Category Archives: HeroMachine 3

Replacement Prize 2 Results

The voting is over for the Replacement Prizes, and the results are in. I don't yet know for sure exactly how many of these will get done, but at least the first five, probably more. Any time a winner doesn't know what to request, they can refer to this list and pick one, or they can just say "whatever's next on the Replacement Prize list" and we'll be good to go. Thanks to everyone who chimed in!

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HM3: Legwear-Female-Outerwear conversion complete

As the title says, the LegwearFemaleOuterwear set conversion is now live. Enjoy!

HM3: Female Briefs

In a totally unplanned bit of synchronicity, I've just posted the Legwear-Female-Briefs set to HeroMachine 3. This is just a straight item-for-item conversion of the male items, so no big whoop. Only nine items, and most of them are copies from the Pants-Standard set, but at least they fit.

HM3: Female Pants

I've just updated HeroMachine 3 -- at long last -- with newly converted female items. "Legwear-Female-Pants" is now live and available for your feminine clothing needs. If you don't see it, you may need to clear your browser's cache and try again.

HeroMachine 3 Replacement Items 2 VOTE!

In lieu of our usual Poll Position metaphysical question today, it's time to vote on what items you'd like to see in HeroMachine 3 to take the place of various unclaimed contest prizes! You can vote once, for up to 10 items. As of noon next Tuesday, the top 10 vote getters overall will be slotted in as replacement prizes. These are all from the suggestion thread a few days ago.

You should be able to click the image next to each choice for a sample of what the submitter was talking about. On a few, I lumped together several suggestions into one choice if they were similar enough. Others I left off because they were either already done by dblade (Converse shoes) or have already been claimed as a prize by someone else (3/4 view head).

There are a lot of these, so I'm putting the poll after the jump so the front page doesn't get too long. If you want to make your case for a particular item in the comments, go for it!

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Open bids on unclaimed contest prizes

A number of people who have won prizes never got back to me on what they wanted as their prize. But their loss might be your gain! In the comments to this post, please suggest replacement prize items that would go into HeroMachine 3. Submissions with links to images showing what you mean are particularly helpful. I'll compile the best submissions into a poll starting next week and everyone will be able to vote on what they'd most like to see.

The currrently unclaimed prizes are:

Caption Contests:

  • 83 Bob Loblaw
  • 84 Larkin
  • 93 Boomcow2
  • 94 Patrick
  • 97 Patrick
  • 99 Gargoyle323

Character Contests:

  • 32 Vigilante
  • 42 Morzan

If you're one of those, let me know ASAP so you can claim your prize.

Whoever I don't hear from by next Friday will have their prize thrown into the general pool.

HM3: Gun blade

I've finally uploaded Tool's prize for winning Caption Contest 96 -- the following gun blade, available now in ItemRight-Pistols. Hope you like it, Tool, and that everyone gets some use out of it!

HM3: Dinoriffic!

I've just uploaded a new set of items for HeroMachine 3, Companion-Dinosaurs. Why dinosaurs? Because they're cool! Of course, while I think they're cool, I don't actually know anything about them. So if I have left out some that absolutely have to be there, please let me know.

Here's the set as of initial launch:



The always awesome Zyp has graciously put together a brief guide on how you can create incredible looking faces in HeroMachine 3 just like he does! I've always been impressed with the dimensionality and personality he gets into his characters, and really appreciate his sharing his secrets with us. Thank you, Zyp!

META: Hall of Fame

I have always been frustrated with my inability to get a proper "Hall of Fame" type of page going where you could see all sorts of awesome characters in one place.

As of today, that frustration is history! If you click on the teaser ad up there in the banner labeled "Featured Character", you will now be taken to the HeroMachine Hall of Fame.

Plus, that little widget is now randomized, so every time the page is reloaded you should see a new character featured there. Neat, hunh?!