Monthly Archives: July 2009

Blast from the Past: Caption Contest 57

Like an old boyfriend who just can't let go, or the drooling zombie hungry for your brains, it's ... the RETURN of the CAPTION CONTEST! By request, for at least this week we're going to return to that treasured gem of old, and I will challenge you to come up with the best or funniest replacement dialog for this comic book panel:


It's been a while, so let's review the rules.

  • All entries must be made as comments to this post;
  • No more than three (3) entries per person;
  • Keep it clean, appropriate for a PG-13 type of audience (which I admit will be difficult given the ... suggestive physical appearance of the highly complicated scientific device in the image).

That's it! I'll choose a winner next Tuesday, to be selected by whichever one makes me laugh the most. So get ready to bring the funny! The winner will get to choose to have either a caricature of their face, or any one item of their choice, included with the HeroMachine 3 final version.

Good luck everyone!

(Image from "Atom-man" number 1, 1946.)

Character Contest 12 Winner!

I admit, the whole "Image Nineties" contest was pretty specific, and probably meant that a lot of people not as "in" on what went down during that decade were probably turned off, BUT ... the entries I did get made me laugh. Like, a lot. So it was all worth it in the end!

Having said that, I think even those who aren't as morally outraged by the artistic excesses of super-hero comics in the Nineties will get a kick out of these Honorable Mentions and, of course, the overall winner that appears at the end of the post.

Without further ado, let's jump in the Wayback Machine!

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Random Panel: “CLINK” is musical?


(From "Amazing Man" number 6, 1939.)

Poll Position: Medium well

Our Poll Position question this week has to do with the difficulties of translating material from one medium -- in this case, comic books -- to the movie screen:


Discussion after the jump.

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Random Panel: Great moments in bad dates


(From "Amazing Man" number 6, 1939.)

Random Panel: Alternate Universe TV, “Lois and Lex” edition


(From "Lois Lane" 65, copyright DC Comics, Inc. Hat tip to Chris' Invincible Super-Blog. And yes, that's Lois Lane and Lex Luthor.)

Random Panel: Time to get a new doctor


(From "Amazing Man" number 6, 1939.)

HM3: Hit the floor

I've just released the "BackgroundFloors" set for the HeroMachine 3 Alpha. Here's a quick sample of some of the 2.x items -- plus some -- that have been redrawn for 3.0:


The idea behind these setting pieces that I'll be including in the "Background" slot are that you'll mix and match them to make up the environment you want. There are only a couple of full-environment items here, like the forest path, which I'm frankly not sure work all that well. The rest, though, are just pieces that you can use to build up the right effect.

I'm sure you'll come up with creative ways to use the new stuff, but let me know if you find any mistakes, see anything you don't like, don't see something you were really hoping for in a "Floor" set, or anything else that's on your mind.

I think the next thing to do will be a set called "BackgroundSky" or something like that, with the intent that they'd be placed essentially behind the Floors to make a complete environment. So give me any requests you have for those things that might not be included in that last request post.

After that I'll probably do some sort of middle-ground stuff like tree lines, mountains, etc. (kind of like the building roof retaining wall in this current release). Finally, at some point I'll just do a whole big set of "general environmental items" that you can stick where ever you want -- candles, books, single boulders, benches, that kind of thing so you can really dress the room just like you dress your character.

I don't know for sure if this is the right approach, so by all means feel free to opine about that too.

Random Panel: Great moments in not-so-super super midgets


(From "Amazing Man" number 6, 1939.)

Hammerknight Recipe 4: Gun that hog!

(I'm happy to present the latest in Hammerknight's "Recipe" series, giving you step by step instructions on how to duplicate some of his remarkable items with HeroMachine 3. Thanks Hammerknight! Click on any of the images to biggify them.)


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