Monthly Archives: July 2008

MASHUP 22: Fashion show time!

Leaping out from the pages of my ten randomly selected comics this week was one pulse-pounding theme: Fashion Week. Haven't you ever wondered where comics artists get their ideas for costumes from (besides whatever's lying around the apartment at deadline, that is)? Luckily for you, we've got the interview to tell you!

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Random Panel: Bad reactions to asking a girl on a date


The Iron Pirate

Deep thought while trying to fall asleep last night*:

Robert Downey Jr. does for "Iron Man" what Johnny Depp did for "Pirates of the Caribbean". They both turned in performances so powerful, unique, and persuasive that they transformed what were essentially entertaining but pedestrian entertainment films into that special kind of moviegoing experience that stays with you long afterward -- magic. An outstanding performance elevates the part being played from a character on the screen to someone who seems real. A great performance does the same for not only all of the other actors in the film, but the film itself.

And that is what both Downey and Depp have done with their mass-market vehicles. Pretty cool.

*Yes, I think about super-hero stuff sometimes while falling asleep. Sue me.

Contest 19 Prize: Callavera!

We've finished the prize for Caption Contest 19, won by HeroGallery. We decided to do one of his HeroMachine creations, Callavera (seen here). The first rough "pencil" sketch looked like this:


HeroGallery requested some changes, specifically "could you made him stand, and one gun is pointed at the viewer and give him an angry expretion [sic] too". So it was back to the drawing board (well, drawing mouse pad anyway) and we finally settled on this version:


It's not too late for you to win your own custom black and white illustration of whatever you like thanks to Caption Contest 21, going on now!

Random Panel: MightyGodKing, this panel's for you. Keep fighting.


FaceMaker updated again

As just one example of how you can directly impact a real piece of software, I have updated the FaceMaker beta with a suggestion from YahooGroups member Peter Boughton. He pointed me to a grid of good skin tone colors and suggested I create a feature where you can apply the current item's color to anything with skin. I cranked it out this morning and it's now up at

All of the HeroMachine-based apps have improved by orders of magnitude thanks to people like Peter, willing to take the time to share their points of view and making great suggestions. Many thanks to him and to the hundreds of people over the years who have directly contributed to these applets.

I look forward to even more and better suggestions going forward, so if the thought of helping to contribute to a real piece of software appeals to you, get in there and start thinking!

Random Panel: Did the operations put those on your chest? Then that's why.


FaceMaker new beta

I have made a lot of big changes to the FaceMaker beta applet and am curious to get your reaction to it. The latest update looks like this:


You can find this new version here, and the previous one for comparison's sake here. Changes in this update include:

  1. Moved the character canvas area with colors and buttons to the left side of the screen, and the ad over to the right. Since most people expect the most important part of the page to be at the upper left, I think this works a bit better.
  2. Massive update of items -- every item slot now has what I think to be a reasonably solid, complete set of options from which to choose.
  3. Changed the item slot selection boxes from being separated out and visible at all times to being in a collapsible selection box like in HeroMachine 2. I probably need to add a little arrow in that box to make it obvious what it's for. Basically though you just click on the item slot name and a pop-up appears with all the other options.
  4. Made the action buttons icons instead of text-based.
  5. Added "gender" buttons, which basically just skip the beard and mustache if you're randomizing the face.
  6. Created space for preview boxes which I am reluctantly going to have to add by hand. Sigh. They'll go on the bottom right, below where the "Share" and "Save" buttons currently sit.
  7. Fixed the bug where the scaling button would keep moving even after you moused out of the box.
  8. The scaling button now moves to the appropriate spot on the grid to reflect how the currently selected item is set when changing slots.
  9. You no longer get "blank" items for essential slots like Forehead, Jaw, Nose, etc. Before you'd get some really bizarre looking results with Random Face, with the background showing through and such. You can still make those slots blank manually if you like, of course.

I'm very curious as to how you think the new layout and collapsing the item selection boxes into a pop-out menu works versus the previous method of keeping them out at all times.

Feel free to leave your suggestions, observations, complaints, and/or compliments in the comments below. Or if you're shy, you can email them to me directly either via or through this blog's "contact us" page.

Thanks in advance for any thoughts you'd like to share regarding the program thus far!


Note to all comics creators: If you have a female protagonist who is getting head-butted in a sensitive region, never ever ever use the following onomontoPOWia:


That is all.

Random Panel: Skrull soldiers unlikely to get promoted
