Yearly Archives: 2008

Random Panel: Generic response to my asking for my paycheck


Comic Book Improv

Would you be interested in a web comic whose heroes, major plot points, villains, settings, and more were controlled in part by you and your votes? My wife's pretty amazing, and she had that idea some months ago and now I want to know what you think about it.

Basically people could design a character look in HeroMachine and submit it. From those entries I'd pick the top ten or whatever for everyone to vote on. Whichever look got the most votes would be chosen as the "star" of the web comic, and we'd then have a contest for what he or she (or it, I suppose) would be named, powers, background, etc. Once all that was voted on, we'd have submissions and votes for the general topic of the first issue, for villains, supporting characters, etc.

Once it was set up, the idea would be that pretty much everything in it would be decided by voters, introducing a random quality that (obviously, given the rest of this blog!) tickles my fancy. I'd actually write and draw it, of course, but the elements would be from reader submissions. Sort of "Comic Book Improv".

If we get bored with the first character, more could be introduced. We might even have a "shared world" sort of thing going on, where all the characters would operate in the same setting but would have separate careers and adventures for the most part.

I see it as being along the lines of "Invincible", if any of you read that, where a new mind-blowingly-cool character is introduced seemingly in every other panel, sometimes never to be heard from again. I see it coming out every week once it gets going, each installment incorporating whatever was voted on before.

Anyway, it's been kicking around in my head since my wife suggested it, but now I'm starting to get a bit more serious about it and wanted to throw the doors open to discussion of the basic idea. Is it something you'd be interested in participating in as a voter or reader? Or does it seem pointless? Well, I mean, of course it seems pointless, we're talking about comics, not ending world hunger, but you know, given that.

Politics and super-heroes

Barack Obama and John McCain were recently asked by Entertainment Weekly what super-hero they'd most like to be:

Sen. John McCain: "Batman. He does justice sometimes against insurmountable odds. And he doesn't make his good works known to a lot of people, so a lot of people think he's just a rich playboy."

Sen. Barack Obama: "I was always into the Spider-Man/Batman model. The guys who have too many powers, like Superman, that always made me think they weren't really earning their superhero status. It's a little too easy. Whereas Spider-Man and Batman, they have some inner turmoil. They get knocked around a little bit."

Sadly, the Pandering Mutant Gene is far too strong in any Presidential candidate to contemplate an answer to that question which is not Superman, Spider-Man, or Batman. In fact, I'd be willing to bet that those are the only three super-heroes either guy could name, and that's only because each character has had a major motion picture released in the last few years.

Is it too much to ask for one of them to want to be, say, "Rex the Wonder Dog" or "Pitt"? Think of how much good we could do with a muscle-bound, spittle-flicking gray-skinned President! It would at least make UN meetings much more entertaining:

The Iranian Ambassador: I would like to introduce UN Resolution 4534 which -- "

With penetrating political insight like this, I eagerly await my invitation to join the op-ed pages of the Wall Street Journal. Or Time. National Enquirer? Throw me a bone here people!

(Hat-tip to Taegan Goddard's Political Wire.)

Sienkiewicz caricatures Mignola

On the last page of "Rocket Raccoon" no. 1 (originally published in 1985) is an article from editor Carl Potts about the team who put the series together. The penciller of the series was a very young Mike Mignola, who of course is now famous as the creator of "Hellboy" and "BPRD" as well as the winner of numerous Eisner Awards. But 23 years ago he was just starting out in the industry; here's what Potts had to say about him in the back of "Rocket Raccoon":

On the lower left is Mike Mignola. Mike's been around the field for a few years as an inker. Relatively recently he took up pencilling as well. You might remember his full art job on the Sub Mariner story in the back of MARVEL FANFARE #10. Lots of letters crying "more" came in after that one so here you go! After Mike finishes drawing all four issues of Rocket's limited series, he'll be laying out a few issues of the HULK (starting with #311). Shortly thereafter Mr. Mignola will be taking over the pencil pushing chores of ALPHA FLIGHT!

