Monthly Archives: January 2010

SOD.022 – Wastelander

Another how-I-did-it video that ended up with the following sketch:


And here's the video. Note that I ended it before doing a number of things like changing up the glasses, adding a new set of goggles to the forehead, changing the nose, and adding black, which probably took about ten to twenty additional minutes. So from start to finish, this took about half an hour.
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RP: The Comic Book Physics Handwavium Principle


(From "Master Comics" number 62, 1945.)

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Art Talk 1

Hammerknight's starting a new series this week, and would love your suggestions. Take it away, HK! Click the image for a larger, more legible version.


HM3: HandRight minor update

I just added a handful (get it?!) of items to HandRightStandard in the HeroMachine 3 Alpha. These are the additional hands from the BodyMaleAlternate set that weren't already in there.



I've been into fabrics and folds lately, so this old man in a turban and shawl was a good subject.

RP: Cuz she could BLIND her with it!


(From "Mary Marvel" number 1, 1945. And that's a Thomas Dolby reference for all you youngsters out there who never heard of "She Blinded Me With SCIENCE!")

Bad non-costumes

For the first time, we at are proud to bring you the previously untold story of how Namor lost his "Worst Dressed Aquatic Hero" award:


Look, ribbons may count as a "sport" in the eyes of the International Summer Olympic Committee, but in no way should they be considered as substitutes for an actual costume in the annals of super-heroic adventuring, a memo Phantasmo clearly missed. I just thank whatever deities may exist that we are exposed only to his dorsal view, because I have no desire to see what that ribbon is doing on the flipside.

SOD.020 – Scarf 1

I totally screwed up the scarf to her left by her head, but otherwise I kind of like it.


And here's the video of the sketch. I am working on getting a microphone so I can add voice-over, which I am sure will be the most eagerly anticipated theatrical release since "Avatar" went to the IMAX.

RP: As opposed to the doorknob?


(From "Master Comics" number 56, 1944.)