Category Archives: Super-Hero Stuff

General ramblings about anything super-hero related, from comics to films.

Name no longer unrevealed

In the Marvel Universe, major companies sometimes contract with various super-powered individuals to represent them (i.e.Tony Stark and Iron Man). I think I found the guy on Hugh Heffner's payroll:


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and bet that his name will eventually be revealed as "Richard Cranium".

(Image and character ©1989, Marvel Comics, "The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe, Update '89".)

Double booted pinata vampires

I hate feet. They're ugly, they smell bad, and they're poorly designed. The best you can say about feet is that at least they're stuck way down at the end of our bodies so we don't have to think about them very often. But even I don't hate feet as much as Mister Sinister must, because he is wearing two sets of boots to cover them up:

Mister Sinister

I'm not a fan of flaring hip-boots on male characters in general, but maybe that's just because I'm from Texas, where our boots end at mid-calf. But if you're going to wear them, what in the name of all that's good and right are you doing with yet another pair of flaring boots that end at your ankle? It's just weird, and that's saying something when you're talking about a white-faced, lipstick-wearing, double-starred on head and chest guy with a cloak straight out of La Cage Aux Folles. Seriously, getting attacked by Mr. Sinister must feel like getting mugged by a half-exploded pinata. And that's before he kicks your butt with all four boots.

(Image and character ©1989, Marvel Comics, "The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe, Update '89".)


I actually met X-Files replacement Annabeth Gish once when she was in Texas working on the TV movie "True Women". She seemed like a very nice lady, and I suspect she would not be pleased to know that in comics, her name is the sound a cyborg's head makes as it's punched off its neck by Brad Pitt (if he were a giant other-worldly Hulk rip-off):


I wonder what other celebrity last names are matched with shocking and inappropriate sound effects? Perhaps one day we will see OnomontoPOWia references like "JOLIE!" as an ill-fated henchman gets impaled. "CLOONIE!" might be the sound of a gigantic Nazi-style zeppelin meets Captain Death's grenade launcher. I'm sure there are others, but for now I feel like I've been Gished and can't think of what they might be.

(Image and character © 1993, Dale Keown.)

The fresh maker

I don't have anything bad to say about this costume, but I would pay cash money for his catch phrase to be "Watch out, boys, Mento the Fresh Maker is here!"


I hope Mento soon joins up with his villainous partners "Snicker the Satisfier", muscle-bound "Altoid the Curiously Strong", and the crazy-making mentalist "Almond Joy" (because sometimes you feel like a nut ... ) at their secret lair, "The Candy Rack".

(Image and character ©1985, DC Comics, Inc., "Who's Who" Volume XV.)

Master of his rod

While looking over the always-exquisite George Perez-style cover of DC's "Who's Who" (volume VIII), I was brought up short by this gentleman lurking in the background:

Way to use that pole

Aghast, I opened the book to discover that he's actually one of Aquaman's foes called -- I kid you not -- "Fisherman". With a name like that, you'd expect to find him asleep in a boat with a line in the water and a six pack in the cooler, but apparently he's a little more motivated than your average angler. More the pity for me, the unsuspecting viewer stunned by the character concept while innocently perusing a comic book cover.

Here's a quick note to all of you future super-hero designers out there: never, ever, ever have a character with large pole sticking out of his crotch. And if for some reason you find yourself doing exactly that, by all that's holy do not force him to grab that pole and jerk it towards his enemy to unleash his powers!

I will leave the content of the dialog balloon (undoubtedly filled with cheap innuendos) for this particular image as an exercise for the reader. Some of you will probably think up unbearably clever and inappropriate things he might be saying, and will post them in comments, which will force me to pretend I am dismayed while in reality I cackle with glee.

(Image and character ©1985, DC Comics, Inc. "Who's Who", Volume VIII.)

Awkward super headwear

The French are famous for their fashion sense, which makes "Crimson Fox" a surprise inclusion in the "Bad Super Costumes" log with her ridiculous cape hat:

Crimson Fox

Is she a cobra or a fox? Maybe a fox in the process of getting eaten by a cobra? Either way, some villainous brick type character is eventually going to grab that irritating long hat tail and use it to smash her into a handy brick wall.

Don't drop that dishtowel!

Stealth in the jungle can be achieved in many ways, from The Phantom's dark purple to Tarzan's flesh and simple loin cloth, but B'Wana Beast's approach, which I call "exploded flight of parrots", is certainly the most unique:

B’Wana Beast

I sense the costume designer had an issue of National Geographic in front of him while watching Mexican wrestlers on TV and enjoying the company of Mister Jim Bean. Or, as I suggested above, his car was hit by the cargo of a jackknifed semi full of tropical parrots and he sketched the results.

I can't decide which part of this costume I like best. Is it the bright red bullet helmet with the fabulous leopard-skin trim? The loincloth ripped directly from the table of the nearest Italian restaurant? Or the combination of Iron-Man boots with paw-print toppers? I just wish I could be there when the local tribe finally tells him that "B'Wana" in their language is not, in fact, "Revered White Hunter" but "Runs Around in Dishtowel".

Making a name for yourself, literally

I probably ought to put Jimmy Olsen under the "Legion of Substitute Heroes" clause of the "Bad super costumes" by-laws considering Jimmy Olsen is Elastic Ladthe number of insane things he got involved with during the Golden Age of Superman, but I just can't pass this up.

Look, if you're so pathetically unknown as a super-powered individual (and have no reasonable hope of ever becoming famous) that you feel forced to write your entire name across your chest ... well, that's just sad. If you find yourself in that situation, do us all a favor and just hang up the tights before you embarrass yourself with a scene like:

"Look, up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's ... " (squints) "I can't quite make out the name on the chest ... Elephant something? Eloping Llama? Oh, there's a sale at Macy's on another plane's banner, let's go there instead!"

(Image and character©1985, DC Comics Inc., "Who's Who" Volume III.)

Bad food, bad supers, and sweet inspiration

Picture the scene, a hard-up comic book creator desperately seeking a new character for his struggling book. The deadline is looming, and his job is on the line -- he needs help, and quick! Frantic eyes dart around the room, hoping against hope for some sort of inspiration. Nothing on the book shelf, he's already done something with the clock, ditto for the calculator and calendar, no way "Staple Remover Guy" is going to work, there's my leftover bowl of Top Ramen ...

Top Ramen

And BAM! Just like that, the day is saved! See, his name is Prince Ra-Man and he has mental powers. Get it? He messes with your noodle. Brilliant!

Prince Ra-Man will mess with your noodle

(Image and character ©1986, DC Comics, Inc., from "Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe", Number 18.)

(Edited to change a couple of words in the post and title, as Prince Ra-Man is actually a hero, not a villain. Apologies to him and the deceased soul of Merlin which lives in him.)

The clinging power of the gecko!

Every day seems to bring more news indicating that we will sometime soon see a real-life super-hero. The latest? Scientists have produced adhesive strips that work just like a gecko's, possibly allowing people wearing boots and gloves featuring the material to climb walls like Spider-Man.

LOLGecko - U no take mah stickeh!

Now if only someone would just invent the ability to have the proportional sexual attractiveness of a spider, maybe we could all land supermodel girlfriends like Mary Jane Watson, too. Now that would be news-worthy!