Monthly Archives: April 2010

The ABCs of super heroes

I spent time this last week checking out the fantastic illustrations of comics artist Chris Samnee. He was doing a more or less daily sketch routine that he felt was getting stale, so he started doing the letters of the alphabet rendered through super-heroes. The results are pretty awesome. He's up to "F" so far. Here's his "A" for instance:

Chris Samnees Super Hero Alphabet - A

Chris Samnee's Super Hero Alphabet - A

Also, best buddy John Hartwell was inspired to offer a more up to date version of the Pendragon character I used as a Sketch of the Day recently as part of his own Sketch of the Week, this time in the classic Kirby style:



Great stuff Mr. Hartwell!

SOD.100 – Batwoman

A cowled version of the modern Batwoman.


RP: Reefer madness indeed


(From "Police Comics" number 5, 1942.)

HM3: Steampunk guitar

Anarchangel has approved his prize for winning Character Contest 25 - Banner:


This fine steampunk gun-guitar hybrid is now available in HeroMachine 3's ItemRight - Music, last item in the set. Thanks Anarchangel!

RPG Corner: Let's get magical

Welcome to RPG Corner, a place where you can share your knowledge and thoughts of the Role Playing Game world. Each week we will have a new topic to discuss, so feel free to talk it up, make suggestions, post images, and have a good time.

This week's topic is magic and magic-users.

What are your favorite RPG magic-using classes, and why? Is there a specific magic-using character you've played in an RPG that you remember fondly?

What spells did you find the most surprisingly effective, or useful, or powerful, or just awesome?

What makes a good magic-user, and how do they fit into the parties you'd usually run?

I'm particularly keen to hear your stories of RPG magic as I hardly ever end up playing them. I'm not sure why, except it seems inherently more complicated to me. I mean, with your typical RPG warrior, the whole idea of "See enemy, hit enemy" is pretty easy to grasp and easily relatable to the real world. I guess I just find magic users intimidating.

SOD.099 – Batgirl

Based on the original, and a sketch I can no longer find the URL for (particularly having the bat symbol being on a necklace and the nifty wrist thingies).


RP: Introducing Major Jonesing!


(From "Police Comics" number 5, 1942.)

HM3: Armor up

It looks like the vote is to do Fantasy Armor next. As usual the plan is to convert as many of the 2.5 items in that set over as possible, and to kick it up several notches by including as many of your suggestions as I can. So by all means, please feel free to request in the comments to this post any specific upper-body armor you want to see in the program.

Comments with links to actual images of what you mean will be much more helpful than just plain text descriptions, although certainly those will be good to have as well. It's just a lot easier to visualize what you mean if I have something to look at.

Thanks in advance for your great feedback, it's suggestions and requests like these that make the program worth doing!

Hand holding

Your Helpful Thursday guide for today is "How to Put an Item in Your Character's Hand", a question I frequently get from new users. The basic steps are:

  1. Put whatever item you want to go in that hand on the canvas, positioned over the hand where you want it to go.
  2. With that item the active one, click the Mask button:
  3. Click on the hand you want to put the item into. Done!

Please feel free to ask any questions you like in comments, about this or any other topic.

SOD.098 – Abin Sur