Open Critique Day #H6

Sorry for this being so late. We live in the country and we had a storm last night that knocked out the phone lines. Share what you have to share.

Trouble with Phone lines

I'll have the poll for the Wednesday Night Special up as soon as we get our phone line back up so I'll have internet. I'm working off my phone's hot spot right now and I don't have a big data plan for it.

Quick and Easy Challenge #4 “Hair Styles part 2”

Remember how we told you to save the text from last weeks challenge, here's why. Your challenge this week is to turn your hair style into a complete "Super Heroine". That's right, take the head that you made the hair style on and add a body and a costume. Everyone is back on equal ground so have at it and make them good. Have fun.


Quick Note -Contests

Strike a Pose Challenge #2 Winner

Another group of great entries for this challenge. The single pose challenges are really hard to judge, like I said before. It all comes down to the details of the design. And the winner for the second week in a row, Scatman.

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Strike a Pose Challenge #1 Winner

Sorry for forgetting to post this earlier.

There were a lot of great entries for this challenge. With all the characters having the same pose it was a very interesting contest to judge. And the winner is Scatman.






















R.P.G. Challenge “Floor Tiles #1”

A new challenge for Fridays. Kid's Korner will appear again in the future.

R.P.G. "Floor Tiles #1" Castle Tiles

castle tower 1








My design here is based on a six square by six square grid. I choose to do the design over the squares, this was for a project I did,  but you can show the tile lines if you want to.

Rules for this one is simple.

1. Tile squares come from the "Insignia Standard", square size needs to stay 100x100.

2. For this weeks challenge it needs to be a six square by six square grid.

3. Have fun and try to blow me away with your tiles.


Quick Note -Contests

Strike a Pose Winners “OOPS”

While I have been working on the judging on the second challenge I realized I didn't post a winner for the first one. I will post both tomorrow.

Color my Character Challenge #4

Here we are back to another Color my Character Challenge. Remember the only thing you can change on the character is the color. I'd like to thank Headlessgeneral for today's character. No limit just have fun.Character by Headlessgeneral

character by headlessgenral

Wednesday Night Special Anime/Manga Challenge #1 “Mage”

Kaldath's Bad Costume post today has inspired me for a new challenge, that's right another challenge. This is one that I have been thinking about for a little while, but was just looking for the best time to do it. Believe it or not I am looking for other things besides challenges to post on the blog but for right now this is what I have. Okay rules are the same as all the other contest and challenges. Kept it "PG" this is a family site. (This is one reason that I hesitated on a challenge like this.)

Wednesday Night Specials will be Anime / Manga challenges. (Some body please help Harlequin off the floor and back to his chair.) It will run from Wednesday night through Saturday night. I will post a poll for everyone to vote on the winner, it will run from Sunday until Tuesday. Winner will be posted Wednesday.

Okay, tonight's challenge topic is "Mage". Yes magic is in the air, so go all out and make the best mages and/or magic users you can. Once again I have to say that this is a challenge so there will be no prizes offered at this time. (But I am working on something, but it will take some time before it is ready.) No limit, so have fun creating.


P.S. Because this is a voting poll for the winner, it means I may even enter this one. lol.

Bewitchingly Bad!!

This Week I am stepping outside the pages of comics books for our bad costume and pay a visit to the land of Anime and Manga.  Below I present to you the Witchblade!



Now I will admit to actually liking this anime series, however I have to point out the Armor that comprises this outfit does NOTHING to protect any vital areas from harm. This lack of protection however doesn't seem to leave her at much of a disadvantage considering the majority of her opponents are similarly attired! This outfit could be good if it did more to be the armor that it pretends to be but as it sits now all I know is that I wouldn't want to be wearing anything like this on a cold night !