RP: No one ever introduced Hammerhead to the concept of a doorknob

(From "Keen Detective Funnies" number 19, 1941.)

META: What about Fridays?

I need some ideas for an ongoing series of posts for Fridays. Or Thursdays. I'll be doing Open Critique Days on one of the two starting next week again, when the hardwire internet at the new place is done, but that still leaves one of the two days without a "theme".

Any suggestions?

In the past, Hammerknight suggested RPG Day, where we would talk about anything related to role-playing games, and from time to time we do Friday Night Fights, and I've done "Why I Hate Rob Liefeld's Art". But now I'm out of ideas. Help!

RP: Why FIGHT crime when you can just OBSERVE it?

(From "Keen Detective Funnies" number 19, 1941.)

New HM Mini

For your amusement and entertainment, UGO has launched another HeroMachine "mini" version to celebrate the launch of NBC's "The Cape" -- The HeroMachine Ordinary Joe Edition:

Most of the components are transplants from the Real Life Edition, but I added at least four or five new things in each slot. Enjoy!

RP: Let’s start with not calling me a dope …

(From "New Romances", 1951.)

Safety first

I think the questionable costuming choices in this "Exciting Comics" cover from 1940 pretty much speak for themselves, but you have to credit the guy in purple for remembering to include a reservoir tip:

And I'm not sure whose pleasure that robot is ribbed for, but no matter what I'm glad to see that even in 1940 they put safety first. You can have your Y2K era leather-clad Bat-heroes; for my money, latex is always your best bet.

RP: A thin line between hero and peeper

(From "Keen Detective Funnies" number 19, 1941.)

RP: Not actually a comics panel, but awesome nonetheless

(Hat tip to "Why Evolution is True" of all places.)

Alternate Wolverines

I would wager that some of these have already been done, but I love both alternate historical settings for "what if" style stories, and Wolverine, so I wanted to combine them both:


Discussion to follow!
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RP: Mutants make terrible customers

(From "X-Men Adventures" number 8, ©1993 Marvel Comics. Hat-tip to Mike Sterling's Progressive Ruin.)