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  • in reply to: Word Association Game #14325



    in reply to: Christmas Contest Idea #14324


    Atomic Punk, advent is the days leading up to christmas starting on the 1st of december, basically the time frame of this thing I’m doing.

    I’m glad to see there is some interest in this idea. Hopefully a few more people will get involved once/before I start the thread proper on the 1st. In the meantime, if anyone can think of a good name for this thing I’d like to hear it, cause I suck at coming up with good names for this sort of thing.

    in reply to: Word Association Game #14315



    in reply to: dblade's Whiz Bang Item Dispenser #14277


    finally, a female glove. can’t wait to see all this stuff in the program

    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #14260


    I LOVE LOVE LOVE Astron’s mask. It is too awesome for words.

    in reply to: JR19759’s Redesign Contest #14247


    Ok then, I’m now closing last weeks contest. And the winner is Scatman.
    Obviously I won’t be making a group shot his time out as there wasn’t an entry for each character.

    Anyway, on to this weeks contest and I thought, just as a little change, I won’t give you any images to work from this time, just character profiles and a set of defining features (DF) for each character. You’ll have 10 characters to choose from, 1 hero & his 9 worst villains.

    Rules: You can have as many entries as you like, even multiple entries for the same character. You must include the DF of the character in your design otherwise it will not be allowed.


    Anarchist: A sociopath with tendencies towards homicide, arson and terrorism, as well as a taste for theatrics and costumes. His goal is to bring anarchy to the world and watch as it crumbles.
    (DF: White faceless mask, red fez, suit)
    Cut-Throat: A mercenary killer, whose preferred method is to slit his targets throat. He usually works on hire for the mob, as they pay best.
    (DF: Knives)
    Deadeye: A homicidal maniac. He takes pleasure in torturing his victims before killing them.
    (DF: Bald and bearded, blind in one eye)
    Game Master: A homicidal maniac who kidnaps his victims and forces them to play him at a game of his choice. If they win, they are allowed to live. If they lose, they are killed.
    (DF: some sort of board-game themed costume)
    King Of Cards: A criminal who leaves a playing card at the scenes of his crimes, usually either the ace or king of hearts. He is a very proud man and looks down on the ‘common criminals’ and mobsters of Emerson. He wears a king of hearts costume to commit his crimes and his crimes are usually card related. He leads a gang of card related villains called the Pack.
    (DF: King Of Hearts costume)
    Marcus ‘The Boss’ Luciano: Emerson city’s pre-eminent crime lord. He controls most of the city and has ‘friends’ in the mayor’s office and the police, amongst others.
    (DF: Albino, cigar smoker, old style gangster)
    Psychosis: A criminal illusionist, who uses hallucinogenic gases and mind tricks to trap his victims inside their own heads.
    (DF: Green main color, Black and orange other colors)
    Punch and Judy: A schizophrenic husband and wife criminal team, who commit crimes with a theatrical and comedic, almost cartoonish, signature.
    (DF: Must include both, think jester-like costumes)
    Swan-Song: A vigilante, waging a one-man war on crime. His father was once police commissioner but he was assassinated by the pre-eminent crime boss, Marcus Luciano. He is skilled in most forms of combat and can hold his own against much stronger foes, even though he has no super-powers.
    (DF: Dark costume, skull and crossbones insignia)
    The Toy Maker: Vindictive, greedy and malicious, the Toy Maker is a genius in mechanics. He used to make toys and ran his own toyshop, but he was bullied and teased by the children because of his ugly appearance. He then turned his talents to crime, using toys to carry out his schemes and as weapons.
    (DF: dresses like a toy soldier/ Nutcracker)

    The contest closes next Monday GMT.
    Have fun.

    in reply to: Word Association Game #14246



    in reply to: JR19759’s Redesign Contest #14225


    Do you guys want me to leave this contest open for another week considering how many characters there are that you could do? Or should I close it tomorrow and put up a new contest?

    in reply to: JR19759’s Redesign Contest #14177


    Livewyre, your design is missing the logo. You’ll need to add it if you want it to be eligible. It is in Insignia- Nature, the last page I think.

    in reply to: Word Association Game #14107



    in reply to: JR’s Characters #14103


    New original stuff now. This time it’s my Zodiac team, the subject of my current redesign contest. It seems that when I run the contest I have an urge to redesign the characters myself, but this time it’s been really difficult. Please people keep on entering the contest, it closes on monday so you have time, I need the inspiration.

    Anyway, here’s Anila The Dragon


    A member of a group of people possessed by the spirits of the Chinese zodiac, Amanda Law is Anila the dragon. A fierce fighter, Anila frequently takes charge of the group due to her spirits dominant and driven personality. This often puts her at logger-heads with other members of the group, especially Sindura the rooster and Mihira the Tiger. Anila is currently the only one of the group to have defeated the Jade Emperor in a fight.

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #14100


    The Five Harmonious Ones


    Five immortal spirits who originally created the zodiac spirits. Each guard a point of the compass and represent one of the 5 classical elements of Ancient China.

    Xuan Wu the Black Turtle- Guardian of the North, wielder of the attribute of Wood. Creator of the Rat, the Ox and the Pig.
    Biahu the White Tiger- Guardian of the West, wielder of the attribute of Metal. Creator of the Dog, the Monkey and the Rooster.
    Zhuqiao the Vermillion Bird- Guardian of the South, wielder of the attribute of Fire. Creator of the Horse, the Goat and the Snake.
    Qing Long the Azure Dragon- Guardian of the East, wielder of the attribute of Water. Creator of the Rabbit, the Dragon and the Tiger.
    Huanglong the Gold Dragon- Guardian of the Centre, wielder of the attribute of Earth. Creator of Xuan Wu, Baihu, Zhuqiao and Qing Long.

    Huanglong can only exist if two of the opposite Spirits (e.g. Xuan Wu and Baihu) combine. The strongest form of Huanglong is created when all four other spirits combine. Huanglong can also come into existence if all twelve zodiac spirits combine.

    (Just for the record, we need a tortoise or turtle in the companion set)

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #14095


    @Scatman said:

    dude I cant tell you how much I dig your shading style and creativity!just thought I would give you an ego boost.http://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-smileys/sf-wink.gif

    Thanks a lot mate.

    in reply to: Introduce Yourself! #14082


    Can’t believe I didn’t see this sooner.
    Hi everyone, I’m JR19759, real name James, and I’m a 19 (20 in January) year old university student studying music technology (recording and stuff like that) in Stafford, U.K. Well, I say studying, it bores me to death half the time.
    I’ve been using heromachine since the advent of version 2. I never joined the UGO forums because I only started participating in challenges and stuff after the site had moved. My first contest was the Golden Age redesign contest (dunno the number) in which I was a finalist. I’ve been a finalist at least 6 times by my reckoning, but I my proudest moment (in relation to heromachine anyway) was when I drew with dblade and djuby on the 100th character contest, which is amazing considering how much better those two guys are with the program than I am.
    I recently got picked up by a webcomics site through something I created on heromachine and posted on my deviantart page and now I’m producing my own comic for them (I think mcknight also got his own series with them as well), which is pretty cool.

    in reply to: JR’s Characters #14046


    Another forum contest entry, this time for Blue Blazer’s contest.

    Electric Dragon


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