the first set of ItemRight-Miscellaneous items, comprising all (I think) of the Expansion and default HM2.5 Miscellaneous items. Most of them have been redrawn, a few are ports from existing sets (cigarette, cigar, yield sign, etc.), but all are now available for your character creation enjoyment. Here are a few of the new options:

Now that I have converted all of the existing items, I'll start working on your suggestions in that last thread. Thanks for those by the way, there are some really good ones! The set currently has 54 items in it, and I'd anticipate adding another 30 or so. I'll start working on those this afternoon.

Let me know any problems you find with these and I'll get on 'em. I know there are some patterning issues where the pattern fills odd spaces, but I haven't been able to fix it yet.

You're smokin'!

Having exercised our Kai Discipline of Running Away, we have bravely decided to flee the obnoxious bird and leave our former path in the forest.

For half an hour o rmore you press on through the forest, through the rich vegetation and ferns. You happen upon a small clear stream where you stop for a few minutes to wash your face and drink of the cold, fresh water.

Feeling revitalized, you cross the stream and press on. You soon notice the smell of woodsmoke which seems to be drifting towards you from the north.

[polldaddy poll="3326861"]

I bet I know how this is going to go. After all, smoke can make you all itchy.

RP: Says the man in the pink see-through blouse

(From "Police Comics" number 7, 1942.)

SOD.160 – Granny Goodness

Inspired by buddy John's recent "Darkseid" and "DeSaad" sketches, I took a crack at Granny goodness.

I sure hope I don't have to draw a comic where scale or chain mail features prominently. What a pain.

First Commandment of Costuming

The First Commandment of Super Hero Costuming has been violated by one of the characters in this classic Marvel cover, see if you can spot it:

That's right, the Invisible Woman is wearing white after Easter. For shame.

Of course I am actually talking about "The Asbestos Man", who breaks the First Commandment of "Thou Shalt Not Make Thy Costume From Materials Which Will Kill Thee". Also the slightly less well-known Twelfth Commandment of "Thy Mask Shalt Not Look Like Thou Hast Been Smited By a Sledgehammer" and the Eighty-Sixth "Thou Shalt Not Grab Thy Crotch In Combat Even If It Is Hidden By a Shield".

See how many other violations you can spot!

(Image and characters © Marvel Entertainment Group.)

RP: And her smile!

(From "Police Comics" Number 6, 1942.)

HM3: Miscellaneous

OK, I am finally settled in Colorado, and although my internet access situation is still in flux (meaning, it sucks but I am working on it), I have the computer and tablet set up and have started drawing items for the ItemRight-Miscellaneous set. Please let me know in the comments specific items or types of items you would like to see, keeping in mind that I am going through the HM2 Miscellaneous set and the Expansion to port the relevant objects over.

Thanks in advance for your ideas! As usual, requests with links to specific images are the most helpful.

SOD.159 – Ringleader

I made the obligatory circus-themed villain group once, and this is an updated take on their main man, called -- what else? -- Ringleader.

Poll Position: More Wolverwanking

We've discussed what the most interesting matchups would be for Wolverine, but when it comes right down to it, regardless of how "interesting" it would be to see:


Discussion after the jump.

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RP: A woman's place in 1942

(From "Police Comics" number 6, 1942.)