Monthly Archives: June 2009

Character Contest 9: It’s Elemental

Sorry for the lateness of this post, folks, time seems to have slipped away from me today. BUT, your challenge for this week is to create the best character image possible using any HeroMachine version that fits the theme of "It's Elemental". You could go with the natural idea of a super-hero based on one of the basic elements (Earth, Wind, Fire, etc.). Or you might create an Elemancer character from a DnD type of world. Or maybe you're into rock trolls, or water nymphs, or fiery invaders from Solaris, or a post-Apocalyptic mutant with a dowsing rod, or something else completely unexpected. Just make it look cool!

The rules are simple as always:

  1. You must use a HeroMachine version (preferably the 3.0 alpha, but any one is fine);
  2. All entries must be made as comments to this post containing a link to an image file on a publicly accessible web server somewhere (UGO Forums, ImageShack, PicasaWeb, whatever);
  3. No PhotoShopping or other after-HeroMachine image software manipulation allowed except for basic cropping and maybe adding a name.

I prefer new stuff that you haven't entered before, but sufficient awesomeness of the image will overcome a myriad of sins.

The winner will get to choose either a custom caricature of their head or any item of their choosing to be put into the HeroMachine 3 final version. Good luck everyone!

Character Contest 8 Winner

I'd like to thank everyone who shared their RPG characters with us in the last Character Contest. All of the entries were fun and interesting, so if you get the chance it's definitely worth the time to click through to the actual images.

As usual, after the jump I'd like to present some of the entries I thought were particularly worthy of an Honorable Mention for one reason or another, and then the overall winner.

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Random Panel: Good news if you’re 2D


(From "The Flame" number 1, 1954.)

Poll Position: Oh yeah, we’re going there

Walking right over the line of appropriateness, this week for our Poll Position we bring you that venerable traditional game, "FMK: Fool around, Marry, or Kill", proving I have neither class nor taste. But then, you already knew that.

For those of you unfamiliar with this concept, basically FMK is a "forced choice" game, where you must choose which of the three presented options you would Fool around with, which you would Marry, and which you would Kill. It is assumed that each choice is mutually exclusive, so you can't choose to both Fool around with and Marry the same person. The point of it is ... ok, there's not really a point, it's just stupid. But we did super-heroes-as-politicians last week so cut me some slack here, there are low-brow readers of this blog too!

So here goes:


Discussion to follow.

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META: State of my Union? You tell me!

This is Damien, back from my "vacation" at the inlaws, and I decided to ask a very important question.

How am I doing in my job here? I know there are people who like my stuff  and my efforts on Jeff's behalf, to keep comments posting regularly and stuff like that. But what of you nay-sayers? Are there those among you who don't like me, or think I'm a hack writer? Maybe think I'm too pretentious? Obviously those who are ignoring me wouldn't be reading my posts much, so I'll ask right here. Am I doing ok? What needs to change?

(Loyal fans, please let them have their say and not start a flame war, okays?)

Next weekend or before is going to be a special "Females ONLY!" Poses Post, so tune in next time!

Random Panel: Great moments in bad catchprases


(From "Captain America" number 200, © Marvel Comics Inc., 1976, with thanks to Friend of HeroMachine John Hartwell who said "This is exactly what I would say if I were the star-spangled sentinel of liberty leaping into battle".)

META: Follow comments

I've just added a Plug-In to the blog that allows you to subscribe to a comment thread via e-mail. That way if you comment on a story you can check a box, enter your e-mail address, and you'll get a message any time anyone posts a follow-up comment to that thread. It's one of those pre-packaged deals, so it looks a little generic, but it ought to work. Holler if you have any problems with it.

Random Panel: Bad moments in great jobs


(From "Red Raven Comics" number 1, 1940, courtesy of Friend of HeroMachine John Hartwell.)

Mechanics of Creation 3: Super-Sizer Poses Post!

Damien here with the super-giant post on how to make the head-on views of HeroMachine 3 work in your favor! (Or at least not hold you back too much.) So give a big hand to Violodion for suggesting this...almost a week and a half ago, I think? It's been awhile!

Anyway, when Jeff first unveiled HM3 with the new "full-frontal" view, many people including myself were somewhat disappointed.

"Why the change?" we asked and complained.

Well, to be honest, as I've helped Jeff out for the month-ish I've been working with him, there is one very noticeable flaw in creating HeroMachines:  Continue reading

Reason #11: The Whole Package

Picking apart individual aspects of Rob Liefeld's art is easy, but sometimes you need to step back and take a look at the "big picture" as it were, a point I was forcibly reminded of when I stumbled upon this example:


This one has it all, folks, in a much subtler way than you might expect. We'll take it from the top.

First of all, props to Rob for using cross-hatching in the background. It's still an amorphous blob just taking up space, but at least he -- or more likely, the inker -- used an actual artistic technique for the rendering. Still, the use of something, anything, to take up space in the background instead of an actual scene is a big Rob Liefeld staple. This one has the advantage of a random shape and random lines that add nothing to the composition except a vague feeling that this gentleman is about to be eaten by an amoeba.

Which explains why he has an enormous sword bared and ready, up to and including the serrated edges on the top of the blade. I'm trying to figure out why you would want a sword with the rippy bits up there, and I am coming up blank. If you wanted to saw with it you'd have to either do it underhanded or the knuckle guard would get in the way. Of course a nonsensical melee weapon is also a Rob Liefeld staple so we welcome it nonetheless.

But why obsess over a sword when you've got grenades! Because just one weapon is never enough for Rob Liefeld, we thankfully have at least seven, hanging from a bandoleer that's skin-tight across the chest but miraculously loose under the shoulder blade exactly where he needed something to take up space. How lucky! Or course it's possible those grenades are not part of the other ones, and instead represent some sort of clever underarm explosive device. Because who needs deodorant when you've got C4, amirightfellahs?!

Somehow I've gotten this far without talking about the head, which is just chock-full of awesomeness. You've got the face frame of hair, including longer hair on the cheeks than you'd find on Rapunzel's noggin. I'm a fairly hirsute fellow and no way in hell I can grow whiskers like that, but I reckon that's why I write software instead of launching high explosives from my pits.

But it's the actual face that really nails this as an authentic Liefeldian production. This one has it all folks, the skin pulled taut to the skull, the tooth-baring grin that couldn't possibly fit on a face with actual jaws, the sullen mismatched eyes, the excessive lines, this is a veritable masterpiece of hack. Throw in the enormous noggin, cleverly concealed by the aforementioned mane of not-Wolverine hair and it just takes your breath away.

But wait, there's more! Because when I say this drawing has the "whole package" of Liefeld hackery, I mean that literally. I rarely give this advice outside a FedEx delivery station, but check out that guy's package. Either he's going Mr. Greenjeans on us with the hiked-up waist line or you could fit his entire alien-like head in that space. And the cross-lines! Good lord, what's going on in there?! "Yes, is this Marvel HQ? I think I found where Wolverine is hiding ..." Maybe that's why he looks so constipated; there's nothing like a rabid super-hero with metal claws trying to escape from your pants to make you glad you're armed to the teeth.

And that, my friends, is reason number 11 why I hate Rob Liefeld's art.