Monthly Archives: October 2009

HM3: Staffing levels increase

I have just posted an update to the "ItemRightPolearms" set in the HeroMachine 3 Alpha. There are more than ten new items to Mark's already great set, including a lance; cobra head (thanks Danny!); a naginata; and many more, directly from your list of requests. Here's a screen shot of the previews for most of them:


Hope you like 'em! I am assuming we're done with Polearms for now, and will be moving on to more Vehicles in the morning unless I hear a surge of support for something else.

Many thanks again to Mark for doing most of the work on this, you saved my bacon, big guy!

Jimmy Olsdaughter

Look, if cross-dressing is your thing, more power to you. I suspect, however, that Jimmy Olsen did not enter into this emerald travesty of mini-skirt and go-go boots of his own volition, but rather is experiencing yet more side-effects from whatever "give me super powers for a day" potion he's chugged willy-nilly this time:


Perhaps Jimmy got confused, and thought he was Supergirl's best pal, and so wore a costume to honor her. Or maybe he just gets his jollies flashing the crowd as he uses his newly acquired power of flight. Regardless, if you're dressed worse than a guy with his underwear on the outside and a trapeze artist, odds are you should consider going into a different line of work. Or at least a different line of fashion.

(Image and characters © DC Comics, Inc.)

Random Panel: Super-mothering-skills GO!


(From -- you guessed it -- "Bulletman" number 2, 1941.)

Caption Contest 63

Usually when I do these caption contests, I have at least some idea of what I would put if I were entering, but not so this week:


Definitely some interesting bits to work with there, though, you have to give me that! Anyway, your challenge is to fill in the missing dialog with your own invention. Funniest entry wins either any item of their choice or a caricature of themselves to be included in the final HeroMachine 3 program!

All entries must be made in the comments to this post, and you can only enter up to three times. Also, please keep it relatively clean. I’ll choose a winner next Tuesday, so until then, good luck!

Character Contest 18 Winners

The character contest challenge this week was to take a common phrase of two words (or three if you could swing it) and turn that into a super-powered pair of characters, like "Hawk and Dove" or "Love and War" or "Cloak and Dagger". A lot of the entries were very good, but the featured pair weren't really a phrase like that. For instance, I think Crinold's "Gaia and Quicksand" are marvelous illustrations, but "Gaia and Quicksand" isn't a saying:

Having said that, I thought the following submissions were great examples of good illustrations that also fit the contest concept. Well done all!

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HM3: Mech!

On one hand, I'm sad to report that the HM Mini I've been talking about has been canceled again. They didn't like the coloring book idea, so the whole thing is dead at this point.

On the other hand, that loss is your gain, as I have now translated over all of the mech stuff from it to the HeroMachine 3 Alpha! It's in two parts, "BodyMech" and "HeadMech", with the Body set having torsos, arms, and legs. All of this was drawn at a three quarter angle view as opposed to the regular HM straight-on model, so the pieces aren't going to work with most of the existing clothing and such. But you can build a pretty cool looking robot and some of the heads go well on existing creations, giving them a looking-off-into-space look.

Here are a couple of screen shots to show you some of the options:


Let me know what you think, and if you want me to edit the arms so they lack hands (allowing you to drop in your own from Left/Right Hand).

The next few days I'll be working on cleaning this stuff up, adding some more to Mark's great Polearms set, and then we'll see from there.

Random Panel: Dialog + pose + suggestive headgear = awesome


(From "Bulletman" number 2, 1941.)

Poll Position: The finest of them all

We did this a couple of weeks ago with Marvel characters, but of course the DC Universe is quite different. So here goes:


Discussion after the jump.

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Random Panel: Great moments in no-longer-secret identities


(From "Bulletman" number 2, 1941.)

Random Panel: Not so great moments in nicknamery


(From "Bulletman" number 2, 1941.)