Monthly Archives: November 2009

Random Panel: Two great detectives at work


(From "Bulletman" number 16, 1946.)

HM3: Female Legwear Spandex available

I've just updated the HeroMachine 3 Alpha with the Legwear Female Spandex set of items. I've converted over the male entries item for item, then added on several at the end including a French-cut version of the trunks, and then some leg sections so you can make horizontal-striped pants.


Bad costumes, Babewatch edition

Because of the short holiday week I haven't had a chance to put together a "Bad Costume" post for today. Instead I recruited my six year old nephew and farmed the assignment out to him after he saw this image in my stack of Bad Image Ninenties Comics:

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Random Panel: Now that you mention it, that is EXACTLY what these costumes look like


(From "Bulletman" number 16, 1946.)

Character Contest 22: Of odysseys and golden fleeces


With thanks to MartianBlue for the idea, your challenge for this week is to come up with a character inspired by Greek Mythology!

You've got the whole playbook from which to choose, from an intrepid adventurer like Jason and his Argonauts to the savage Titans to medusae to satyrs to Argus to Hercules and everything in between, so I am expecting some awesome creations. I know the temptation to draw from other mythological traditions will be strong, but let's keep it to Greek for this contest.

The rules as usual are simple:

  1. No more than three submissions per person;
  2. All entries must be images saved to a publicly accessible web server (like ImageShack, the UGO forums, etc.);
  3. Submissions must be left as comments to this thread, containing a link to the image of the character(s).

The overall winner will receive either a portrait of themselves or any one item of their choosing for inclusion with HeroMachine 3. You've got one week, so good luck to everyone!

P.S. Don't forget, you can still vote in Round One of Friday Night Fights, too!

P.P.S. If you're looking for a who's who in Greek mythology for ideas, this Wikipedia article is a good start.

Caption Contest 65 Winner!

I am pleased to give you the winner of Caption Contest 65, Gero!


This is much funnier if you're steeped enough in Bulletlore to know that Bulletgirl IS the police chief's daughter. I laughed out loud reading it, though, so nice job Gero! I also got a kick out of these Honorable Mention entries:


  • BM: Bulletgirl, have you noticed that we have huge seashells on our hea–
  • BG: Shhhhh! I think I can hear the ocean.


  • BM: I’m telling you Bulletgirl … Rock beats Booger everytime!
  • BG: NoseBullets!


  • BM: The line must be drawn here!
  • BG: Why not over there?

There weren't as many entries this time, so I think I need to work harder to find some really bizarre, fun panel, like the one with the guy spraying machine gun fire while explosions came out of his butt. Good times.

Thanks to those who did take the time to submit their funny lines! Gero wins either a portrait of himself or any item he chooses for the final HM3 version, so congratulations again.

Random Panel: Bulletman, proto-feminist


(From "Bulletman" number 16, 1946.)

Poll Position: A picture is worth …

Our poll position this week is graphical in nature, since this is, after all, a site that deals with the visuals of the genre:

[polldaddy poll="2293705"]

Discussion after the jump!

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HM3: High-waistin’

I just added seven new items to the Legwear-Female-Standard set for HeroMachine 3:


These are high-waisted hip sections of existing pants to allow you to dress your female characters in less low-slung legwear if you like. They work by choosing "multiples" for the Legwear slot, choosing the basic low-waisted pants you want, then layering one of these on top with the same colors. They cover up the zippers and such.

Separating out the hips from the actual pants should allow you to mix and match more flexibly. It would probably be a good idea for me at some point to do with Legwear what I did with tops, separating out the hip area and each individual leg pant portion. Something to think about down the road a ways.

And now, more Spandex!

Captioning skills in the wild

Finally, all the practice you've had coming up with funny captions here at HeroMachine will pay off in the real world! Well, the real world of the funny pages, anyway.

One of my favorite comic strips, "Non-Sequitur" by Wiley Miller, is running a contest for the funniest verbiage to go on the sign in this scene (click for a larger view):


I'm not sure what you win beyond wealth and fame beyond the dreams of avarice, but it seemed like something you all would both enjoy and excel at. So go forth and be witty!