Category Archives: Sketch of the Day

SOD.068 – Druid


From a reference painting at "A Painter's Room". I'll put the black and white version after the jump.

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SOD.067 – Cap


Can't promise these'll be in color every day, but in response to the comments on the Superwoman redesign, here's at least one more. I do need to work on my coloring skills in Flash, particularly the need to figure out an easier way to consistently get the line colors right, so it's probably worth while for me to do at least some sketches that way.

(Captain America is a copyrighted character of Marvel Comics, Inc.)

SOD.066 – Rockweillior

SOD.065 – Superwoman

I got a little carried away with the Sketch of the Day this time around, as you can see:


Cory Walker has been doing a new Supergirl redesign every Wednesday as part of his "Sketch of the Day" series, which is probably where I got the impetus to do this one. Originally it was supposed to just be a regular quick black and white sketch like the others, but I just couldn't leave it alone until I finally settled on what you see.

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And now for something completely different ...


SOD.063 – The Angry Father


SOD.062 – Wonder Dog vs. Rex the Wonder Dog


The only thing he'd be Wondering is where his throat went after Rex rips it out. Because he's Rex The Mother-F***ing Wonder Dog, that's why.

SOD.061 – Aquaman


SOD.060 – Iron Jaw 2


I know his arm is wrong (his right arm should be mechanical), but I was mostly going for the alternate jaw. The one yesterday was an attempt at being more "realistic", but I more went-for-broke on this version.

First person to request that background in HM3 get a haddock to the face, because it's already there in Background-Auras. So nyah!

SOD.059 – Iron Jaw


I actually wasn't a huge He-Man fan as a kid, but I have to say revisiting some of these characters has been pretty fun.