Monthly Archives: October 2008

Sample Warrior Mini character

Nothing fancy, but I put the faces in tonight and wanted to see how they came out. The hair got done this morning, and that Top was completed last night. Pretty fun to play with. Hope you're having a fun Halloween dressing yourself up for real tonight!


Presenting Dauntless

Rick and I have finished his prize for winning Caption Contest 30, the indomitable Dauntless:


I'll let Rick give some background for the character if he chooses, but it's a neat concept, I hope I did him justice.

Your chance to win your own custom black and white illustration of whatever you like (within reason) is going on now, with Caption Contest 33!

The sound of stupid

With thanks to Chris Sims over at "Chris's Invincible Super-Blog", I submit this image as evidence that the hyper-silliness of the modern super-hero comic has finally come to the world of onomontoPOWia:


I'm sorry, but I have to disagree with Chris -- that's not cool, it's just stupid. It's the "Every panel a poster" approach of Walt Simonson's epic all-full-panel Thor vs. the Midgard Serpent issue only waaaaaayyy too self-aware, to the point that (for me at least) my immersion in the created world crashes to a halt with me thinking "Craka-whaaaaaa--?!".

Or maybe I'm just dressed as a grumpy old man for Halloween, shaking my fist at all these whippersnappers and shouting "Get off my comics lawn", I dunno. But it's an abomination, I tells ya!

Plus, I find it profoundly troubling that if the camera angle were just a little lower, we'd totally have a super-hero Hercules "upskirt" shot here. And that's just wrong.

Random Panel: Profiles in bad threat assessment strategy — Canadians are ALWAYS a threat


Why this cover is awesome


This cover is awesome because the comic book issue it fronts for does not feature anyone on a motorcycle, nor a tank, nor an M-16, nor David Hasselhoff. It is misleading in every possible way, and that = awesome.

Plus, it has a story titled "Bombertrussel" which as anyone who speaks Finnodeutschish knows, means "exploding pastries". And I'm always up for some bombalicious pastry.

Random Panel: Thanks for the update, and please stop making that hand gesture


One shoe two shoe three shoe four

I've made this point before, but it bears repeating:

You can't wear two pairs of shoes at the same time!

You would think such a fundamental rule of fashion (not to mention physics ... or is it geometry? topography?) would be pretty easy to keep in mind, but you'd be wrong. The latest violation of this sacred trust I've come across is from Mike Grell's "Shaman's Tears", and I think I can see why he's crying:


I'm going to overlook the leather open-chest vest and attached feathered g-string because -- no, wait, there's no way I can ignore that. He's wearing a feathered leather g-string, people! Can you imagine him showing up at the local JLA recruiting drive?

Feather g-string guy: Hi, I'm here to apply!
Batman: Uh, I think maybe you're looking for the "Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter" auditions in Ballroom G ...

But that bit of exotic bondage play isn't what brings me here today, my friends, oh no. I am instead here to bring attention to the footwear abomination the Shaman and his tears are sporting. Your eyes are not deceiving you, he's actually wearing leather thigh boots -- cinched at the knee, mind you -- underneath white moccasins. First of all, you don't wear white shoes until after Great Stag Hunt Day in the Sioux culture, but even more critically, you only ever wear one pair of freaking shoes at a time!

I love me some Mike Grell, don't get me wrong, but this outfit makes me feel violated in about six different ways. Unless he's standing on a flower-decked float blowing kisses to other dudes during some sort of Pride Parade, no one should ever wear this costume.

Mini tops

I've been working on the first batch of "Tops" for the Warrior Mini. Let me know what you think, other ones you want to see, etc. etc. Note that "camo" will be one of the "patterns" you can apply to anything. That won't be totally satisfactory, as you won't be able to color the camo pattern itself, but hopefully it'll work out. If not I'll add some variations of these that have integrated camo with color areas.


Random Panel: When mixed metaphors go bad


Multiple Mini headgears

I wanted to show briefly the kind of thing you'll be able to do with multiple items in the same slot in the upcoming Warrior Mini (and eventually HM3):


What you see are four separate Headgear items stacked and moved on top of each other. The tank-goggles on the helmet are separate from the WWII helmet are separate from the cool modern shades are separate from the mouth mask. I think this is going to make some really awesome effects possible. I was up late last night thinking of all the possibilities once you bring various Insignia into the mix, too -- imagine building your own custom logo from basic shapes layered and sized, with pre-drawn icons to go with them. Or you could take a simple triangle logo shape and mask it to the helmet, to get a chevron effect on the headgear.

The more items I add to this thing in more slots the more excited I get to really explore the possibilities.