RP: Women drivers, in SPAAAAAAACE!

(From "Planet Comics" number 3, 1940. Is "Women are bad drivers" even still a stereotype any more, or has seventy years of better driving records than men finally killed it?)

Holy Slow Strip Tease, Batman!

Sometimes a little self-awareness is just an excuse to deluding yourself completely in every other way:

For instance, it's good that "Mr. Polka-Dot" admits his nom de guerre is odd. (Although were he even more honest, he'd probably just go ahead and call it "stupid".) But that moment of honesty probably left him blind to the fact that he was going to be wandering out in his stained PJs, flicking old grape jam splotches at Batman. I can see him now, filling out his Batman Bat-Villain Application Document, having successfully navigated the "Prefix" box ("Aha, I shall be MISTER whatever I become! It's right there on the form.") and then stumbling on the "Super Powers" list.

"Let's see, no super riddling, no super penguin powers, no hideous clown makeup, and definitely no 'Breakfast Stain Flinging' entry, oh bother! Ooo, look, 'Polka Dots', let's go with that!" Thereby proving both that Bat-Form-Writing-Machine has a sense of humor and that Mr. Polka-Dot does not. Thus, a failure of self-awareness destined to echo through the ages. With dots.

The best part about fighting this guy is watching him do a slow, unintentional strip-tease as he rips away his costume one dot at a time. At least then we won't have to look at his outfit for too long, for which we can only be thankful.

(Many thanks as well to frequent commenter Myro for bringing Mr. Polka Dot to my attention!)

HM3: Undo tweak

I just updated the HeroMachine 3 alpha to A.20, which adds a cap of 20 actions to the number of undo levels. If that's not enough, let me know -- it's easy enough to change.

If you have more than 20 saved characters, I'd strongly encourage you to make a backup of your hmcharacters.sol file before you do too much today. This shouldn't impact the save file at all, but ... yeah, it makes me nervous, too. Better safe than sorry.

Hopefully this will stop the irritating Flash pop-up asking how much file space you want. Although, if you see that, just right-click on the HeroMachine app, choose "Settings" from the flyout, click the little folder icon, then set the file size to the next level up. 1MB usually works. You can check the "Don't bother me again" box if you want as well.

But like I said, hopefully this will stop it from being an issue at all.

RP: Next on Bravo’s “Top Chef: DC”

(From "Adventure Into Fear" number 11, ©1972, Marvel Comics. Hat-tip to Mike Sterling's Progressive Ruin.)

Poll Position: Who Leadeth the … Led?

Our Poll Position question this week is pretty straight-forward:


What I always loved about the "Magneto Leads the X-Men" stories was how it really fleshed out Magneto as a character. A lot of writers take the easy way out with a villain, giving them the storytelling equivalent of a curled black mustache and no redeeming qualities whatsoever. But Magento's villainy arises from the same roots as Xavier's heroism, making them two sides of the same coin in many ways. Putting him in charge of Charles' team brought out those essential qualities and highlighted them. Magneto changed, and that's the core of a great story.

So when thinking about which characters might be equally interesting if put in the same situation, I wondered whose villainy arose from the same seeds as heroism, who might have it in them to take over a team and be changed by them.

