Monthly Archives: May 2010

Iron Man 2 review

Short Review: A thoroughly satisfying and entertaining comic book super-hero movie.

Medium Review: "Iron Man 2" bucks the trend of super-hero sequels bettering their original installments, but remains a fun, satisfying experience. Director Jon Favreau manages to work in multiple heroes and villains without making the movie feel crowded or silly, and brings back most of the elements that made the first movie such a treat. Still, it doesn't quite hit the emotional or adrenaline highs previously seen, and in spots felt like it meandered a bit. Overall, though, an excellent super hero comic book movie that's well worth a full price admission.

Long Review: Since I consider "Iron Man" possibly the best super-hero movie ever made, it's not surprising that I wouldn't think the sequel is better -- that would be a tall order indeed. But it is very good, giving us what we want: Lots and lots of things blowing up, accompanied by Robert Downey Junior's excellent Tony Stark attitude. I'd rank it with movies like the original "Batman", the most recent "Hulk", and the original "X-Men", as a movie that does a great job translating the spirit and fun of the source material into a new medium.
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Real life Iron Man suit

Talk about Things I Like, I LOVE this guy, who built his own War Machine armor!

Check out the entire article for more information and a video. Pretty amazing what people can do when they set their minds -- and four thousand dollars -- to it.


RP: Unsettling threats

(From "Crack Comics" Number 1, 1940.)


A fight and a speech

The decision has been made to rush to the defense of the young wizard's apprentice. And by the way, if apprentices can fling around dozens of deadly lightning bolts, remind me never to piss off an actual wizard in this place. Sheesh.

Just as the Giak makes his leap, you race forward and strike out with your weapon -- knocking the creature away from the young wizard's back.

You jump onto the struggling Giak and strike again. Due to the surprise of your attack, add 4 points to your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of this fight but remember to deduct it again as soon as the fight is over.


If you win, turn to 325.

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RP: That’s SERVE and protect, not SERVICE …

(From "Crack Comics" number 1, 1940.)


RPG Corner: Bad guys

This week in RPG Corner I wanted to bring up the subject of enemies. Are there particular creatures you like to fight in your games, or a specific "boss" you remember vividly? I know in our Champions games, the players hated this character Nereid. She was a mentalist, who generally come in for a lot of abuse in that system, and they really loathed seeing her marker pop up on the battle mat. I don't know if it was the willpower-sapping entangling shawl she'd wrap around people, or the mind-controlling kisses, or what, but the hatred got almost visceral at times.

I never played in a D&D style campaign that had bad guys drawn as vividly as we got routinely in Champions, so I'm curious if the same thing happens to you in other gaming systems. Leave your favorite villain descriptions or encounters in the comments below, I'd love to hear about them.

RP: Products from Smokey the Bear’s nightmares

(From "America's Best Comics" number 22.)