Life after the Finishing Move

(From "Blue Bolt" number 2, 1940.)

Godzilla vs. Optimus Prime

Two titans battling it out in the heart of a major city, one atomic-fire-filled giant lizard and one space alien transforming robot! It's technology versus biology, West versus East, rubber suit versus CGI in a battle for the ages. Who will win? Only you can decide!

[polldaddy poll="5942035"]

Lay out your case in the comments and may the vest best giant creature win!

Caption Contest 117: The Vow!

Your challenge this week is to come up with the best replacement dialog for this comics panel (which comes to us courtesy of the always awesome Glenn3's "Say What?" PhotoBucket site):

The best entry (as judged by yours truly) wins the author's choice of either any item they like or any portrait to be included in HeroMachine 3′s final release, or a custom black and white “Sketch of the Day” style illustration (you pick the subject, I draw it however I like).

All entries must be left as a comment (or comments) to this post. Keep ‘em clean (appropriate for a late-night broadcast TV show), but most importantly, keep ‘em funny!

We're going to mix it up this week and say there's no limit to entries, but please, self-edit and only put up ones you genuinely think are funny!

Character Design Contest 82 Winners!

Thanks to everyone who entered the very difficult Character Design Contest 82: Pride! Without further ado, here are your Finalists, the submissions I thought had something particularly special about them.

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The Recommended Daily Allowance of 'Shot in the Face With Atomic Rays'

(From "Blue Bolt" number 2, 1940.)

SOD.244 – Batman Valentine's

It's for one of my nephews, all right? Back off!

Freestyle Round 3

I was supposed to post this yesterday but I didn't manage to get to it. I apologize for the delay, but am happy to present the next round of our HeroMachine Freestyle Story! Our winning continuation came from Gero, with a new illustration by Skybandit. Our story thus far:

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Today in stupid origin stories

(From "Blue Bolt" number 2, 1940.)

Sex Ed, 1940 edition

(From "Blue Bolt" number 2, 1940.)

Sharing Day, Creative Elevator Pitch Day

An "elevator pitch" is a very short, very quick-to-deliver creative pitch, something you would have ready to use if you found yourself in an elevator with an influential person who could help your project get off the ground.

For this Sharing Day, your mission (if you choose to accept it) is:

Give us the elevator pitch for your best geeky creative vision, the project you would try to sell someone on who had the power to make it come to fruition.

Note that it doesn't have to be related to super-heroes. You might want to pitch your fantasy novel, or your sci-fi television show pilot, or your idea for a business cranking out Star Wars headgear in yarn. It's your vision! In return:

You can ask me any question you like about whatever you like, which I will answer either completely truthfully or not at all (in which case you can ask something else). I say that because, come on, there are some things no one should have to know! You're not obligated to ask me anything, but if you don't share your answer to the question of the day, you can't ask anything in return.

Since you are currently on the successful results of my elevator pitch, I exempt myself from answering this one.

I look forward to hearing your visions!

And to be clear, posting it here does not give me or anyone else the rights to steal it for our own. It's still your idea.