Monthly Archives: October 2008

Warrior Mini first figure

I only have one of each item type drawn, but using most of them gave me the following image from the early HeroMachine Warrior Mini:


Not super exciting yet, but a promising start. If you have any items you'd like to see included, now's the time -- guns, helmets, combat jackets, you name it. Post a link to an image in the comments and I'll go have a look.

I have to say, at this stage of the FaceMaker development, the thing that most surprised me was what a big change the ability to change the line color.

In the Warrior Mini, the biggest two surprises are how much being able to move and scale items is, along with the utility of masking. Pretty neat, I can't wait to get it to a usable point so you all can tinker with it.

The Frog-Man cometh

I suspect that somewhere deep in Super-Hero Comic Book Publisher HQ is a machine whose sole purpose is to take a random animal and mash it together with the word "man" to produce a new character. That's about the only explanation I can come up with for Marvel's "Frog-Man":


The Frog-Man costume is worn by student Eugene Patillo, and as a character he's played for comedy. Which doesn't excuse this outfit, from the Cookie-Monster-like mouth hiding the eye slits to the bad color scheme to the most egregious offense against the costume gods -- a pair of Underoos covering a frog's genitals.

First, look, this is a family blog, but come on -- amphibians don't have external genitalia. That's just a biological fact, or at least a fact-like statement I made up without checking against Wikipedia because I'm just that lazy.

Second, the kid is in a full-body rubber costume, why does he need underpants on the outside? Couldn't he just have made an outfit like a giant frog, without worrying about the naughty bits since the actual bits in question were already covered by the aforementioned full-body rubber costume?

I'm not saying Vincent Patillo's little boy is an idiot, but at least judging by that outfit he's a few lily pads short of a pond, if you know what I mean.

(Frog-Man © Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc. And they're welcome to it.)

Random Panel: Flash gets his salad tossed


Caption Contest 32: Electro-Santa

Santa's got his ... er ... "thinking" cap on, so you know it's time for another titanic, world-spanning, unbelievable HeroMachine Caption Contest! (Forgive me, I got possessed by Stan Lee for a moment there). Come up with the best replacement dialog for the panel below and win your very own custom black and white illustration from professional artist Jeff Hebert (like these!):


As always you see, we post to you these rules three (sorry, got possessed by Dr. Seuss there for a minute):

  1. No more than three entries per person;
  2. Keep it appropriate for late-night broadcast teevee;
  3. Leave your entry in the comments to this post.

Good luck, everyone! As always, the winner will be announced one week from today (Tuesday).

Contest 31 Winner!

The winner of Caption Contest 31 and his very own custom black and white illustration of whatever he likes is ... Whit!


I think what sold me on this one was imagining him saying that in a really smarmy voice like Jim Carrey from "The Mask", and how delightfully un-self-aware the comment is. Well done, Whit!

The other Honorable Mentions from this week are:

  • Jasper: “Oh boy, oh boy I finally get to play Gordi!
  • TheNate: Dirty mouth? Clean it with new Orbit Breath of Death chewing gum.
  • Gregg 1: Does this eye-grate make me look fat?
  • Gregg 2: I’m Jared and I lost 435 pounds eating at Subway!
  • Level: Thanks for the lift, not everyone in North Dakota’s gunna pick up a hitchhiker wearin’ a bucket on his head.
  • The Icedaemon: “Colgate Rad - guaranteed 100% clean, 100% white teeth. [tiny font] side effects include spontaneous mutation, skin cancer, desire to wear impractical headgear, death, photosynthesis…[/tiny font]”

I actually typed The Icedaemon's up in Photoshop to see how it would look all fonted-out, but it didn't quite click. And I loved Level's blog-reference to that Random Panel the other day, that was funny. And had Jasper not misspelled Geordi LaForge's name, he might just have come away with the win.

Well done all around, thanks everyone!

