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    I find that not all the hands take to masking. I usually use the square or circle insignias and make their borders as close to the edge of the hand as possible and then mask the item onto the insigina.



    OK, Can’tDraw. I thought I was doing something wrong. I used the method you described before and thought masking would be easier for what I need here. I was trying for a fingerless glove look. The other fingerless glove hands are not in the position I wanted. Back to the drawing board!



    Assuming I’m tracking with you, if you’re talking about the hand without the energy on it, put another of the same type of hand of the glove color of your choice on top. Then mask it inside a shape (square, circle) to cut off the fingers and presto-chango, you have the effect you’re looking for. Example:


    I left the outline of the square visible so you could see it.



    Thanks, Can’tDraw. I’m going to try it right now!



    Worked like a charm, Can’tdraw! Thanks again for the tip. Check it out.amys-atomic-punch.pngamys-eyes.png



    Excellent! I love it when a plan comes together.Wink



    OK, here’s my latest Amy Atom, using Weilyn’s Dwarf Recipe proportions.amy-dwarf-1.pngamy-dwarf-redux-1.png



    My first speedster, Aurora. I made her from my head after seeing a few other speedsters in the Art Gallery, particularly a couple of AMS’s characters. aurora.pngaurora2.png



    Thanks to Lightningsword for the inspiration. He made a wallpaper of a solar system scene, which was really cool. Unfortunately, he didn’t include the text code and myPhotoedit doesn’t let me take elements from one picture to add to another, unless I just haven’t figured it out yet. Anyway, I did my own solar system, based on Lightningsword’s and I added my character Arclight in flight. I think I’ll be using this and similar backgrounds for a few space based stories. I noticed when I loaded both pictures it was hard as hell to sift through the layers to remove some elements. If you notice there’s no Earth, it’s either behind Arclight or I deleted it by mistake. I’ll put my take on the solar system in my other thread, My new Creations.http://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2013/07/arclight-space-flight.png



    I previously said Aurora was my first speedster. Actually she’s my third, but the first I did in action poses. Running poses are hard! Anyway….Aurora is a mutant from Northern Alaska blessed with superspeed. She takes her codename from the Aurora Borealis, which she has seen many times in her youth. Among Aurora’s abilities and mutations are increased lung capacity, super efficient metabolism which converts body toxins into energy, increased musculature and muscle density in her legs, an extra transparent eyelid which protects her eyes when running at high speeds, increased bone density to withstand the impact of running at super human speeds. Aurora has been clocked at speeds of up to 300mph. speedster-1.png



    I just outlined a basic concept for Amy Atom’s origin. I’ll have a full origin soon.test-facility.png



    Haven’t done anything with Starchild in a while. Here he is on deep space patrol with a slight variation to his costume.deep-space.png



    Even though she is one of the mightiest beings on Earth, Maidenhead is not without her problems. For the past few hundred years she has been plagued by a recurring dream. A burning village in ruin, skulls and human bones strewn across the field. A lone barbarian rushing to attack, whom Maidenhead snatches up with ease, paying no attention to the assailant’s blades. Discovering long ago that she is nigh invulnerable, it has been ages since she has felt physical pain; hence she almost never has concerns for whatever weapons are wielded against her. And just when she is about to deal the death blow, she awakens in a pool of sweat. What does this dream mean, she wonders. Being immortal, Maidenhead has always felt isolated and reluctant to form strong relationships. When you outlive every friend you make, and your strength and immortality are directly tied to your virginity, you tend to stop making friends and welcoming lovers. The only others she feels even the slightest kinship to, are African Violet and Dark Cherub, an immortal woman worshipped as an Earth goddess and a being who is either a fallen angel or a reformed demon. These are the closest Maidenhead has to friends, yet she is not ready to share with them her anxiety.http://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2013/07/flashback.pngcold-sweat.png



    While experimenting with masking to make clothes fit the angled bodies, I came up with a new alternate look for Amy Atom. I like the red and black on her but I have a few characters whose costumes are the same color scheme, one of those being a villain that thanks to Atomic Punk’s inspiration, I’m making an antagonist for Amy. I think I’ll stick with the purple shades for her, as Atomic made note of it in his story about this character. I also plan on retconning her origin to include an element of Atomic’s story. He’s doing great work with his “Tell My Story” thread! The first pic is a ‘powered down’ Amy, so called because all other pics of her feature her atomic left with the glowing energy around it. Next pic is the new look. BTW, Amy can manifest the atomic punch with either hand, but she is left-handed, which is why all pics feature the left hand glowing.powerdown-amy.pngpurple-amy.pngpurple-amy2.png



    I like it… but seems to “squished up”. But overall I like it!

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