Monthly Archives: June 2008

Superman invented rap

Superman is often dismissed as an out-of-touch throwback to old-fashioned and irrelevant mainstream middle-American values, but in this shocking expose I reveal for the first time that he actually invented rap music.

All right, not all rap music, but I have indisputable proof that he invented the genre known as "Crunk", which Wikipedia defines thusly:

[C]runk is a genre of hip hop music. Unlike the East Coast and West Coast style of hip hop, crunk has a high-energy and club-oriented feel. While other hip hop styles might involve a more conversational vocal delivery, crunk usually involves hoarse chants and repetitive, simple refrains. Lyrics are based on a rhythmic bounce, which is very effective in a club environment ... The first popular figures to use the word were Atlanta rappers Outkast, who in their 1993 song and accompanying video "Player's Ball" said, "I gots in crunk if it ain't real ain't right".

So crunk first appeared in rap music in 1993, and yet I have unearthed this photo taken in 1986 in front of a well-known urban dance club, showing Superman creating the word while confronting notorious crazy-eyed drug-fueled stereotypical rap-music-practitioner "Hawaii Hank" who is, as you'd expect, wielding a handgun to further his nefarious unsavory schemes involving "hos" and "busting caps":


So much for the myth of the aw-shucks Kansas farmboy! If you need further proof of Superman's involvement with the free-wheeling crime-ridden underworld of hip-hop music, consider the following. In 1979 the rap group "Sugarhill Gang" released "Rapper's Delight", widely considered the hip-hop album that catapulted the genre to worldwide prominence. Unfortunately for the group, the following lyrics from the song also came to the attention of a certain breakdancing Kryptonian:

well i was comin home late one dark afternoon
a reporter stopped me for a interview
she said she's heard stories and she's heard fables
that i'm vicious on the mike and the turntables
this young reporter i did adore
so i rocked a vicious rhyme like i never did before
she said damn fly guy im in love with you
the casanova legend must have been true
i said by the way baby what's your name
said i go by the name of lois lane
and you could be my boyfiend you surely can
just let me quit my boyfriend called superman
i said he's a fairy i do suppoose
flyin through the air in pantyhose
he may be very sexy or even cute
but he looks like a sucker in a blue and red suit

Considering Sugarhill Gang never had another hit, you can be pretty sure that def fly guy Superman went all crunk on 'em. You don't tug on Superman's cape, fellahs, even Jim Croce knew that. Chumps.

Caption Contest 13 prize: Cyborg Ranger

A bit late, but here is "Der.Kork"s prize for crafting the winning entry for Caption Contest 13, a concept he calls "Cyborg Ranger":


Thanks again to him for his great entry. Your chance to win your own custom black and white illustration of whatever you like (within reason) is going on now with Caption Contest 16, so get busy!

Random Panel: That must be some spanking she's got planned …


FaceMaker custom colors

I am happy to announce that just a few minutes ago, I finally figured out how to let you save your own color swatches in the upcoming HeroMachine Minis! As in the current HeroMachine 2.5, you can pick a custom color by scrolling around a color grid, or by typing in the RGB values manually, but for the first time you can now save that custom color onto your own swatch so you can easily use it on other items. Here's a screen capture showing the six customizable color swatches in use:

You can choose to work on either of two color areas like in regular HeroMachine applets, or you can change the line color (which is both all-new and extremely useful). And at any time, no matter which color area you're working on, you can switch to either the pre-set 60 color swatches or you can toggle over to make your own custom ones. Ultimately I'll probably add more than six custom color swatches, but I'm not sure yet of the exact number. I also am having a bit of a problem with the color grid not matching up exactly with what you're mousing over. I didn't actually write that part of the code, it's adapted from free source at, so fixing it is a bit of a challenge.

Also, although I haven't yet put the buttons in their proper place, you can see a couple of neat (if not terribly useful) features that let you mirror the face horizontally (i.e. flip it left to right) or vertically (i.e. flip it top to bottom). Not exactly killer, must-have stuff, I admit, but fun. I am going to try and see if I can get it working on individual items instead of the entire picture area, which probably would be of more use.

Finally, I am trying to figure out an easy way to do item previews, like in the full HeroMachine 2.5, so you can see a set of thumbnails for a given item slot without having to manually scroll around them. I've seen complaints about the Her-O-Matic application in that regard, so I'm going to try and solve it here. In HM2.5 that's all done by hand, with me copying and pasting the item line art into pre-made buttons, lining them all up, making new screens when needed, and that sort of thing. But that takes a lot of time and isn't very efficient. And without getting technical, if you try to move or resize an item, it ends up resizing all the previews too. Which sucks.

