Pop Quiz 10 Winners!

Many thanks to everyone who entered Pop Quiz 10, which challenged you to create a new cool character using one of the ones pictured in "Companions-Humanoid". I did have to disallow two entries, one for violating the Fantastic Four copyright and one for coming a little too far over the line for a Superman reference, sorry about that. I have to be a lot stricter about what I allow posted on my sites than you do on yours.

Regardless, here are your entries! Click on any one to start the slideshow.

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Pop Quiz: Companion Dress Up

Happy Saturday, people! Unless you're on the other side of the world in which case it's already Sunday. If so, drop us a line and let us know what the world is like in the fuuuuuuuture ... Ahem.

Your one-day quick-fire challenge is:

Dress Up a Humanoid Companion!

In other words, make a character illustration like you normally would, only the body has to be one of the items from Companion-Humanoids. You can do a little or a lot, but the Companion has to be the main character.

You only get one entry -- that's right, just one! So make it your best. Most of the other rules are the same as for a regular contest, but instead of a whole week I'll announce the winner either tonight or first thing in the morning.

  • All entries must be in JPG or PNG form (BMPs are too big), posted to a publicly accessible website (like ImageShack, PhotoBucket, the UGO Forums, whatever);
  • Entries must be made as a comment or comments to this post, containing a link directly to the image and the character name;
  • Please name your files as [your name]-[character name].[file extension]. So DiCicatriz, for instance, would save his "Bayou Belle" character image as DiCicatriz-BayouBelle.png.
  • Please make the link go directly to the image (like this) and not to a hosting jump page (like this). Here's a quick-start guide on how to do that for various image hosting services.

The winner will receive their choice of either one item or one portrait to be included in the final HeroMachine 3 release, or one Sketch of the Day style drawing where you pick the subject and I draw it how I like.

Good luck!

Never turn your back on Wrongway Pete …

(From "Target Comics" volume 2, number 1, 1941.)

Open Critique Day #39

My full-time (non-HeroMachine) job might keep me from actually getting to these before this afternoon, but it's time for another Open Critique Day!

If you have a HeroMachine illustration or another piece of artwork you've done that you'd like some help with, post a link to it in comments along with your thoughts on it -- what you think is working, what you're struggling with, etc. I will post my critique of the piece, hopefully giving some tips on how to improve it.

Of course everyone is welcome to post their critiques as well, keeping in mind the following guidelines:

  • Make sure your criticism is constructive. Just saying "This sucks" is both rude and unhelpful without giving specific reasons why you think it sucks and, ideally, some advice on how to make it better.
  • Each person should only post one illustration for critique to make sure everyone who wants feedback has a chance.
  • I will not critique characters entered in any currently running contest, as that doesn't seem fair to the other entrants. You can still post it if you like for the other visitors to critique, but I will not do so.

That's it! Hopefully we can get some good interaction going here and help everyone (me included!) learn a little bit today.

Plus Mashed Tater and Koleslaw!

(This one's a stretch, I admit. But I bet Sanders is a Colonel, and he's probably chicken. From "Target Comics" number 12, 1941.)

Thrusts of Justice

We had such fun with Matt Youngmark's Chooseomatic adventure "Zombocalypse Now" that I thought we should take a crack at his newest book, the super-hero themed "Thrusts of Justice". As usual, I'll post a few pages of the adventure and let you all collectively decide on what course of action we should take. Matt's a very funny, gifted writer and I am sure you'll get a kick out of these latest escapades. If you enjoyed trotting along after our zombie-confronting stuffed bunny, you'll love this one as well. And just like last time, you should go buy your own copy since we're only scratching the surface of the hilarity enshrined in these pages.

Without further ado, let's don our Clark Kent glasses and slip into our spandex Underoos, folks!

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When George Lucas wrote comics

(From "Let's Talk About Trade Agreements Then Beat Up CGI Robots Comics" ... no, wait, "Target Comics" number 12, 1941.)

Thor, God of the G-String

Keeping with Dan's suggestion that we take a look at the worst-dressed moments in this history of the Avengers in the movie, I bring you Thor, God of the G-String!

First, let this serve as a warning to all you budding artists out there that you should never base your drawings on your action figures.

Second, if you can tear your eyes away from that Ken-like monstrosity of a crotch and the giant balloon legs, think about how this outfit works. A normal plunging neckline (for instance, like Luke Cage's) covers all but the middle of your chest because presumably you want lots of protection from the elements and enemy bullets while still letting the chicks gaze with wonder at your pecs.

To that, Thor says "Nay nay"! Because apparently Thor heard about these things called "G-Strings" and wanted to try them out, only to be thwarted by his articulated nether regions. So he went all atomic wedgie and yanked that sucker over his head.

It's like a negative-space shirt, covering what ought to be open and opening what ought to be covered. I bet that's what the giant floating heads behind him are screaming so violently about. "THOR! I CAN SEE YOUR NIPPLES! AND WHY IS YOUR CROTCH THAT? SERIOUSLY BROTHER, YOU SHOULD SEE SOMEONE. LIKE, NOW. AND WHERE IS MY BODY?! I CAN'T STOP SCREAMING, YAAAAAAH!"

I recommend getting a teenaged boy sidekick

(From "Target Comics" number 12, 1941.)

The Avengers vs. The Empire

Let's say instead of random aliens coming through the wormhole in the "Avengers" movie, it was actually the Galactic Empire, led by Darth Vader, fully-functional Death Star and all. In the same scenario as the movie -- a fully prepared invasion in force trying to establish a beachhead in Manhattan, opposed by the Avengers -- who do you think would come out on top?

Let's say up front that Vader doesn't have the same kind of personality quirks and psychological imperatives as Loki. Loki is a trickster, delighting in sowing dissent and discord, preferring to take the back-stabbing approach rather than a more confrontational stance. Mostly.

Vader is arguably more aggressive and willing to fight head-to-head. He's led massive military efforts before, better fitting the role of general. Plus, while Loki has a mind-control stick, Vader has a light saber.

In terms of the armies at their disposal, it seems like both the Empire and the Chitauri have about the same level of pilot skill. Namely, they can mostly avoid flying directly into solid objects as long as they're not too distracted. We're not exactly talking the Red Baron here in either case.

Regardless, you have to admit it would be pretty awesome to see Hawkeye shooting TIE fighters out of the sky, massive AT-ATs wading down Wall Street while the Hulk smashes them to bits, Iron Man dodging blaster fire through skyscrapers, Thor calling lightning down on Star Destroyers, Black Widow firing widows' bites at Vader while he blocks them with his light saber, and Captain America wading through waves of Stormtroopers.

I'd still go with the Avengers over the Empire, largely playing out the same way it did against the Chitauri. Except for the ending, which would have Iron Man zipping along the Death Star trench to fire at the portal with his repulsor beams, Thor picking off TIE fighters as he advances. Because apparently the Empire and the Chitauri both buy their giant space ships from the same supplier.

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