Yearly Archives: 2008


I think this is one of the more unfortunate juxtapositions of onomontoPOWia with a crotch-shot of a large, muscle-bound S&M-themed character I have ever seen:


Yes, "Master Man" (that's his actual super id, I kid you not), we're all veeeery impressed, now close your legs and get busy with the fight. Yeesh.

A commenter in another post brought up a good point (in regards to the Jackson Guice vomiting illustration in Dr. Strange), that the letterer usually adds sound effects, not the artist. Is that still true? I look at this panel and I can't imagine Byrne not having drawn that WANG! right into the panel, it's such a key part of the design. Had he not meant it to go there he'd not have left so much space in the lower left corner.

So I appeal to you, the better-informed comics audience, in today's books does the penciler draw in the big sound effects, or is that left up to the letterer?

Random Panel: Gratuitous Kryptonian crotch shot


Contest 28 Prize: Darkmatter

Loki and I have finished his prize for winning Caption Contest 28. Here's the HM version he sent:


And here's the custom version I did:


Thanks to Loki for a cool design!

The next HeroMachine applet

A new project for a major UGO client has come up, and while I can't talk about it in any detail, it's going to come along with a contest that's absolutely going to knock your socks off. Seriously, what you stand to win is so cool that I wish I weren't building the applet so I could enter.

This is going to end up as the most HeroMachine 3-like applet yet. I'll be testing almost all of the core ideas that will go into the full version, the only exception being the ability to rotate the underlying body parts. I have to rewrite the base code again, because I want to make it possible for you to add ten different shirt layers if you want, for maximum flexibility. More technical detail after the jump.

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Random Panel: I'll take "Star Trek Ripoffs" for $1000, Alex


Do you love your country or are you just happy to see me?

As you know, the 31st century's "Major Victory" homage (which is French for "rip-off") to Captain America inspired this week's character design contest. But I ain't letting him off that easy, no sir; you wear a costume that bad and you deserve all the super-powered costume mockery I can muster. To refresh your memory, here he is again, leaping into glorious, bulging, oh-my-god-what-is-that-on-his-crotch battle:

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Random Panel: Words I long to hear


New Contest: Patriotic Hero Person

I am willing to bet one full-color professional illustration that you are a better super-hero costume designer than Jim Valentino, who in 1992 gave us Major Victory from "Guardians of the Galaxy":


Like most patriotic heroes, he sucks. From the knee-high red boots with badge-encrusted knee pads (planning on kneeling much, Major?) to the shield, the awful headband, and -- last but certainly not least -- the bizarre sleeveless trench coat, he'd be more aptly named as "Major Derivative".

I think you can do better. Upload your HeroMachine creation to the PhotoBucket group album I've set up (called "PatriotHero") and after one week, I'll pick the best five designs (free registration with PhotoBucket is required). I'll put up a poll for folks to vote on the one they like best, and the winner gets a free custom color illustration by yours truly of whatever they like. I'll even print it out and mail it to you if you want.

The rules:

  1. You can interpret "Patriot Hero Person" however you like, but I'll be judging entries partly based on how well they fit. Note that America isn't the only country that has patriots ...
  2. No more than three entries per person.
  3. The character design must be done in some version of HeroMachine, but you can use any one you like (including the kid-sized one at Shakti Warriors).
  4. Deadline is midnight on Monday, September 29. I'll pick the five finalists and post them on Tuesday the 30th. We'll have one week of voting and then I'll announce the winner.
  5. Character stories / backgrounds are entirely optional, although giving your character a name would certainly seem to be helpful.

If you don't want to sign up for a PhotoBucket account, just email me your submission and I'll take care of it for you. Or you can put a link to it in the comments, and I'll save it to the PhotoBucket group.

Good luck everyone!

Caption Contest 29 Winner!

The winner of Caption Contest 29 is Runt82!


This was a close one, with lots of really good entries. What ultimately pushed Runt82 over the top was trying to imagine what form his breasts would take once the Wonder-Nip Powers were, in fact, activated. The mind boggles. I can honestly say that any one of these Honorable Mentions deserved to win as well, they all are still making me laugh even as I type this:

  • Ian: Shorts…bunching…up…the agony…!
  • Jasper: “Safety word! Safety word!!!”
  • The Doomed Pixel: AHAHAHA! Invisible chainsaw!
  • Neil Leslie: But I don’t want to be a superhero! I want to . . . SING!
  • timespike: My eyes are UP HERE, pig!

I think Doomed Pixel was the most creative -- I never would have thought of an invisible chainsaw but it totally fits. Jasper's entry is just sick, which of course I love, and I am always up for a good "shorts binding up on me" joke like Ian's. Neil Leslie clearly knows I am a sucker for Monty Python. And timespike's entry is just very, very funny and ironic. Great job, everyone!

Runt82 wins his (or her) own custom black and white illustration of whatever s/he likes. Check back later today for your chance to win!

Random Panel: Now that IS punishing!
