New Trojan brand torpedoes for couples!

(From "Weird Comics" number 19, 1941.)

Sharing Day, Fanverse edition

We haven't done a "Sharing Day" in a while due to Friday Night Fights, and since I really enjoy getting to hear from all of you, I think it's about time we got back to it. Ordinarily I'd do that on Friday and our RPG adventure installment today, but since there's a chance I'll be away from the computer most of the day tomorrow I'm switching things around a bit.

Here's the deal:

You can ask me any question you like about whatever you like, which I will answer either completely truthfully or not at all (in which case you can ask something else). I say that because, come on, there are some things no one should have to know!

But you can only do so if you answer the following question about yourself:

What fictional character (from any media and genre) do you think you are most like?

I am going to go way out in left field for this one, and say I'm most like Robert Townsend's main character Bobby Taylor from the epic 1987 film "Hollywood Shuffle". Like Bobby, I daydream a lot and imagine crazy scenarios. I make up voices as I drive on the highway, I imagine nutty stuff happening while I'm on line at the bank, and reality constantly froths around me with possibilities. And irony, with a side of sarcasm. But at the end of the day, I can work at the Post Office and be happy, too.

Now it's your turn! Picking just one character from any movie, book, comic, TV show, or what have you is a challenge because it's so broad, but I think it'll be interesting to see what you go with. Thanks in advance for sharing!

(Image via.)

Dealing with "The Help", Old Testament style

(From "Spectacular Feature" number 11, 1950.)

The right to bear arms … lots and lots of arms

You'd think with fifty pairs of arms, at least one would be left-handed. But no:

How the hell do you even put on a costume like that?! And if you say "One leg at a time ... a hundred times in a row" I'll throw my bracelets of submission at you!

Given the recent discussion over a certain disgusting movie involving humans and centipedes, and given the sordid S&M nature of Wonder Woman's past, I can't help but feel icky and like I need a shower. But I bet the guy who came up with the movie read this comic. If so, whatever else you say about the guy, he at least had the good sense not to have a costume involving fifty pairs of footy PJs, overlapping gun holsters, and what appear to be suckers on the bottom of the feet.

On the other hand, even the Crimson Centipede, lame as he is, knows better than to leave the house in star-spangled Granny panties. So there's that.

(With thanks to "Again With the Comics".)

Giant Mutant Corny Dogs, ATTACK!

(From "Spectacular Feature" number 11, 1950.)

Poll Position: Kirk vs. Han

Due to an awesome suggestion in last week's poll, this time out we're going to pit two of the smoothest, coolest, bad-boy-est captains ever to grace the spaceways with their suave selves:


Now, to some degree how you answer depends on which universe you'd rather inhabit. You've got the Kirk-era Federation, a virtual utopia that still has enough rough edges on the frontier to make things interesting. On the other hand you've got the Empire-era Star Wars universe, complete with evil overlords and magical Force powers. One has a more sci-fi edge to it, the other ventures into science fantasy.

Let's be clear here, however -- you're serving under one of these .... um, "gentlemen" ... so you're not going to be commanding the Enterprise or being a Jedi Knight. Since we're all egoists to some degree, you're also not going to be doomed to a vanishingly short career as a Red Shirt or Storm Trooper, either. I see us fitting in somewhere between Spock/McCoy level bridge crew and Chewy-level best buddy.

Moving on from the universe, we get to the character of the two men in question. Both are hot-dog horn-dogs with a flair for the dramatic and a knack for getting things done. Han served on the shady side of the law, always one step from getting corralled by the authorities and living life on the edge. Kirk too exists on the ragged edge, though in his case he's on the lawful side of the tracks. Most of the time.

Under Kirk you have an entire system of authority, rules, and best practices, handed down for decades from the best minds of Starfleet, an entire hierarchy with experience putting large numbers of crew under the command of their god-like captains. Under Han, you're one of a tiny handful (if that) of crew, operating under nothing more than a trumped-up version of the Pirate's Code.

Their personal styles are pretty similar, though Han's got a lot more rough edges to him. He can be short-tempered and abrasive. Kirk's much smoother, though if you think there's not a hot core there, just fling the nearest green-skinned female at him.

