Monthly Archives: January 2013

Sunday Share Day #H3

Sunday Share Day is open topic, Use it to share your art, for open critique, to ask for help, share ideas, or just anything that comes to mind.

Quick and Easy Challenge #5 “Heads or Tails”

For this week's challenge you need to make both sides of a coin. Two sides, one will be heads and the other will be tails. Same rules as always. Only one entry per person.


Color My Character Challenge #5

This week's character is by Sean Ross. I would like to thank Sean Ross for the use of this great character.

Alchemist by Sean Ross

Alchemist by Sean Ross text

Color my Character Challenge #4 Winner

Last weeks winner and only entry is by Renxin. Good job.Renxin

And a Late entry by the characters artist, here is headlessgeneral's colored character.

Headlessgeneral character


Open Critique Day #H7

I'm going with an open critique day today. I am going to move the "Color My Character/ Strike a Pose" challenges to Fridays and I'm bring back Open Critique Day to Thursdays and will have a weekend Open Critique day on Sundays. After very little participation for in "Kids Korner" I am going to take it off of my weekly program.

Wednesday Night Special Anime/Manga Challenge #2 “Archer”

Today's challenge is to make the best Anime/Manga "Archer that you can.

Wednesday Night Specials will be Anime / Manga challenges. It will run from Wednesday night through Saturday night. I will post a poll for everyone to vote on the winner, it will run from Sunday until Tuesday. Winner will be posted Wednesday.
Kept it "PG" this is a family site.
Once again I have to say that this is a challenge so there will be no prizes offered at this time. (But I am working on something, but it will take some time before it is ready.) No limit, so have fun creating.


Wednesday Night Special Anime/Manga Challenge #1 “Mage” Winner

The winner of the Anime/Manga Challenge is Harlequin.Harlequin 2

Bad Costumage at its Prime!!!

This week for your Viewing ,, umm Pleasure, I present you "Prime"


Lets set aside (If we can) that fact that this fellow with his muscles on top of muscle is so bulked up I doubt he could actually move, and focus instead on a couple issues I have with his costume. First the design of his metallic top that just so happens to be able to crumple perfectly to conform to his ahoulders movements it would seem, is shaped like a great big arrow pointing direction at the mans groin region!!  It just seems to say "Hello Ladies, I'm Prime, please ignore my freakish appearance and focus your attention here, thank you!!!"


Next taking a look at his boots we seem to have the same Terminator liquid metal effect that allows his ankles freedom of motion in those non-articulared but apparently solid metal footwear.  And lastly his cape, which is apparently sporting a great deal of  spray starch appears to either be growing directly out of his anterior deltoids or is somehow fastened to his back and not his shoulders or around his neck like you would expect to see.  All in all I would say that Prime is in my opinion a prime example of a bad costume, and a bad character design in general.

R.P.G. Challenge “Floor Tiles #1″ Winner

Not to many people turned out for this challenge. Two entries to pick from makes it hard to judge. The winner this week is Herr D. And for second place, Keith Kanin, I went ahead and added your first set of tiles as a bonus.

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Poll Position: “Green Arrow” vs. “Hawkeye”









Who's arrow will hit dead center of the bulls eye. No superpowers here, just straight up marksmanship.

[polldaddy poll="6830549"]