Character Design Contest ♯79 (Inspired By Music 2) Winner

I love doing the inspired by music CDCs, almost as much as I love the fashion show CDCs. I love seeing how people interpret music, and last weeks contests showed that off to a fantastic extent. And I also love the fact that the winner was the person who chose to represent an over 10 minute long song with heromachine, rather wonderfully I might add. So it gives me great pleasure to say something that hasn't been said in a while, this weeks winner is Cliff, for his representation of Perfect Sunset and Midori's Secrets; Creation. Congrats Cliff, please make sure you speak to dblade about your prize, and well done to everyone who entered, I loved seeing you art and listening to the music that inspired it.

79 Cliff- Creation

HM3: You Winking At Me in Your Scary Mask? (Prizes!)

I present to you a helmet/mask requested by Extremely Epic and closed eyes requested by Stulte for their contest prizes. The helmet pieces can be found in Headgear/Military and the eyes can be found in Eyes/Standard.


Character Of The Week: Gargantua- Ronin

So, COTW is back for another special and this one is just plain ridiculous. I actually had to confirm that it was in fact heromachine before I could do this post. I'm not gonna say much about it, because really it just speaks for its self, but  Gargantua really managed to do a special one right here.


"Holy just in time for Christmas Batman!"


A Brief Review: Transformers:Age of Extinction


Well that pretty much covers how I feel about the latest craptastic mess brought to us by the disturbingly successful Michael Bay. Share your brief review...even if you liked it!

Kaldath's Caption Contest #33

Once more into the breach my friends, yes it is again time to jump feet first into another Caption Contest. This week I want you to get your thinking caps on and give me some good dialogue for the following image:

 Ranma 1

The usual rules apply, You are limited to Three (3) entries which are due by 12 noon Eastern Time on Tuesday July 8th.  Of course I as always expect you to keep your entriesno worse then PG-13 in nature and that you follow all the normal rules of the forum when writing your caption for the above image. That being said I wish you all Good luck!

Kaldath's Caption Contest #32 – Results

Last week I asked for your best dialogue for the following image:


and the following were my top five favorite entries .....

I tawt I taw a pooty-tat? I did! I did taw a pooty-tat!



 When I asked for a backup team, this isn’t what I had in mind…


“I’ve found the assistant Editors, at last! Charge!!!!”



“Hmph! Jumanji ain’t so tough!”



Can’t find that Doctor Moreau anywhere!


And the winner is ................................


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Happy Canada Day!






A very Happy Canada Day to all my fellow Canuck Machiners!

JRroundup- Doctor Who Series 8: Hopes for the new season

So, I saw the first advert for the next series of Doctor Who earlier today, announcing the date for broadcast of the first episode. Which of course can only mean one thing, MASSIVE HYPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To kick off, I've decided to do a top 5 yay and nay list of things I do and don't want to see in the new series. Now, quick disclaimer before we get into it, these are my opinions, if you agree that's cool, if you disagree that's cool too. I want this to be a discussion not a one sided agreement fest.

So without further ado, lets get into it, after the jump of course.

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Character Design Contest ♯80- Steampunk

This week I'm going to go out on a limb and try something that could completely bomb. This week I want you to create something in a steampunk style. It can be a character, an object, a vehicle or a machine, but it must be steampunk. If you don't know what that is, google (and google images) is your friend.

As per usual, no limits on entries this week and the contest will close at midnight Saturday (blog time). The winner gets to claim a custom made item from dblade to be put into heromachine, so long as the item conforms to his prize rules, which you can find here: Please read the contest rules before entering, have fun and good luck.

Rules for posts, contests, and challenges that I am hosting: Original characters only, no copyrighted characters, no characters based on copyrighted characters, no characters based on RPG’s or other games. The characters must be your own design and not based on any character that might be copyrighted in any way. I have the right to delete any post that I believe crosses this line without warnings. Only post characters that you have either created for this contest specifically or you know for certain have never been entered to a contest before. If you aren’t certain, don’t enter it, because I’m not going to go back through all of the contests and check.