Monthly Archives: July 2009

Open help thread

Coming out of the discussion earlier in the week were several requests for a "help" post. So here it is! If you want to know how to do something in HeroMachine, or how to draw something specific by hand (or computer), or you wonder how an effect you've seen in comics somewhere was achieved, leave a comment describing what you want help with and I and the other commenters here will try to give you a hand.

You can also use this space to ask someone about a character they posted. For instance, if you can't figure out how Imp gets those spiffy circle gradients behind his characters, you can ask him in the comments. No guarantees that anyone you ask will either see or respond to your question, of course, but hopefully someone will get you squared away.

I'm honestly not sure how this will work, or if it's even what you were asking for, so by all means feel free to correct me if you were hoping for something else.

I'll also be posting another "Hammerknight Recipe" later in the day, as I figure that fits under the concept of "Helpful Thursdays" too.

See you in comments!

Random Panel: Nope, he’s just happy to see you


(From "Amazing Man" number 6, 1939.)

The wrong kind of laughter

Note to any aspiring super-villains out there: Don't let your costume be designed by someone with the express intent of appearing as a character in a radio-only drama, because the Promotions Department might just pull a gag on you like they did on poor Molly Maynne, aka "The Harlequin":


You might ask why you need a costume for a radio-only drama, but maybe that's just how they rolled in the Forties. And granted, a Harlequin is supposed to be an entertainer, but ye gods! Seeing some poor deranged woman staggering drunkenly up to me sporting a dunce cap, striped leggings, curled-toe shoes, and Queen Elizabeth's neck ruffle around her waist would probably inspire more pity than fear.

But then again, since her power is in her super-hypnotizing glasses, maybe the whole point of the outfit is to be so horrifically bad that onlookers are momentarily stunned, giving her a chance to slap the ol' googly-eyes on 'em. If so, it was brilliant, because I frankly can't look away. Just keep telling yourself that the feeling bubbling up inside is joyful laughter and not incipient nausea, and no one gets hurt except your keyboard.

(Image and character © DC Comics, Inc.)

Random Panel: Marine life was much tidier before the War


(From "Amazing Man" number 6, 1939.)

Character Contest 12: The Image Nineties

A certain style of character became hugely popular during the early 1990's, and while it quickly spread to all corners of the comic book universe (driving a college-aged Jeff from reading them altogether), "Image" was definitely the heart and soul of the new standards in super-hero design. Your challenge for this week is to come up with a character that best represents the kind of thing Image would have enthusiastically printed during that decade, something the really symbolizes what the whole thing was really about.

You know, thigh pouches.

Now now, that's not fair. There were also arm pouches, belt pouches, chest pouches, headband pouches, and ginormous guns. Giant claws dripping blood and/or ichor. Ridonkulous hair flying every which-way. Musculature usually only found in body-building magazines and medical journals under "Freak". Characters who all have "Blood" or "War" or "Death" or, even better, all three in their name. That sort of thing.

The person who turns in the character most in tune with that ideal will win either a caricature of their head or any one item of their choice to be included in the final version of HeroMachine 3. Either way, you get to be immortalized!

Good luck everyone, I have to say I am almost giddy with excitement to see what you come up with.

Character Contest 11: The Terror of Winning!

While unintentional, you have to admit that posting so late at night IS fairly terrible. Unlike the following Honorable Mentions and our ultimate winner, which are all made of pure awesome!

First I wanted to give a shout-out to Almost Insane's attempt at putting together an entire classic pulp comic book cover, because that's just really cool. He even included the "Now Only 10 cent" graphic, which always struck dread in my wee heart as a child because I knew it inevitably presaged a price hike.


Two other entries also struck a fun chord with their innovative poses. First up was Ian's terrible twosome, the Terror Twins. I really liked the complementary costume designs, but what really sells it is the girl's crouched energy-flinging pose. Both characters have a sense of dynamism and fun, and when you're looking to "re-cast" a series, that's gotta be close to the top of the "Must Have" list.


