Yearly Archives: 2013

Just For Laughs


Character Design Contest ♯38- It’s A Kind Of Magic

For this weeks challenge, I want you to create something magical, some form of witch, wizard or warlock, sage, sorcerer or spell-caster, mage or magician. You can create a modern Merlin or a fantasy fire-mage. My only stipulation is that they should be pictured performing some form of magic, be it casting a spell, riding a flying broom or turning a prince into a toad.

Please make sure you have read the rules before entering. As usual, no limit on entries, so have fun and good luck.

Rules for posts, contests, and challenges that I am hosting: Original characters only, no copyrighted characters, no characters based on copyrighted characters, no characters based on RPG’s or other games. The characters must be your own design and not based on any character that might be copyrighted in any way. I have the right to delete any post that I believe crosses this line without warnings. Only post characters that you have either created for this contest specifically or you know for certain have never been entered to a contest before. If you aren’t certain, don’t enter it, because I’m not going to go back through all of the contests and check.

What Were They Thinking- Amalgam Comics

Now, I will get this out of the way straight away. I'm not saying that the Amalgam crossover between DC and Marvel was a bad idea. I'm saying it was a badly executed idea. The concept was sound. Mix together some of our best loved and most popular heroes in a new universe for a couple of special limited series, great thinking, fine with that. But then you have to go and ruin it by making bad choices for amalgamations or bad costume choices for those that you've done well. The best illustration of this is to look at each level individually.

Continue reading

Character Design Contest ♯36 Winner (Reviving The Brand)

And the winner of this weeks poll is NHA247 for his re-imagining of Cobra. Congratulations NHA and well done to everyone who entered, there were some excellent designs in this contest.

36 NHA247-Cobra

Character Design Contest ♯37 Poll (Opposites Attract)

[polldaddy poll="7345630"]

Character Of The Week- 24th August

This week we're going to look at a classic 'machiner doing an interpretation of one of another classic 'machiner's characters. So, for your viewing pleasure here is AMS's take on Atomic Punk's eponymous signature character.

8: 24 AMS- Atomic Punk

Now, this has got everything you'd expect from an AMS creation. 3/4 position pose (with clothes masked to fit), awesome shading, custom items (see right foot for details), cool face.

However, what really makes this one stand out for me is the way the costume is put together. The colour scheme is a good place to start here. Three colours, the usual and best number for a costume of this sort, with two colours (the yellow and black) being the dominant, whilst the third (white) is used sparingly, to give a distinction between large areas of the two dominant colours. The jacket sleeves are a good example of this, the white giving a border between the mainly yellow jacket and the black gloves.

We also see some very nice design features that really sell the costume design, the biggest and most obvious of which is the checkered leg with the belted knee (which might be my favourite part of the design). But we also have the neckwear jumper neck along the bottom of the jacket, the chain and the stripes on the jacket which all work together to really sell the design. I also like the fact that the zip on the jacket is also checkered, it gives a nice bit of continuity from the jacket to the trousers. It may be subtle but it just adds that little bit extra.

Ben Will Be Bruce!


Derrik J. Lang, The Associated Press
Published Thursday, August 22, 2013 10:24PM EDT
Last Updated Friday, August 23, 2013 6:31AM EDT

LOS ANGELES -- Ben Affleck will don Batman's cape and cowl.

Warner Bros. announced Thursday that the 41-year-old actor-director will star as a new incarnation of the Dark Knight in a film bringing Batman and Superman together.

The studio said Affleck will star opposite 30-year-old Henry Cavill, who will reprise his role as Superman from "Man of Steel." The movie will also feature "Man of Steel" stars Amy Adams as Lois Lane, Laurence Fishburne as Perry White and Diane Lane as Martha Kent.

The big-screen DC Comics superhero mash-up was first revealed by director Zack Snyder at last month's Comic-Con International in San Diego.

Snyder, who will direct the sequel written by "Man of Steel" screenwriter David S. Goyer, said in a statement that Affleck will provide an "interesting counter-balance" to Cavill's Clark Kent.

