Monthly Archives: June 2010

HM3: More Miscellaneous items

I've just posted 30 new items into the "ItemRight-Miscellaneous" set, bringing the total to 84. Here's a quick peek at most of them:

Not shown are a spray paint can, a Bible, a nasty-looking grimoire, a blank furled flag, a blank open flag, and a round bomb with fuse.

Hope you like 'em! If there's something egregious you see wrong or missing, let me know.

Two fairly large non-HM3 projects have come up with UGO, so it may be two weeks or so before I work on new items. I have someone else working on them in the meantime, though, and if he wants I may post a thread for requests.

RP: I do not think that word means what you think it means …

(From an ad for the "Six Million Dollar Man" action figure series, ©1976, General Mills Fun Group, Inc.)


And here's a revised version.

RP: Why super heroes make bad lovers

(From "Police Comics" Number 10, 1942.)

SOD.162 – Punch guy


Buddy John Hartwell has another great addition to his "Post of the Week" series, still delving the depths of the Jack Kirby "New Gods" universe, this time with the fearsome "Kalibak"!

Quite fearsome! I'm glad I talked John into doing this series, they've been a lot of fun and I can't wait to see more. If you're in the market for a great illustrator or branding guy, particularly in the arena of sports teams, be sure to check out his website, Hartwell Studio Works.

(Image © 2010, John Hartwell.)

RPG Corner

Hammerknight's quest continues!

RP: Great moments in bad dates

(From "Police Comics" number 7, 1942.)

SOD.161 – Firebrand

Heraldic Helms

With Heaps of Hallelujias to Hammerknight, herewith are Heraldic Helms for HeroMachine. Alliteration is no charge.

Thanks HK, these are great as always! Click on an image to see it at the original, more legible size.