Monthly Archives: October 2009

Random Panel: Wait, THEM?! We’re doomed.


(From "Bulletman" number 9, 1942.)

At the boutique

Hammerknight was asked in the last recipe posting for help dressing up the admittedly very primitive and limited female figure, so he was nice enough to provide the following quick guide. Many thanks to him as always for the help! If there's anything in particular you want to see him put together be sure to let him know in the comments.

Thanks HK!

Random Panel: Great moments in battle cries


(From "Bulletman" number 9, 1942.)

From bad to worse

Choosing between two different levels of epic failure can be tough. What was worse, "Superman IV" or "Batman 4"? What's longer, infinity or infinity plus one? Or even, which is worse, the original Falcon costume:


Or the red and white one that replaced it?


On one hand, the original costume was a masterpiece of Seventies Blacksploitation tropes, from the crazy bird medallion to the plunging neckline to the Michael Jackson-anticipating single glove. You also have to admire anyone willing to go out wearing red and green year-round and not just at Christmas. He's sort of like Disco Santa, but with an edge.

On the other hand, the "modern" red and white version is a travesty of both form and function, from the pathetically inadequate armpit feathers to the absurd tiny yellow faux talons on his feet to the is-that-a-beak-or-acne yellow doohickey stapled to the bridge of his nose. Honestly, I don't understand how any self-respecting raptor could bear to be seen in public with that travesty of an attempt to look like a bird.

For the love of Pete, he's got fake red wings on his stomach! I bet half the screeching that bird does is a vain attempt to say "You don't fly with your tummy, idiot!" and the other half is "Someone shoot me, please!"

At least he kept the virile plunging neck, although without the big gold belt buckle it looks more like a vest. And nothing says "Fear me, villain" like a vest.

I suspect that scholars will debate this deep question of relative suckitude for as long as we have internets. Or retinas to be burned by looking at these outfits. Or a flock of angry falcons, their wings ceaselessly beating out their plaintive wail of fashion-inspired despair.

Random Panel: If only


(From "Whiz Comics" number 4, 1940.)

Character Contest 19: The horror … the HORROR!

The season of silly costumes, a year-round affair in these parts, has reached critical mass in the world at large with the advent of that crazy holiday, Halloween! People from all walks of life will, for just this one night, release their inner geek and dress up as everything from the classic sheet-over-the-head ghost to an AT-AT Walker from Star Wars and everything in between.

As the advance guard of the Costume Design Revolution, however, it is incumbent upon us to lead the way, to show the regular citizens of this fine world what is possible. And so your challenge this week is to create the scariest Halloween costume/monster/getup you can using any version of HeroMachine you like.

I'll grant you, people dress up as non-scary stuff all the time for Halloween, but at its core the holiday is supposed to be about being scared. You don't have to go bloody, necessarily, but Tinkerbell ain't gonna cut it. Unless she's actually cutting it, "it" being the horrified neck of one Peter Pan, Esquire, for instance.

So get busy, folks, and make with the horror!

  • You have one week, starting today and ending next Tuesday.
  • All entries must be left as links to an image or images in the comments to this post, and all images must be 100% HeroMachine-generated (any version).
  • The winner will get to choose either any item he or she wants, or their caricature, put into HeroMachine 3 for all to see and love.

Good luck everyone, I look forward to seeing what you come up with!

If you don't know how to do a screen capture, and for some reason are not happy with or can't use the "Save as JPG/PNG" button in HeroMachine 3, Hammerknight put together a how-to for you.

P.S. As a special, rare sneak preview, next week's contest is going to be you submitting a photo of you (or someone you know) in their Halloween costume, along with that same costume rendered in HeroMachine. So if you were on the fence about planning something for Halloween to wear, maybe this will be the kick in the pants you need!

Caption Contest 63 Winner

I am happy to give you the winner of Caption Contest 63 AND the choice of either a caricature or any item they want ... Bixlord!


I liked the idea of corporate villains getting socked by well-meaning but perhaps misguided consumer advocates in tights. Congratulations to Bixlord!

I also wanted to highlight the following Honorable Mention entries which I thought were outstanding:

  • Danny Beaty: Girl, where did you get those bitchin’ thigh highs?
  • johny: lets put a frown on that face!
  • TopHat: “Quit pushing! You’ll get to eat some of the villain after I’m done!”
  • Bael: Excuse Me! Coming through! Clear the men’s room! Taco Hell Emergency!!!
  • Patrick: It’s true … no matter how they look, singers always get the girl!
  • cavalier: “One way or another, I shall win the Bad Costume Contest!”
  • Frankie: “Why don’t you take this Scooby-Doo weregator ghost and chow down on some hamburgers, Jughead. Veronica’s my girl.”

Nice job and many thanks to all who entered!

Poll Position: Honey Don’ts

A day late, but here you go:


Discussion after the jump. Just don't tell your significant other.

Continue reading

Random Panel: Why print is dead


(From -- you guessed it -- "Bulletman" number 5, 1941.)

Random Panel: When bullet-shaped helmet demos go wrong


(From "Bulletman" number 5, 1941.)