Monthly Archives: September 2013

Make It Sew – The Costume Blog – The Creators

Costume Designer Penny Rose


Selected Film Credits

2013 The Lone Ranger

lone ranger tonto first still

2011 Pirates of the Caribbean: Tales of the Code: Wedlocked (Short)

2011 Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides


2010 Unstoppable

2010 Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time


2008 Made of Honor

2007 St. Trinian's

2007 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End


2007 Wild Hogs

2006 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest


2005 The Weather Man

2004 King Arthur


2003 Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl


2002 Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister (TV Movie)

2001 Just Visiting

2001 Neanderthal (TV Movie documentary)

1999 Entrapment

1998 The Parent Trap

1996 Evita

1996 Mission: Impossible

1993 Shadowlands

1991 The Commitments

1982 Pink Floyd The Wall

1981 Quest for Fire



Open Critique Day

There's not going to be a Big Question today because I can't think of a topic that I really want to talk about. So instead I'll let you guys use this thread as an Open Critique Day thread. If anyone has any ideas for subjects to cover in the Big Question please tell me, because I don't want to have to drop it.

Anyway, lets see what you guys have got and we'll see if we can help you improve it.

Kaldath’s Caption Contest #11: Winner

Last week I asked you to give me your best replacement dialog for this image:




and here are my top five entries:

And that goes for Kool-Aid Man, too!

“No-one gets away with firing Clayface!”

In soviet Russia fourth wall breaks you!

No-one calls me a blockhead!

All in all its just a
-nother brick in the wall

AND THE WINNER IS ...................

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Anime Talk: Not For Me!


The "Anime Talk" column here on the blog is normally geared towards fans of anime, this week I want to hear from that segment of our community that doesn't watch nor do they care to watch any anime.  I'd love to know why you do not like anime, what about it turns you away is it something about the entire genre or was there a particular anime series or movie that ruined it for you ? As I have mentioned a few time that the classic anime movie Akira almost made me into an Anime Hater. I watched that movie and could not stand it and did not want to see anymore anime. If it were not for a stubborn friend that kept pushing anime on me until he found something I did like I likely would not be writing about Anime on this blog today.


So that's our topic of discussion for this week, leave your comments below letting us all know about why you don't watch anime, and so that our anime fans out there do not feel left out on this topic I'd like to ask you what Anime (s) series or movies you dislike even though you are fans of the genre.

It’s a Wonder: The Voice Actors of DC Universe Online Speak Out


If you know this depiction of Wonder Woman, then you know Susan Eisenberg.

On Google+ I saw this very interesting article that DCUO ( DC Universe Online ) shared and I wanted to share it with you all!


Here is an excerpt:


This statement will reveal my impending old age to anyone that reads this, but here goes: to me, Lynda Carter will always be Wonder Woman. As a young child, I was obsessed with the television show in which she starred, and it was my introduction to the raven-haired Amazonian princess.

Alas, it is obviously time for me to let go of my childhood crush and admit the character has evolved since the days I watched a bespectacled Diana Prince twirl around and explode into her Wonder Woman disguise. And who better than Susan Eisenberg to take Carter's place as my mental image of such a goddess? Eisenberg is the voice of Wonder Woman to modern audiences; she's performed the role in Justice LeagueJustice League Unlimited, and Injustice: Gods Among Us.

She also inhabits the role in DC Universe Online, a game which takes its superheroes veryseriously, and as well it should. I approached Eisenberg and several of her colleagues, all of whom voice larger-than-life characters in SOE's online role-playing game, to find out how they unleash their inner heroes and villains. When comic enthusiasts are so invested in a character, how much pressure is there to get it right? After all, superfans are known for being vocal about both their likes and their dislikes. Luckily, Eisenberg understands just how seriously she needs to take her role.

"There is always pressure to 'get it right,' "she says. "As I've said many times, playing her has been the biggest privilege of my career, so I always want to do her justice (pun intended). But with Wonder Woman and Diana, that's the gift, too because there's a built-in fan base which cares enormously for what you're doing. And with social media, you're able to communicate with them directly, which is a fabulous bonus! When I first recorded [the role] for DCUO, I couldn't wait to share it with the fans because they've been with me since I started on Justice League in 2000."


To read the full article just follow this link:


Poll Position: Hawkman vs Archangel

This weeks poll position is going to be a classic verses poll. I'd like to know who you think would win a fight between Hawkman and Archangel.  Besides the various skills and abilities of the two combatants this is also a battle between  Nth metal and Organic Steel which is why I choose Archangel for this poll even though he has since reverted to Angel in the comics.

[polldaddy poll="7402925"]


Last weeks poll position "The Jokes On You" I asked which version of TV or Movie Joker either Animated or live action you liked best and based on your votes the WINNER is: Mark Hamill  with Heath Ledger coming in a very close second!

SO that's it, please take a moment to vote in the current poll and leave a comment below about either the results of last weeks poll, or who you think should win this weeks ( OR BOTH!! )

Power User Profile – JR19759

When I joined Heromachine and started perusing the forum pages, JR's was one of the first I landed on. Since that time I have been a regular visitor watching this amazing young person's work evolve into the glorious work they are creating today. Their singular, angular style, mastery of colour, and the complexity in their detail and shading makes them one of the most original creators on Heromachine . When I read their profile, the thing that surprised me the most was the fact that they are only 20 years old, and while I am impressed with their brilliant artwork and concepts, I must also make mention of the thoughtful and insightful comments and critiques they post as part of their regular Blog contributions. Congratulations JR...this is long overdue.

