Monthly Archives: October 2014

JReviews: Doctor Who Series 8 Episode 9- Flatline

So, time for our pseudo-traditional "problem without the Doctor" episode. How does it fare?

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Good Question Bruce


Character Of The Week: Linea24- Lilac Rose’s Mishap

If you really need me to explain why I've chosen this weeks featuree (is that a word? It is now) as Character Of The week, I'd suggest you get your eyes checked, and possibly return them to the manufacturer, because they're obviously faulty.

See what I mean? Linea says it's all just insignias, but I think it's more likely witchcraft. If I didn't know she'd used heromachine I wouldn't believe it was heromachine. Linea has a talent for making cats and this is a fine example. The pose might look simple, but I can't even imagine the patience required to get it to work and look so seamless. Of course, there are still some bits that could do with some attention; the paws in this case, they could do with some features, such as definition between the toes so they don't just look like blobs, but overall it's incredible. Then we have the background. The glow effect works really well as a contrast against the black, grey and dull browns of the rest of the background. I also like the fact that the glow is reflected, not only off of the rest of the background, but off of the character its self. It shows that the character is actually interacting with the surroundings, which shows real thought on the part of Linea.

Stunning work.

Power User Profiles: Nug

I did say I had something special planned right?

I've decided to bring back the Power User Profiles for a short run because there are a few members of the community I wanted to profile, starting with todays Power User. A personal favourite of mine and one of the forum members I interact with most regularly, he's made numerous contest polls, even winning on of the most hard fought and competitive polls this year, CDC80- Steampunk (still don't understand why you didn't pick that one as your favourite pic man, but it's your call I guess). So ladies and gentlemen, please give a big hand for Nug.

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Kaldath’s Caption Contest #47

It is that time a week again, that's right boys and girls it is caption contest time again! So get on those thinking caps and give me your best dialogue for this image:



The normal rules apply, which are: You are limited to Three (3) entries which are due by 11:59 PM Eastern Time on Tuesday October 21st.  Of course I as always expect you to keep your entries no worse then PG-13 in nature and that you follow all the normal rules of the forum when writing your caption for the above image. That being said I wish you all Good luck!


Kaldath’s Caption Contest #46: Results

Last week I asked for your best dialogue for the following image:



Here are the five entries I thought were the best:


“First, I want to thank you all for attending my self-esteem seminar.”



We must band together and tell these writers that we will do no more of these stupid cartoons unit WE GET PANTS!



And I’d have gotten away with it, if hadn’t been for you meddling kids and your freaky whateveritis!



I call ‘em thunder and lightning.



The heroes ALWAYS win. It’s not fair! It’s Not Fair!! IT’S NOT FAIR!!!


and your winner is ..................................

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No Community Submissions

I'm being literal here. I got two people submit stuff in week one, and since then nothing. Ok, Skybandit did send in a number of his Movie reviews, but the idea here was not just to showcase one community members work (as good as they are), because otherwise we'd have just given Skybandit a blog spot. So what I will do is, first off say thanks to Skybandit and Herr D for participating, I really appreciate you helping out, and second, declare the submissions open again (here's the link for rules and stuff if you're interested: Link). However, as I'm not expecting anything neither should you guys. If I do get sent something (because I know that some people have expressed interest but haven't been able to put something together yet) I will feature it, but this is not going to be a weekly post anymore. I have sorted out something to fill tomorrows slot on the blog which I'm sure people will like, but unfortunately this looks like the end for Community Submissions, which is a shame.

And that brings me on to my next point, which I will try to be fair and civil about (something which I spectacularly failed to do in one of my DeviantART journals last week). The reason I started the Community Submissions was because people were complaining that there wasn't enough content on the Blog anymore, so I thought "hey, why don't we let people decide what the want to feature on the blog by letting them submit it themselves". And when I suggested the idea it was met with great enthusiasm. So for it to only last two weeks is hugely disheartening. Last week I was quite prepared to just give up all of my blog posting duties, with exception of the CDC's, because of it, though I have changed my mind since then, but my reasoning for doing so still stands. I honestly don't know if half the stuff I do is well received or not. The first Community Submission got a few comments, but the one last week got none. The Random Panels get a few comments, but it is so hard to find ones that a) haven't been used before by Jeff or in one of the Caption Contests and b) that I can come up with something witty to comment on in just a short title. And as for the Doctor Who reviews. Yes I know not everybody watches the show, but that is the only thing I do on the blog that I actually brought to the blog because I genuinely wanted to do it and I know there are more people on this site that watch the show that don't comment. Even though we don't often see eye to eye, Malfars comments on my reviews are usually the highlight of my week in terms of the blog, because it's the only proper interaction and discussion that any of the blog posts provide anymore. That's what I wanted the Community Submissions to be, a chance for the community to get together and discuss our individual interests. But instead what I got was a stunning and definitive yes followed by a stunning and even more definitive un-caring shrug. Thanks guys. What do you want me to do? And this is an honest question directed at you guys, all of you. You want more content. Well we have a new moderator in Linea24, who is hopefully going be bringing something to the blog at some point. And now I just want to know what you want me to do. Because obviously nothing I've been coming up with recently is clicking with you guys. Make your suggestions in the comments and I'll put together a poll in a few days time and you can all vote on what you want to see brought to the blog, provided the ideas are feasible obviously.

Anyway, to sum up (incase people just want to skip all the content to this post and just want the important points): There isn't going to be a Community Submissions post tomorrow, but people can still submit stuff if they wish. Leave suggestions for new Blog topics in the comments below.

Anyway, see you all tomorrow for my special Community Submission substitute. And sorry for being a grouch during this post. It doesn't feel good, but hopefully it gets the point across.

JR out.

Character Design Contest ♯94- Going Japanese

This week is going to be interesting. What I want you guys to do is make a character or image based on Japanese culture or mythology. I'll let you decide on what exactly that means just to make it a bit more fun, for you guys and for me, because I want you to be as creative as possible. I know some people will really like this weeks challenge, some maybe not so much.

As per usual, there are no limits on entries and the contest will close midnight next Saturday. The winner gets to claim a custom made item from dblade to be put into heromachine, so long as the item conforms to his prize rules, which you can find here: Please read the contest rules before entering, have fun and good luck.

Rules for posts, contests, and challenges that I am hosting: Original characters only, no copyrighted characters, no characters based on copyrighted characters, no characters based on RPG’s or other games. The characters must be your own design and not based on any character that might be copyrighted in any way. I have the right to delete any post that I believe crosses this line without warnings. Only post characters that you have either created for this contest specifically or you know for certain have never been entered to a contest before. If you aren’t certain, don’t enter it, because I’m not going to go back through all of the contests and check.

HM3: Indecipherable Rebus or Prizes? (Prizes!)

Here are some prize items for Valyndril (pointing fingers), Gargantua (sea shell), and Anarchangel (scifi helmet). And as a bonus, the first character to be created using the shell item —The Sea Witch. (Also an entry for the Females Only contest that was not completed in time, so my ego demanded that I share this with the unsuspecting Machinist community.) 🙂

The hand can be found in Hand/Standard. The shell can be found in Insignia/Nature. The helmet can be found in Headgear/Military




Character Design Contest ♯93 (Here Come The Girls) Poll

[polldaddy poll="8368662"]