Another Thought

I'm sure some of you may remember a piece I did on this blog back in February titled: Just A Thought. If you don't here's a link- link. Back then it was in reaction to the suicide attempt of 11 year old Michael Morones, who tried to take his own life because he was bullied because he was a fan of My Little Pony. Well, it is with a heavy heart that I once again have to dust off the soapbox, because the world just doesn't get the message.

This morning, I was doing my rounds of checking all my usual internet haunts (deviantart, the forums etc.) and this is the second story down on the MLP community website (for those of you who don't know, I am a very avid Brony, and I really don't care if you like it or not)-

The page has a link to the original article as reported in the British tabloid press and the story goes something like this. 19 year old Brony, Adam Smith, was bullied online by internet trolls because of his fandom of MLP, the fan fiction he wrote of the show and his learning disability. He was accused of plagiarism for his story (I do not know if these claimed had any foundation, I haven't read his story nor seen the comments thread of it on the website it was posted on). He later made a youtube video apologising to the people who accused him of plagiarism for any misunderstanding (again, I haven't seen the video). He was then attacked in the comments section of the video by people laughing at his speech problems. A few days later, Adam Smith walked in front of a moving train.

Now we come to the point of todays missive, much like my Just A Thought had a point to it. When it comes to criticism, some people take it better than others, but verbally attacking someone and mocking them because of something completely out of their control, such as a disability, is not even justifiable. It is one of the lowest things a person can do. So never laugh at a person less fortunate than yourself, just think how that would feel. And when it comes to dealing with people who think that the best form of entertainment is making someone else feel like dirt, ignore them. Trolls like this thrive on attention, so starve them of it. Most, if not all, internet sites allow you to block users, that feature is there for a reason. Of course, if this is happening in real life, then you don't have a block button, so tell someone, a teacher, a parent, a team manager if its happening at work. You have a right to feel comfortable with who you are and it is wrong for someone to try and make you feel uncomfortable with being yourself.

Criticism is welcome in this community, it's an artistic community, it's actively encouraged. But destructive criticism ("this sucks" and any variation there-in) is not welcome and will get you hit with sanctions as quickly as a moderator notices your comments. So if you are going to criticise, make sure its constructive. Tell the person how the can improve their work, what they could do differently, be encouraging, it feels so much better for all involved. Because trolling will get you shown the exit door, it's that way and it only opens from the inside. Once you're out, you're out.

And as a final thought; really, it doesn't matter what other people think in the end. Yeah bad comments and criticism can hurt at first, but they don't really matter. As long as you enjoy what you're doing, that is good enough. Be you, because you are awesome.

JR out.

Caption Contest Delayed

I had a last minute family outing to attend today and thus did not get around to judging or selecting a new image for this round of caption contest posts so I will get that done for you all some time tomorrow.

There’s No Place Like Chrome For The Holidays

While this has nothing really to do with superheroes, the pieces have a very cool Transformer/mech vibe. Also inspires us all to think outside the box.

Happy Holidays all!

Character Building with JR19759

Sorry that the audio and video aren't synched properly on this one guys. I think I might have cropped the audio clip a bit much, but it doesn't make a huge difference, I'm still talking about all the right things in all the right places.

As I say in the video, next week is shading and it will also be the last video of the series. If you have any suggestions for future projects, if you want to see other video tutorials on stuff I haven't covered in these videos, or if you want to see something different, leave you ideas down in the comments below.

Character Of The Year- Final

[polldaddy poll="8523031"]

This poll will be open from now until Christmas Eve, so make sure you vote for your favourite lots during that time, because remember, whoever wins is going in the HOF.

Note: Poll 4 ended in a draw (nice and rhyme), so I have included both of the winners from that poll here for the sake of fairness (plus we usually have 5 entries in a poll, so it makes sense really).

Anyway, pop below the break for my run down of this years finalists.

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Character Design Contest ♯102 (Christmas Trees) Poll

[polldaddy poll="8523028"]

Character Design Contest ♯101 (Snowmen) Winner

The winner of this weeks contest was none other than CosmicComics for his Do Not Open. Congrats CC, please speak to dblade about your prize, and well done to everyone who entered.

101 cosmiccomics- do_not_open

Supply Room= Closet, I Guess


Character Of The Week: RobM- Sublimation Silver

This weeks COTW was a hard one to decide. There were a few that at different points of the week I was planning to write this post about. In the end I had to go back and go through them all and basically see which one I would have the most to say about. And this wonderful piece of surrealism came out on top.

Now, obviously the most striking thing about this piece, is the fact that his head and shoulders have been reduced to bubbles. If you just look at the lowest bubbles, you can see where Rob has masked the hands and arms to the energy. Plus the fact that some of the bubbles are skin coloured, you really do get the impression that this person is actually dissolving.

And then, once again, Rob is being sneaky and testing me on my skills in try to explain how he does these effects. I am of course talking about the white shine he has created on the chest and legs. And I'm kinda at a loss. I at least figured out that the abs come from the really muscular Male-Alternate body and the glow effect on them is the shading circle set to colour 1 as the skin colour and colour 2 as white, but I actually have no idea how he did the chest. Rob, once again I must ask you to explain your methods.

Now, I have literally now just spotted one thing that needs to be changed on this piece before I could truly say its perfect. The feet. They aren't the same colour as the rest of the skin. It's not that noticeable when you first look, what with everything else going on in this picture, but now that I've noticed it, it's really nagging me. But otherwise, I would have to say that this picture is sublime (if you'll excuse the pun).

Open Critique Day #7

Alright! It's time for another Open Critique Day!

As for how this goes, you post a work of yours, finished or WIP (aka work in process, for those who are new to abbreviations), and then others give you critiques on your work.  I do not mind if you post the occasional non-HM picture or piece of writing, but keep in mind that, though there are some, not all of us here are writers or do art outside of HeroMachine. All I ask is that you only post pictures that are your own design and not any that copyrighted or based off of copyrighted characters. As for pieces of writing, I’m not sure about whether fan fiction is allowed, but for right now, just in case, don’t post fan fiction either.

Also, again, if you post a work, it is highly recommended that you also give someone else a critique.