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Movie News: WB CEO Kevin Tsujihara Mentions Multiple DC Movies Are In The Works

CBN › News › Movie  News
Posted by: Matt  McGloin, Editor/Publisher September 16, 2013 13:55 | Updated: 3 hours 16  min Ago


Previously, Warner Bros.  CEO Kevin Tsujihara let it be known at an investors  meeting that the new Ben  Affleck Batman would be a seasoned veteran, and now new details have become  known about the direction of the DC movie universe.

Yahoo has a transcript of the investors meeting with  Kevin Tsujihara being questioned by Bank of America Merrill Lynch's Jessica Reif. The transcript doesn't look to be all that  well transcribed, but there seems to be enough present to understand.

Tsujihara lets it be known that multiple  DC movies are being planned as he notes the basis of WB's 12-14 movies will have  the DC characters as the foundation.

Then you have 12 to 14 pictures coming from Warner Bros. And I think the  basis, foundation of those 12 to 14 pictures are going to be coming from DC  Entertainment. We have Batman versus Superman coming out in  ’15, but those are going to be in the coming months a lot of announcements  regarding kind of the future movie, television, games and consumer product pieces that are going to be coming from  DC.

Tsujihara continues with mention of Ben Affleck and the Batman Vs. Superman movie. Note: I  believe "Jake" is supposed to be director Zack [Snyder], and the "15" mentioned  is the year 2015, otherwise it would be read as "the next 15 movies," but Tsujihara just stated  above 12-14. At least that is my reading of it.

We couldn’t be happier about the movie that Jake and with Chris Nolan’s help  can be created. It was a total reboot of the Man of Steel or Superman  and it really gives credibility to that character and Henry did a great job. It’s a perfect springboard to then move  into next 15, we think Jake is going to be directing Batman and Superman.  Batman, in the movie we haven’t titled it yet and we are really excited about  the fact that we were able to convince Ben to play Batman. It is a perfect for  the role and it’s going to be a Batman that you’ve absolutely never seen before,  he’s kind of tired and kind of weary,  he’s been doing this for a while and Ben is the exact perfect for the vision that Jake has for that character and  the fact that you saw such a passionate response and that is really kind of a  testament to the love that people have for this character and it’s really  exciting to see kind of where this is going and exact vision of how he’s going  to put that movie together. We think it’s going to be huge.

Interestingly enough, the source close to Warner Bros. that told us Bryan  Cranston is cast as Lex Luthor also told us  a  lot is leading up to the Justice League movie. Cosmic Book  News is also told that Bryan Cranston signed on for 6-10 movies  with Ben Affleck signing a multi-picture deal as well, possibly as high as 13. We are told Warner  Bros. wants to create a more connected world than what Marvel has done.

Tsujihara also  states DC will be the focus of things related to video games and more.

And as you said it’s being driven – the new  franchises that we are going to be zoning are going to be DC franchises.  We think there is big opportunities to  build off of what we are doing throughout the rest of the company in games as  well.
And as I said, we are number one in – we are really well positioned  for that transition on the home entertainment side and with the DC pushing, if you are in consumer products and games we think there is opportunities  there as well. So we are able to get some margin expansion also through the  digital initiatives and continuing to look for ways to be more efficient and we  are very confident that we can grow this business going  forward.


Character Design Contest ♯41- Fashion Show

Ok guys, for this weeks contest, I want you to create the best costume you possibly can. I'm not looking for amazing poses, intricate backgrounds, lots of powers on display, I just want to see a good costume. You can do a superhero costume, or you could focus on doing everyday clothes, formal wear, period costume, fantasy. And remember it doesn't have to be amazingly intricate and complicated, a well done little black dress can be just as effective as a fantasy ball gown.

Please make sure you have read the rules before entering. As usual, no limit on entries, so have fun and good luck. And as an extra incentive, I will do a redesign of one of the winners characters as a prize if they so wish.

Rules for posts, contests, and challenges that I am hosting: Original characters only, no copyrighted characters, no characters based on copyrighted characters, no characters based on RPG’s or other games. The characters must be your own design and not based on any character that might be copyrighted in any way. I have the right to delete any post that I believe crosses this line without warnings. Only post characters that you have either created for this contest specifically or you know for certain have never been entered to a contest before. If you aren’t certain, don’t enter it, because I’m not going to go back through all of the contests and check.

Screen Spotlight- Bat TV

Earlier this week, I was watching some older episodes of Smallville and as soon as Green Arrow showed up it got me thinking, how come Superman and Green Arrow both currently have live action TV Series yet Batman doesn't. Batman is arguably DC's most popular hero, so it would make a lot of sense.

Because of the fact for the most part the entire Bat Family and the majority of their villains are unpowered, it would probably be easier to make than a Superman live action TV series and you could probably get more for the money because of it. This would be the same sort of argument for the Green Arrow series, but because Batman is so much more popular there would be a bigger return. So why has Batman been stuck in cartoon land since the 70's?

Of course, Batman did make a small appearance in the 2002 Birds Of Prey series but that didn't focus on him, and there's my point. Even Birds Of Prey can get a series, al-be-it a very short lived one. So why hasn't Batman?

Not that I have anything against the Batman cartoons, some of them are the best in the medium. But considering how Batman has always been a more realistic superhero and cartoons are always best at showing the unrealistic (such as a man who can fly, shoot lasers from his eyes and restart a planet by flying counter-rotationally around it), why is his only TV representation still only on Saturday mornings?