And the rest is, as they say, history. To cap off the article, legendary artist Bill Sienkiewicz draw an illustration of the four leads on the Rocket Raccoon series, and here's his version of Mr. Mignola:


Random Panel: Generic response to my asking a woman on a date


Contest 21 Prize: Captain Thorn

Socrates and I have finalized his prize for winning Caption Contest 21. Here's the great description Socrates sent me:

As for my prize, I'd like for you to do a picture of my longtime roleplaying character Captain Thorn. He's sort of a World War One/Victorian era British adventurer, refined yet savage at the same time. I made a picture of him using heromachine which is fairly accurate which can be found at (the pants aren't really right though)... his hair is steel gray but whitening at the temples due to age, cropped short, his skin dark and sunbronzed and weathered with age, never without a five o'clock shadow and a cigar in his mouth. His clothing is basically safari gear, adventure type garb with a cowboy-style gunbelt and holster. He's roughly forty-five or so is a pretty good depiction of what he looks like. always has a sort of shiteating grin on his face.. sort of a cross between Indy, Doc Savage, and James Bond with a little Crocodile Dundee thrown in there. A shot of him firing a Webley pistol would be just great

I actually ended up doing two different versions of the illustration because I couldn't decide which I preferred. I did this one first, which I liked:

But then I decided that I really wanted him to be fighting a big cybernetic gorilla. So that's what I did:

Remember kids, and this is an important tip for any of you parents out there too, everything's better when there's a cyborg ape involved. You can write that down.

If you want to win your very own custom illustration of whatever you like, put on your thinking cap and head over to Caption Contest 23, going on now!

Because nothing says "Macho Universe Destroying God" like a beer gut

As I mentioned in the Mashup credits, here’s a free tip for any of you comics industry bigwigs out there. If your project requires a scripter and a plotter, two pencillers, and three inkers, it’s going to suck. Witness “Trinity”, an unholy multi-space-going-comic-characters crossover featuring L.E.G.I.O.N., the Green Lantern Corps, and the Darkstars, with all of the cringe-inducing anticipation of crap you, the savvy reader, would expect.

What really caught my attention about this Space-Borne Spectacle of Suck, however, was the beer-belly-baring badness of Tzodar the Destroyer:


Here you can see just how large Tzodar's gut is by virtue of the unnamed hero getting unfortunately sucked into his belly button. Luckily, when you're a god you get to have the best fashion designers in the universe put together your outfits, which is why his armor has a convenient cut-out so his love handles can flop around in all their glory while he's busy destroying creation. "Oh no," I can hear you saying, "that's just an armor plate, not his stomach!" To which I can only reply, why do you hate America?

But that's not all this paragon of fashion has brought to the table my friends, oh no! Why stop at a Madonna-inspired midriff-baring ensemble when you can add a long, flowing pony tail and ridiculous cloud/stopwatch/what the hell is that?! logo to the mix!


Because nothing says "I'm a butch macho god" like a long greasy pony-tail and your ginormous bloated stomach hanging out of your shirt. At least that's what I've been assuming in my weekly jaunts to the local grocery store which, now that I mention it, might explain the strange looks and continued police presence I find there. A police presence which, frankly, would have been better off escorting those responsible for "Trinity" and Tzodar's outfit off to jail before they could have published this comic.

(Images from “Trinity”, No. 2, ©1993 DC Comics.)

Random Panel: Generic convention moment


Caption Contest 22 Winner!

With many heartfelt thanks to the wonderful Johanna of "Comics Worth Reading", our celebrity co-host and judge, we have a winner for Caption Contest 22, and it is ... DJ!


DJ wins a custom black and white illustration of whatever he or she likes (within reason)! Congratulations, and a hearty thanks to everyone who entered, particularly the judge's runner-ups/Honorable Mentions:

  • The Grizz: For the last time…I AM NOT A POKEMON!
  • Runt82: Man, this Earth-sized treadmill is tough.
  • Frankie: "I've gotta find a new exit for my Megazord."

I've noticed these three on the Honorable Mention a lot, and although The Grizz and Frankie have won in the past, I feel like Runt82 is coming on super strong. So everyone out there be on notice, you're going to have to bring your A game to beat these guys! Luckily Caption Contest 23: Maximum Haberdashery is already going on, so head on over and take a crack at winning your own prize.

Again, thanks to Johanna, who did a great job both picking the image and judging. If you're not currently a reader of "Comics Worth Reading", you should definitely check it out, the team there does a great job.

Caption Contest 23: Maximum Haberdashery!

Haven't you ever wondered what goes through the mind of one of Jack Kirby's characters as they dress up in whatever outlandish outfit Jack designed for them? Well now's your chance to find out! Come up with the best caption for the comic book panel below and, if your entry is selected, you’ll win your very own custom black and white illustration of whatever you like (within reason)!


Be sure to note in your entry which balloon gets what dialog. For instance:

Balloon1: By Odin, the women at church this week will have to admit that my hat is best! And if not ...
Balloon2: I BLAST THEM!!

As always, the rules are simple: Only three entries per person, put your dialog in the comments to this post, and keep it relatively clean (as in, appropriate for a broadcast TV sitcom).

Good luck everyone!