  • The Red Skull leads the US Army. The Red Skull and Captain America, like Xavier and Magneto, have a lot in common. Both are used to leading groups of soldiers. Both fight on behalf of their country. Both leave no hair on their heads exposed. Granted, that's because the Red Skull HAS no hair, but still. I don't doubt that the Skull could effectively lead any army, even that of his country's greatest enemy. But while the US Army is filled with good men and strong patriots, I don't know if it has the kind of super heroism it would take to turn a megalomaniac into someone willing to consider the welfare of others above his own.
  • Lex Luthor leads the Justice League. We've had Elseworld type stories before with Luthor being the President, but I think the smaller and more direct leadership required for a group like the Justice League would be much more revealing. He's also led teams of super villains, like Magneto did, so he knows what he's doing with supremely powerful individuals. And egos. I actually think he's capable of growing into the role, of being changed by it like Magento was.
  • Ultron leads the Avengers. This could be a cool concept if done well. Granted, UItron is a mechanical killing monstrosity, utterly devoted to ending all life, so I'm not sure how this would ever come about, but the creation meeting (and leading) its creator has a certain appeal.
  • Dr. Doom leads the Fantastic Four. This has probably already happened a dozen times over. My Four-Fu is weak.
  • Sinestro leads the Green Lantern Corps. I imagine Sinestro completely making over the GL Corps into a much more ruthless, much more aggressive force. I don't think he'd be much changed by it, though.
  • Mumm-Ra leads the Thundercats. Mumm-ra never struck me as having much of a personality beyond "Kill All Furries", so I am dubious that he'd be much interested in leading the lost cubs of Thundara.
  • Deathstroke leads the Teen Titans. Again, this probably happened at some point. But I like Deathstroke a lot as a character; I find him multi-layered and interesting, much more than just the cold-blooded soldier of fortune he's made out to be. Plus he already has white hair, like Magneto, so that's practically the same thing right there.
  • Skeletor leads Eternia At one point, Skeletor and He-Man had two halves of the Power Sword, and even joined forces to defeat a common enemy. He's used to leading groups of warriors of various stripes, so I think he could handle the likes of Man at Arms without much trouble. And let's face it, when She-Ra gets all up in your skeletal grill, you're going to be readjusting your thinking.
  • Megatron leads the Transformers I'm betting even Megatron can't tell one transformer apart from another. In fact, I bet it's fairly common in the middle of a meeting for several transforming robots to stand up and admit they got confused about who they were following home, and sheepishly back out to go join their actual team. So it's possible this scenario has already happened, only no one noticed.
  • Cobra Commander leads G.I. Joe This is not a stretch at all. In fact, with more cutbacks, the Joes might just have to start hiring mercenaries anyway.

The one with the most appeal to me is Doom leading the Fantastic Four, but since I'm pretty sure that's been done before, I'll go with Luthor leading the JLA. I have a soft spot for bald guys in leadership positions.

What about you, what would you pick?

(Image © Marvel Comics, from "X-Men" number 200.)

RP: The sweet mystery of acoustics

(From "Planet Comics" number 3, 1940.)

Character Contest 59: Pisces

Your character design challenge for this week is to come up with an image with HeroMachine based on the idea of the Zodiac sign "Pisces". To help you out, here's a bit on the history of the name from Wikipedia:

[Pisces] is also considered a water sign and one of the four mutable signs. (Mutable signs have a longing for movement and are extremely restless. Pisces is the most watery sign. It is constantly trying to adapt itself to its ever-changing feelings and to the moods and whims of others, allbeit a little obnoxious sometimes.) ... Individuals born when the Sun was in this sign are considered Pisceans.

According to one Greek myth, Pisces represents the fish into which Aphrodite and her son Eros transformed in order to escape the monster Typhon; they are tied together with a cord on their tails, to make sure they do not lose one another. Alternatively, the twin fish were placed in the heavens in honor of their heroic deed of saving Aphrodite and Eros from Typhon on the river Euphrates.

As always, you should definitely let your imagination loose on this. The concept of the Zodiac sign is just a starting point, but almost anything having to do with fish, or water, or even a play on the name itself would work. You don't have to literally make an illustration of the constellation.

The contest rules are the same as usual:

  1. Use only a HeroMachine applet (no PhotoShopping except for basic cropping) to create a PNG or JPG of your entry, named as [your name]-[character name].[file extension]. So DiCicatriz, for instance, would save his "Bayou Belle" character image as DiCicatriz-BayouBelle.png.
  2. Post the image to a publicly accessible website (ImageShack, PhotoBucket, the UGO Forums, etc.).
  3. Enter the name of your entry and a link directly to the image in a comment to this post. The image cannot have been used in any previous HeroMachine character design contest.
  4. The link to your image should go directly to the image (like this) and not to a hosting jump page (like this). If you see "preview" or "rotate" somewhere in the link you're probably doing it wrong.
  5. I'll choose a winner next Monday, who will receive his or her choice of any item or a portrait to be included in the final HeroMachine 3 program, or a "Sketch of the Week" style black and white illustration (you pick the subject and I draw it up however I like).

No limit on entries this week, so knock yourselves out. Good luck everyone!

Caption Contest 94 Winner!

Thanks to everyone who participated in Caption Contest 94, I appreciate your willingness to share your creativity. I've chosen a handful of those entries as Finalists, the ones I thought were the funniest of the funny. After I've posted them all, I'll announced which of them is the winner. I hope you enjoy seeing them in the panel as much as I do!

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RP: Rough times at the poetry rave

(From "Planet Comics" number 3, 1940.)

Power User Profile: Imp

This week's "Power User Profile" features the winner of the second Friday Night Fights, Imp!
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