Category Archives: Challenge Prizes

The winning prizes for all HeroMachine challenges.

HM3: Goggle mask

I've just uploaded Trekkie's prize for winning Character Contest 88 to Headgear-Mask:


HM3: Cybertaur

Kaldath's prize for winning one of the Consolation Rounds in the last Friday Night Fights was a cyborg centaur body, now available in Body-Monster:

HM3: Thumbs up!

I've just added Myro's prize for winning Pop Quiz 6 to HandRight-Standard and HandRight-Female. In addition, as long as I was in there I went ahead and added the side-view fist to HandRight-Standard as well. Note that the female thumbs-up is redrawn to look more feminine for hers. Getting the item masking right on this one was tricky, so let me know how items mask to the hands.

HM3: Frankenarm

Frankie had a loooooong outstanding prize request from before I was really doing regular contests, and he finally cashed in. I dub thee "Frankenarm". It can now be found in Tops-Female-Spandex. Why there instead of Female Gloves? Because like a moron I haven't done female gloves yet, a project that now has moved to the top of my list. And I didn't put it in hands because Frankie indicated he didn't want to be able to put items in it, but would rather be able to mask other items onto it (those are two mutually exclusive things, by the way). Thus, Frankenarm:

HM3: Female 3/4 Leg

AMS' final prize in his magical mystery win-a-palooza tour over the last few months is a three quarter view female leg, now available in Body-Female-Standard:

I went ahead and broke it into three items -- the whole leg, just the thigh, and just the lower leg.

HM3: Vase

Apparently I promised Kytana a vase in addition to her treasure chest, so I've just updated ItemRight-Miscellaneous with this one:

HM3: Side view fist

I forgot that I had posted AMS' prize for winning Character Contest 84, available now in Hand-Female-Standard:

HM3: Myro

I've just added Myro's portrait to the Head-Winners set as his prize for winning Caption Contest 116. Now you can make your very own Super Myro!

HM3: Satyr leg

I've just added a satyr leg to the Body-Monster set for Cliff's Character Contest 86 victory:

Cliff, I know you wanted three separate pieces, but generally I do my best to keep prizes to one item. Hopefully this will work for you.

HM3: Batik pattern

I've just added the following Batik pattern to "Patterns-Standard" as alvacascus' prize for winning Character Contest 78. If you don't see it, clear your browser cache and try again.

I cleaned up those over-run black bits as well in the final version, after this screen capture was taken. Enjoy!