RP: Finally, a pundit I can respect

(From "Super Mystery Comics" number 5, 1940.)

Open Critique Day #13

It's time once again for another Open Critique Day!

If you have a HeroMachine illustration or another piece of artwork you've done that you'd like some help with, post a link to it in comments along with your thoughts on it -- what you think is working, what you're struggling with, etc. I will post my critique of the piece, hopefully giving some tips on how to improve it.

Of course everyone is welcome to post their critiques as well, keeping in mind the following rules:

  • Make sure your criticism is constructive. Just saying "This sucks" is both rude and unhelpful without giving specific reasons why you think it sucks and, ideally, some advice on how to make it better.
  • Each person should only post one illustration for critique to make sure everyone who wants feedback has a chance.
  • I will not critique characters entered in any currently running contest, as that doesn't seem fair to the other entrants. You can still post it if you like for the other visitors to critique, but I will not do so.

That's it! Hopefully we can get some good interaction going here and help everyone (me included!) learn a little bit today.

RP: Peggy’s got some ‘splainin’ to do …

(From "Super Mystery Comics" number 5, 1940.)

Do over!

The votes are in, and by a 60/40 margin we've discovered we're all still thirteen years old cursing at our crispy new "Choose Your Own Adventure" and flipping back and forth to more propitious forks in the ol' decision tree. So we're going to go back in time and undo our choice (appropriate given that the HeroMachine "undo" feature went live this week!), and pretend we said our Safe Word to get back to the Oradumbledoracle:

The secret word worked! You know that, because you are no longer where you were (or when you were!): you're in a dark tunnel. You have a feeling that it leads to the Cave of Time.

Also, you know the secret word worked because you're no longer cuffed. Ahem.

It's risky entering a tunnel when you can't be sure where it leads, but you're not going to turn back now. you have to stoop so low, it would almost be easier to get on your hands and knees and crawl.

You step on a smooth stone surface. This too seems familiar. Another step. The angle pitches forward; then you're sliding, too fast to stop yourself, falling into blackness.

Somewhere a voice is singing. As your eyes slowly adjust to the pale green light, you realize that you are once again in the chambers of the Oracle of Time. The thin, ghostlike figure you remember stops singing. He looks at you intently.

You an hardly find words, but, as if to answer your questino before you ask it, this strange man -- if he is a man -- says, "You have found the Oracle of Time."

"Don't you remember? We've met before," you say. I must be going around in circles. Can you help me get back to my own time?"

"Sometimes time goes around in circles," the Oracle says. "Some break out of the circle; some don't."

"How can I break out?"

"This, my child, is something you must learn for yourself."

"All right," you say doubtfully, and are about to ask another question when he says:

"To begin you must go to the future or the past. Which do you say it will be?"

[polldaddy poll="4694746"]

I wonder, if we choose the future again, do we go to literally the exact same place and scene? Or will it be different now that we remember we were there already? I haven't looked ahead so I honestly don't know.

On the other hand, we haven't seen the past yet, so that might be interesting as well.

RP: Great moments in unusual crimefighting techniques

(From "Super Mystery Comics" number 5, 1940.)

HM3 Undo feature now live

I've updated the main HeroMachine 3 Alpha application to incorporate the "Undo" feature I mentioned yesterday. Testing has revealed it doesn't cause the Apocalypse, so we're good to go. Please let me know if you have any issues with this release.

For those who missed the post yesterday, this is the new "Undo" button:

It'll undo until there's nothing else to undo. Color changes, scaling, rotation, moving an item with either the mouse or the transform buttons, alpha changes, deletions, additions, "color all skin/hair", "Clear All", you name it, you can probably undo it, except for transformations using the "All Items" grouping, since I'll be changing how that works in the relatively near future.

Hope you like it!

Shouldn’t that be “The Flouncer”?

I say if you're a body builder with lovely curls who wants to show up at your late-night bar bouncer gig in a dress and open-toe wrap-around sandals, you should totally go for it:

Trying to get a super-hero job out of it seems like a stretch, but then, who am I to question my favorite pin-up? After all, he has (and I am not making this up) "bouncing powers". Which makes sense because he used to be a statue.

It's too bad entertainment isn't as solid, intelligent, and completely normal as it used to be Back in the Day, amiright?!

(From "The Bouncer", 1944.)

RP: Which one of the eightfold paths is “Copping a feel”?

(From "Super Mystery Comics" number 1, 1940.)

The JLA’s newest member is …

Dimensional transport, magic spell gone awry, or simple editorial fiat, I don't care how it happens, let's just imagine it does happen:


Looking at this list I can hear you asking incredulously, "Where's Spider-Man?! Where's WOLVERINE?!?!!1!" They're not on the list for one simple reason -- they'd win. And that would be no fun. So I made the challenge a bit tougher for you.

Discussion to follow!

Continue reading

HM3: Undo testing

I've posted a test version of HeroMachine 3 here featuring the first pass at the "undo" feature for those brave enough to give it a whirl. This test version shouldn't affect your "real" saved characters at all, they're totally separate files. But caveat emptor and all that.

It's pretty much what it sounds like -- do stuff and if you don't like how it turns out, click the "Undo" button:

It'll undo until there's nothing else to undo. Color changes, scaling, rotation, moving an item with either the mouse or the transform buttons, alpha changes, deletions, additions, "color all skin/hair", "Clear All", you name it, you can probably undo it.

Currently there is no limit on how many "levels" of undo there are, but I'll probably need to cap it at some point.

If you've a penchant for life on the edge, I'd appreciate your trying it out and letting me know how it works for you. Hopefully we can work out the bugs in this and then, when it's ready, make it the "real" HM3 alpha for everyone to use. I particularly want to make sure it doesn't mess up saving and loading of characters, so if you can check that out that would be great.

Edited to Add: I'll be taking down the "C" test version from a few weeks ago in a few hours, so if there's anything you wanted from it, you better get it asap.