Monthly Archives: April 2009

Caption Contest 55: Badgering the witness

No, that's not a euphemism, it's the subject of this week's triumphant caption contest return! Come up with the best replacement dialog for the empty word balloon below and you'll win* either a) your choice of three items to be included in HeroMachine version 3 (subject to copyright laws) or b) I'll draw your face and put it in HeroMachine 3 for all the world to make into super-heroes! Here's your challenge:

(Edited to Add: Keep it clean, folks. We're going back to the PG-13 ratings, stay within the bounds of what you'd hear on a network TV sitcom. Innuendo is one thing, but outright four-letter-wording and such is going to get your entry discarded. Remember, kids read this.)


Leave your entry or entries in the comments to this post and next Tuesday I'll pick a winner. Good luck everyone!

*I'm not doing the custom illustration this week because I'm swamped and all my drawing energies are going into HeroMachine 3, so apologies if that's a disappointment, but it's the way things have to be for a bit.

(Image and characters ©2009 by Bill Willingham and DC Comics, Inc. from "Fables" number 82.)

Random Panel: Monologues that sound dirty, but aren't, #38


(From "Golden Lad" number 1, 1945.)

HM3: Cat tail added

I couldn't find the comment asking for a plain untufted cat tail in BackplaneTail, but it's in now.

HM3: Enter the Haberdasher

I'm going to start working on Headgear today, so let me know any specific requests you have in the comments. If you've made suggestions about Headgear items before in other posts, please re-submit them here if you don't mind; it's hard to go back through the old stuff and pick out onesie-twosie requests.

And yes, I'll be including every current HeroMachine 2 Headgear item, so you can skip those.

HM3's Headgear slot will include at least sets for Standard, Helmets, Masks, and Glasses. If you think of other big groups of headgear-related items that deserve to have their own set, let me know that too.

Poll Position: Cap's dead but his power lives on

Our "Poll Position" question this week is:


Because even when a hero dies, his powers ought to live on. Discussion after the jump.

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Random Panel: You think YOUR staff is growing fast


(From "Atoman" number 1, 1946.)

HM3: Tails, you win!

I've just updated the HeroMachine 3 Alpha with BackplaneTails, featuring twelve various rump-appendages, from fox tails to a really cool mechanical scorpion stinger. Hope you like them!

Also, I put up a modified MouthStandard set featuring the evil sideways tongue teeth ensemble, as well as a BackplaneStandard that includes squid tentacles.

HM3: Have Wings, Can Fly

I've just updated the HM3 Alpha with the BackplaneWings set. Enjoy! Holler in comments if there's a wing of some sort you were hoping to see but don't, or if you see a bug of some kind.

Also, I updated BackplaneStandard with the mechanical arm separated out into two pieces, so you can have one on the bottom layer and the other on the top, making it look seamless and yet overlapping the main character for a two-level effect with a little path running down the middle.

Cool HM3 characters

I wanted to make an open thread for people to post links to their HeroMachine 3 creations. Put yours up on the UGO Forums' "Hero Archives" (or Flickr, Facebook, whatever) and put the link in the comments. I also wanted to put up a few from Imp, which I hope he doesn't mind. But they were cool and each shows off a feature of HM3 that I suspect a lot of folks haven't thought of.

(WARNING: Large images below, folks with slower internet connections take heed!)

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Random Panel: Flimsy male rationalizations


(From "Golden Lad" number 1, 1945.)