For me, it comes down to whether you want to operate under a system, or if you'd rather be footloose and fancy free. So what about you, is it the Pirate's life for you, or a comfortable yet exciting slot in the vast machinery of Starfleet?

Samson the smooth-talker

(From "Spectacular Feature" number 11, 1950.)

Character Design Contest 76: Animalia II

Recently we talked about revisiting past contest ideas, so this week that's exactly what we're going to do. Way back in June of 2009, we held Character Design Contest 6: Animalia, and now's your chance to do it all over again! Here's how the original announcement read:

Your character creation challenge for this week is going to be a bit more focused than last time: you must create a character (or characters) based on the animal kingdom. That might mean a super chimpanzee, or it might mean The Battling Beaver super-hero, or it might be a space-zombie-fighting intergalactic robot horse, or it might be your take on the Beastmaster, or a fantasy ranger with his wolf companion, or or or anything else you can think of, so long as it relates in some way to an animal.

We've updated the rules a bit since then, though:

  • All entries must be in JPG or PNG form (BMPs are too big), posted to a publicly accessible website (like ImageShack, PhotoBucket, the UGO Forums, whatever);
  • Entries must be made as a comment or comments to this post, containing a link directly to the image and the character name;
  • The image cannot have been used in any previous HeroMachine character design contest;
  • Please name your files as [your name]-[character name].[file extension]. So DiCicatriz, for instance, would save his "Bayou Belle" character image as DiCicatriz-BayouBelle.png.
  • Please make the link go directly to the image (like this) and not to a hosting jump page (like this). If you see "preview" or "rotate" somewhere in the link you're probably doing it wrong.
  • All entries must be in by next Monday, when I'll choose a winner.

The person with the winning entry as selected by our expert panel (i.e. me) will win their choice of a) a portrait to go in HeroMachine 3, b) an item to go in HeroMachine 3, or c) a custom black and white "Sketch of the Day" style drawing (also by me).

For old times' sake, the original winner of the first Animalia contest was Friday Night Fights Winner Martian Blue's "Eagle:

Good luck, everyone!

Caption Contest 110 Winners!

Many thanks to everyone who entered Caption Contest 110, featuring an epic example of Superdickery. Your challenge was to come up with a headline or off-panel caption for this cover:

We had a ton of great submissions, so without further ado, here are some of the ones that I thought were particularly funny:

  • Rick:
    1. Superman slightly misunderstands the Occupy Movement…
    2. Leaping it in two bounds was just more than he could live with.
  • Nick Hentschel: “More bad news for the Kryptonite lock factory……”
  • Joel: In this exciting issue, Superman battles a new foe: MUSHROOMS!
  • Mr.MikeK: Superman discovers that what happens in Vegas doesn’t really stay in Vegas!
  • Myro: “After his recent defeat by Batman, it was clear there was only one thing Superman could do to save face… Destroy Wayne Enterprises.”
  • count libido: Superman mistakes giant zipper for building!
  • TOOL: Allstate, are you in good hands when mayhem happens to you?
  • Jessica: On next week’s issue of Psychology Today: Superman, God Complex or Bipolar Disorder?
  • Watson Bradshaw: Superhero Jenga claim 200 lives.
  • peter flynn: “Will Clark finally escape that horrible rental agreement?”
  • TheNate:
    1. And with one strike against Blizzard Studios, Superman ended his World of Warcraft addiction.
    2. Superman would probably destroy that building even if his life didn’t depend on it.
  • Jack Zelger: “Superman provides an unhappy Lois with an unobstructed view of the park.”

Having just recently re-acquired my WoW addiction, I sympathize completely with TheNate's first entry. Oi. And I think "Superhero Jenga" should totally be one of DC's "New 52" launches, that would be awesome.

However, as the overall winner I am going to have to go with ... Nick Hentschel! That one made me laugh every time I read it, and I thought it was a very clever way both to explain the scene and to be an ironic comment on it. Well done, Nick! Let me know what you'd like for your prize either in the comments or via email.

Thanks again to everyone who entered, and congratulations to all of these fine Finalists.

Remember that time Samson fell in love with a lion? Wait, what?

(From "Spectacular Feature" number 11, 1950.)