The other "fun pose" entry I wanted to highlight was Isia's one-hand-stand female take on the character. Swapping the gender of a character has a long and storied history in the annals of the comic book industry, so I can definitely see that happening with ol' BT.

The next entries I thought had the best overall take on what the character relaunch might really be like. We'll start with Brons' very simple "modernizing" of the basic costume which, let's be honest, was already pretty cool. With just a few tweaks the basic integrity of the original is preserved, while still looking much more up-to-date. The cowl, the hood, swapping the blue cape out for black, a thicker more utilitarian belt, and removing the yellow piping show that you don't have to go crazy to get current.


DoomedPixel went for a more radical redesign, while still keeping a few select elements to honor the original spirit of the character. I love the use of the jaw bone and the white shoulder discs to suggest a skull without being an actual skull, for instance. The mechanized, almost steam-punk look works really well, and would make me want to know what changed, why he's still called the same name as the original, and what he's all about. In terms of the image itself, the attempted flame effect at the bottom doesn't quite do it for me, and I could probably do without the clawed hands, but overall it's a really good assemblage. The pseudo-skull definitely sells it, though.

HecNukem also went in a completely different direction with the reimagining, with his strong yellow-and-black gun-toting character. Whereas Brons lost the yellow to good effect, HecNukem chose instead to really go with it, turning what was a weakness in the original character design into a strength. On a technical note, I liked the shadow blob behind the character, it adds a nice sense of dimensionality to the whole image. Ultimately, though, I thought this wasn't quite right for the "Black Terror" franchise.


The winner overall for me was our first two-time winner, and he's doing it in style -- back to back! Timespike takes the prize with his seventh version of the character:


I thought this design should win for several reasons. First, I like that some elements of the original were kept, including that silly domino mask. It works with the rest of the costume here for some reason, maybe it's just the lack of a string. I also like that he kept the red-lined cape, switching the back from blue to black like others did but still retaining that flair. And I really love that the skull has been moved off the chest and into the projection, which is a killer effect. The semi-transparent floating skulls also tell you that this character is about more than just the physical, opening up the possibility of arcane story arcs. In short, I thought this was the best overall take both as an image design, and as a potential jumping off point for a new comics series. Which was, after all, the point of the exercise.

So congratulations to two-time winner Timespike, and to everyone who took the time to create an entry. This was a fun contest and I hope you had as good a time coming up with your design, even if it didn't win, as I did in reading and viewing what you came up with.

META: Running late

Guys, I've been out of pocket all day, we got a nasty bug here with our dogs and I've been spraying our back yard with ammonia to try and kill it. In 104 degree Texas heat. I'm just blasted, and I still have quite a bit to do. So I will be posting both the results from the last contest and the new one, but not for a couple of hours yet at least. Before midnight, though!

In the meantime, cast your vote for whether you want a caption contest for old times' sake, or a new character design one. If the latter, would you want a "Nineties Image Character" theme (make a character who might have been published enthusiastically by the 1990's era Image line -- thigh pouches, names with "War" or "Blood" get bonus points) or a "Self Portrait" contest where you'd put your HM self portrait up side-by-side with an actual photo of yourself.

I'll count em up when I finally get done with the emergency animal spore patrol and go with that one.

Thanks for your patience! I wish I were more regular about this, too, waiting til this late at night blows.

Random Panel: File under “Hunches, bad.”


(From "Whiz Comics" number 2, 1940. Because what Hospital HR Director in their right mind is going to hire someone named "Dr. Death"?)

META: I need your bloggy feedback

What do you like or dislike about the blogging side of Do you have any ideas for a regular feature to replace "Liefeldian Friday"? Are there any other regular features you'd like to see added, or current ones replaced, or changed? Is the posting frequency right, too much, or too little? Do you have any ideas for future contests or poll position questions?

Consider this an open thread to talk about anything you want regarding the HM blog, and to throw out any ideas or suggestions you have pertaining thereto. Thanks for your feedback!

Poll Position: Batman versus …

This week's Poll Position is an unabashed dive head-first into giddy, gibbering fan-boi fantasy:


Discussion after the jump!

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