So if I can figure out how to a) make the previews generate themselves automatically in a way that b) doesn't ruin the ability to scale and move the items themselves, I'll do so.

And if I can do that, I'm more than halfway to the full feature set I want on HeroMachine 3. I'd still have to figure out how to rotate groups of items (all the parts of the arm, the whole torso, etc.), and how to load up separate sets of items not included in the base application, but most of the really hard stuff will have been done.

Anyway, if you see anything in the screen capture that prompts a question, by all means fire away in the comments. The program is really starting to come together and I'm super excited to put it out there. I know I've promised previews a couple of times in the past, so I won't do so now (I keep adding more features that delay things, but on the other hand they make it much cooler!). But I am indeed working away on it!

Comic book ideas

I would guess that most of the people reading this blog share my ability to come up with a bazillion more ideas than I will ever follow through on. So in the spirit of sharing, here are a few ideas I've had recently that hopefully someone else will pick up and run with, so that in two years when it hits the big time I can get interviewed on the teevee about how it was my idea in the first place but I'm happy someone else went out and did it and yes you can give Jessica Alba my number, thank you very much.

Continue reading

Random Panel: And what I want is to make bunny shadow puppets!


Bushwacker: A whole new meaning for "Hand gun"

If you were working for a major comic book company in the eighties and nineties, you were faced with a horrible dilemma -- no matter how many guns you gave your character, at some point there was a risk (however slight) they might get disarmed in some way. And let's face it, in those days a super-hero unable to shoot someone in the face was barely a super-hero at all.

Then, in a fit of pure genius that I am sure got someone promoted, Marvel came up with a brilliant plan: Put the gun inside the character! Thus was born "Bushwacker":


Yes, that pinkish-tan stuff is his skin and yes that is a bionic gun implanted in place of his arm. No, I am not making this up. In point of fact, not only is this an actual published character, but I submit to you that Bushwacker is the ultimate expression of the Image Principle, which I totally invented and which states:

No concept is too ridiculous if it increases the character's ability to shoot people.

Disturbingly, my first reaction on seeing this image was not "That's really stupid", but rather "How does he get the ammo in that thing, and where does it come out of". Which says a lot about how inured to bad super hero characters I've become. Of course I'm not the only one, as Wikipedia reveals others not only had the same question but came up with an answer:

He manages to load the weapons by swallowing ammo, such as bullets or flamethrower fuel.

I ask you, is that not one of the all-time great sentences in human literature?

Sadly, Wikipedia is silent on the subject of how the spent casings exit his body, although I suspect he spends a fortune on new toilets. In any event, I refuse to speculate on that subject because that kind of potty humor is beneath a blogger of my ethics and intellectual stature. (Seriously, if he farts is there a risk of a driveby? I'm just asking!)

No, what I want to focus on is why in the hell is there a shoulder stock on the gun that's built into his freaking forearm?! He ain't holding it up to his freaking shoulder if it's built into his freaking arm!!1!!1! I also love the way he's staring at the gun arm lovingly, as if it is the Greatest Thing Ever. Which, come on, it totally is.

Bushwacker, I salute you and the brain-dead, violence-humping perfection you embody. Well played, Marvel, well played indeed.

Random Panel: Good advice for angry hookers


Caption Contest 16: Holy flying vampire bats!

Come up with the best caption for this random comic book panel and win your very own custom black and white illustration of whatever you like (within reason)!


To recap, the rules are:

1. Keep it clean — submissions should be appropriate for a broadcast TV sitcom.
2. No more than three entries per person.
3. Leave your entry in the comments to this post.

Good luck everyone!

Caption Contest 15 Winner!

I am happy to announce the winner of Caption Contest 15 -- Rick! Here's his entry:


This one was probably a bit borderline in terms of appropriate content for a sitcom, but come on, "Oboy oboy"?! If you don't laugh at that you're dead inside. Rick will get a custom black and white illustration of whatever he likes (within reason).

I appreciated all the creativity that went into the entries, but wanted to single out the following honorable mentions as particularly good:

Girl: Erwin, are you sure the “Blueberry Pie Avenger” is the best super hero theme you can come up with?
Off-panel: These are the ONLY powers the mutant pie gave me!
-- MLS

On screen: Oh god! I put the roast to bed and the baby in the oven!
Off screen: LUCY! You got some ’splainin to do!!!
-- Socrates

Thanks to everyone who entered! I'll be posting Caption Contest 16 in a moment, so stay tuned for your chance to win.