Random Panel: No one shares the skies with Superman, not even SANTA!


Warrior Mini mask update

I had planned to start drawing items for the Warrior Mini first thing this morning, but I got caught up in building the "masking" part of the applet.

And I'm glad I did, because it rocks.

Here's a screen grab of a very simple masking effect. I added two lightning bolt insignias, colored the same and rotated to face each other at an angle. I masked one with the Body to get a Lightning Lad effect. I had to duplicate the Body to serve as a mask for the second lightning bolt insignia, but it came out really neat:


This feature is a little bit complicated, but I think it's going to be totally awesome. You can make all new uniform effects by, for example, choosing an insignia shape like a chevron or circle or square, and masking it with the body shape. That gives you a form-fitting uniform element like (for instance) a big half-circle colored shape on the top half of the figure.

Hopefully by the end of the week I'll have enough items, and the code in good enough shape, for you all to play with. I am very excited by the way this is turning out! This is another one of the key HM3 features that I've been sweating, and now that I know how to do it, it should be (relatively speaking) a piece of cake to implement for that version.

Random Panel: Wow, he really IS friendly!


Poll Position: The Big Switcheroo

Last week's discussion still has me thinking about trade-offs, so I've tweaked the question this week a bit to ask whether a good villain can do more good than a bad hero can do bad. This week's Poll Position is:

  • Superman & Lex Luthor: This one is intriguing. On the one hand, if Superman were a truly bad-ass villain, he'd just zoom in at super-speed and kill anyone or anything that stood against him. It's unclear who would be able to stop him. On the other hand, Superman's pretty much just a physical opponent, while Lex Luthor is brilliant in many different ways. Providing you could come up with a way to limit Superman's depredations (chancy at best, I admit), Lex could do a lot of good for the world through amazing new technology and political leadership. Anyone who can weld Gorilla Grodd and Sinestro together on the same team can surely get world governments to solve global warming, for instance.
  • Batman & Joker: Frankly, I don't see how much good the Joker could do as a hero. He's devilishly clever, but all of his best stuff involves mass murder. Then again, if he were a Punisher-style anti-hero, he could probably rid us of a number of pesky villains easily, whereas Batman would just keep putting them in Arkham. On the other hand, the idea of a Batman bent on domination is pretty chilling.
  • Reed Richards & Dr. Doom I love this matchup. Both men are incredibly brilliant, extraordinarily driven, and capable of great acts with global impact. I think this one's a wash, I imagine the net impact of swapping them would be about the same, with each checking the other, just in reverse of what they do now.
  • Thor & Loki: Hey man, storms already do tons of damage. What does it matter if it comes from Thor or just an unruly Gulf of Mexico? Loki employing his tricks on our behalf, on the other hand, might work out nicely. These are tricky times we live in, after all, maybe a wormy mind like that is just what we need on our side.
  • Professor Xavier & Magneto: I think this one is just about like Reed and Doom, with two guys so evenly matched it almost doesn't matter which side each of them plays for.
  • Daredevil & Bullseye: This is a much lower power-level, obviously, than gods and Supermen. But, I have to say I think Daredevil as a villain would be pretty small-time. Bullseye would be a great government-sponsored assassin, though.

Given all of that, from a comics-reader perspective, I have to say I'd like to see Reed Richards on the side of evil. I know, he's done it in Marvel Zombies, but that's not the same. And I think Doctor Doom would be a tremendous hero, I'd love to see him bring his dictatorial powers to an Avengers meeting, for instance. "Henry Pym, I said SIT DOWN! BLAAAZZZZTTT!!"

Let me know your thoughts in the comments, and just like the election, vote early and vote often!

What colors?

So I have all these new color swatches to fill in the Warrior Mini, but I don't know what to fill them with. If you have any suggestions, whether it be single colors you'd like or a web site with a palette you'd want to see replicated, please let me know. The current set of colors is below the fold if you're into hexadecimals.

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