Monthly Archives: April 2010

RP: Hey, gas is natural!


(From "Nature Boy" number 1, 1956.)

How to Draw Batman in a Bar

I did a plain text version of this once, but I thought a video would be easier to follow. If you ever wanted to draw Batman in a bar using nothing but letter shapes (and who among us has NOT wanted to do that?!), here's your chance to learn how.


Otherwise, consider this your (late) "Help!" open thread, feel free to ask anything you like about how to do something in HeroMachine, or an illustration question, or all but one thing associated with the meaning of life.

SOD.105 – Robot Shakespeare, two ways


RP: MUCH better than "Truth, Justice, and the American Way"


(From "Nature Boy" number 1, 1956.)

Because names can suck too

"Bad" comes in many guises, my friends, and while I have done my part to expose badness as it relates to super hero costumes, and super hero comics artists, and comic book sound effects, I feel another vital area of the genre has gone uncritiqued for far too long-- names.

Thanks to reader PCFDGrey, I remedy that oversight now by presenting you with this young lady:


Her name? The -- and I kid you not -- "Crimson Curse". A woman, named "Crimson Curse". Someone who is female, a gender known to have a certain problem that is frequently called a curse, and which frequently causes them to frequently curse, and I am not going to get into color because even Superman is smart enough to ask no questions when Lois is bloaty.

Thus: Worst. Name. Ever.

I can tell you that I, for one, would not want to face this lady even if I were the Avengers. And if they know what's good for them, neither would the Avengers! Just run, far and fast.

The only thing that could make her even more offensive is if she only has her powers one week out of every month. That would be truly epic.

META: Artists

As you can tell, UGO has become interested in what more they can do to get people excited about HeroMachine, which is great in all kinds of ways. One of the ideas we're floating (still very much just an idea at this point) is to have "Artist Collections", item sets designed and drawn by specific comic book illustrators. So for instance, you might get a bunch of sets designed by "Invincible" artist Ryan Ottley, or Rob Liefeld (ha!), or Bryan Hitch of the Ultimates, etc.

Would that be interesting to you? If so, what current comics artists would you most want to see put together their own HM sets?



RP: I'll take "Blatant Ripoffs" for $1000, Alex


(From "Out of This World Comics" number 1, 1950. And people wonder why Robert E. Howard was depressed.)

META: Show me the money

If it turned out that I had a (very!) modest amount of money available via the nice folks at UGO to award as prizes for the weekly contests, would you be interested in that? And if so, what sorts of things would you like as prizes? Just some possibilities off the top of my head would be things like a $10 certificate to iTunes, or a discount on merchandise from, a signed copy of a comic book by the author and or artist, that kind of thing.

I'd love to hear your input on that -- are monetary prizes a good thing, would they make you more excited about the contests, if so what would you want, etc. etc.


Poll Position: Membership drive

We all probably think we could do a better job than the Powers That Be, so let's imagine you had Ultimate Super-Hero Authority and could put any characters wherever you wanted. Given Marvel's recent teaser campaign about the Avengers, I thought it would be worthwhile to ask:


Discussion after the jump.

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