"(Affleck) has the acting chops to create a layered portrayal of a man who is older and wiser than Clark Kent and bears the scars of a seasoned crime fighter, but retain the charm that the world sees in billionaire Bruce Wayne," said Snyder. "I can't wait to work with him."

Production on the as-yet-untitled film is expected to begin in 2014 for release July 17, 2015.

It won't be Affleck's first time in superhero garb. He played a blind Marvel crime fighter in 2003's "Daredevil" and portrayed 1950s Superman actor George Reeves in 2006's "Hollywoodland."

Affleck's "Argo," which he starred in and directed, won the Academy Award for best picture earlier this year.

Christian Bale most recently played Batman in director Christopher Nolan's "Dark Knight" trilogy.


Make It Sew – The Costume Blog – April Ferry

9th+Annual+Costume+Designers+Guild+Awards+C6tmXKl673Ml    Costume Designer - April Ferry

2015 Jurassic Park IV (pre-production)

2014 RoboCop (post-production)

2013 Elysium


Matt Damon, 42, talked to about the movie, which hits theaters on Aug. 9 and was directed by Neill Blomkamp, who helmed the 2009 hit "District 9."

"Neil gave [the costume designers] a few marching orders, which were, I had to have full mobility and it had to be as light as possible and those guys did literally revision after revision after revision of that suit and by the time it came to me, I could move in any direction at all and it was only 25 pounds, kind of distributed over my whole body so that was ... it was so much easier than I thought it was going to be, actually."

2009 Surrogates

2009 The Box

2005-2007 Rome (TV series)


2006 Southland Tales

2003 Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines

2003 National Security

2001 Frailty

2001 15 Minutes

2001 Donnie Darko

2000 U-571

1999 Brokedown Palace

1998 Claudine's Return

1997 Flubber

1997 Don King: Only in America (TV movie)

1997 Little Boy Blue

1997 Shadow Conspiracy

1996 The Associate

1994 Little Giants

1994 Maverick

1993 Beethoven's 2nd

1993 Free Willy

1992 Unlawful Entry

1992 The Babe

1992 Radio Flyer

1989 Leviathan

1989 Three Fugitives

1988 Child's Play

1987 Planes, Trains & Automobiles

1986 Big Trouble in Little China


1986 Poltergeist II: The Other Side

1983 The Big Chill





Whatever happened to that bald guy?

AMS sent an inquiry to Kaldath asking what happened to me and what the future of HeroMachine is. So I thought I should duck in to wave and update you all.

The update is, there is no update 🙂

I've got a full time job and travel every two weeks between Austin, TX and Durango, CO. That doesn't leave me with a lot of time or energy for much else, so I don't work on HeroMachine much. I still intend to convert all the left-only items to right, but after that I'll probably consider HM3 done. I don't foresee any new items coming out -- what you've got now is likely all there will ever be.

After that, I honestly don't know. I've been tossing around various ideas but nothing has really gelled yet. HeroMachine 2 continues to generate an order of magnitude more revenue from ads than any other version, so the financial motivation to do more isn't there.

For now I'm content to let things continue to coast. People are still making awesome characters, Kaldath & Krew are doing a great job with the blog postings, and I've got my hands full with everything else in my life. So for the foreseeable future, the status quo will remain.

Hope that's not too much of a disappointment for everyone. I appreciate your interest and continue to be be honored that you all continue to hang out and create.

Big Question ♯15

This week, I will be letting you guys do most of the work. What I want to know is, who do you think are the best comic book characters of all time? Not just superhero comics, but war comics, crime comics, romance comics, comedy comics etc. etc.

Now you can answer in anyway you like, provided you give some explanation. You can give me a list, separate it out into genres, go male character/ female character/ alien character, I don't mind. However, it'd be nice to see someone other than Batman mentioned, so please, no Dark Knight (it'd be like reading a list of the greatest ever bands and seeing The Beatles at number 1, yes there's a reason that it's so damn obvious but it's so damn obvious).

Now, over to you.