Weilyn’s Characters

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    Thank you! I appreciate your concern, but I am quite fine, all things considered.

    Glad to hear you like the hookah! It was one of those spur-of-the-moment things (needed for him to do something with his hands) but I think it worked out fine.



    Here’s my contribution to the Opposite Contest by Gargantua, a gender-flipped remake of Una Vindjac, one of my very first creations with Heromachine 3.



    Made me some dwarves, for my “Dwarf recipe” thread over in the “Tips, Tricks, How-Tos, and Guides” forum, and to get a hang of their proportions. I’m pretty fond of the end result.


    Herr D

    @Weilyn said:

    Made me some dwarves, for my “Dwarf recipe” thread over in the “Tips, Tricks, How-Tos, and Guides” forum, and to get a hang of their proportions. I’m pretty fond of the end result.

    Do fantasy dwarves swim? I can’t recall anything against the idea, but I’m wondering where they could find a pool with a shallow end at one foot deep . . . you know, for beginners and kids.



    Well, I’ve been having a remarkably shitty day, and to avoid having a similarly shitty evening I decided to play dress-up with dwarves on Heromachine. It worked.

    Herr D, I guess dwarves could swim in subterranean lakes, though I don’t see why they would. Those things are nasty.

    In any case, here is what they, in my universe, would be wearing when they ventured outside of their mountain halls.


    Dwarf explorers of the Glittertind hold

    When ever dwarves leave their mountains for the surface they wear a lot of protective clothing. Not only to save themselves from the cold, but also to protect their skin from the sun, which is accustomed to the darkness of their caves. Similarly they wear darkened glasses, to shield their sensitive eyes from the sunlight, which is commonly even more amplified by the glaciers covering the peaks above their homes.



    Look at that! They’re too cute



    Those dwarves are scary… Wink



    If dwarves were real, they’d wear the suits. And the dwarfish woman… yikes.



    @ prswirve
    Thanks! Don’t say that to their faces, though Wink

    @ Legatus
    Well, they got to scare off all those pesky Norwegians.

    @ Maaz
    The suits? Yikes? I’m sorry, I’m not quite following.



    There’s something about those dwarves’ clothes that makes sense, and looks very cool.



    Weilyn, first my condolences regarding your grandfather. I was browsing through your thread and all I can say is WOW! Too much great stuff for me to point any one thing, but the stuff by your little brother looks like it was fun. Keep it coming!



    BTW, those two dwarves look scary as hell. Makes me think if I met them I’d wake up in a forced labor camp in Siberia, or in a bathtub full of ice, missing an internal organ! (Just kidding. great work!)



    @ Trekkie
    Thank you! I really appreciate that Smile

    Thank you very much! More stuff by my brother will probably come soon enough, he had so much fun Laugh
    Oh, and the dwarves rarely take more than a kidney. Don’t be stingy Wink

    More dwarves. Nobles, this time.


    Kerun and Rotar rukh Harmag: Thanes of the House of Glittertind


    Herr D

    Eeee-ew. At least no one would normally let ME meet nobility. The furs look like a hug would be okay. Too many ways to hide poison barbs in all that fancy metal.



    @Herr D said:

    Eeee-ew. At least no one would normally let ME meet nobility. The furs look like a hug would be okay. Too many ways to hide poison barbs in all that fancy metal.

    Yeah, stay away from the nobles. They’re always up to no good http://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-smileys/sf-wink.gif

    Some more dwarves:

    Ilhan and Duncr rukh Frisi, chief engineers of the KLS (Keizerlijke Luchtschip) Mistpoeffer.
    “Crashing you say? Not to worry, dear, I brought our lucky spanner. We’ll be fine.”
    -Ilhan rukh Frisi during the Third Siege of The Hague
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