Character Design Contest ♯53 (Snow Joke) Poll

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Character Design Contest ♯52 (Through The Ages) Winner

This weeks poll was quite close between the top 2 contestants. There ended up being only three votes in it. But, the winner of CDC 52 was Melmo44 for Vision Of The Future. Congrats Melmo and thanks to everyone who entered.

52 Melmo44-Vision-of-the-Future

HM3: Wanna Cook?


Welcome new art contributor, Madjack! He was kind enough to provide this iconic "Heisenberg" hat and glasses.  Look forward to seeing more of his quality work (more on the way). I'd say its 99.1% pure awesome.

The hat can be found in Headgear/Modern.
The sunglasses can be found Headgear/Glasses

HM3: One day, lad, all this will be yours

No, not the curtains! These vast tracts of land, available now in Background-Landscapes (a completely new set). The idea behind these is that you can use the "multiples" setting to piece together your own scenes. So for instance, there are some standalone trees, some middle ground plains, plenty of far-off mountains, some piles of rocks, etc. This is another experiment along the lines of the Rooms and Furniture sets, so let me know how they're working.

If you have other landscape elements you want to see included, let me know.


HM3: Quit badgering me!

Because it's a badger, get it?! I slay myself. This requested item from Simon is now available in Companion-Standard.


HM3: Playing Head Games


Whiz Bang rolls out this week's new items!

The Futuristic Soldier Helmet was the winner of this week's poll. It resides in Headgear/Military as three objects (full piece, helmet, and mask). This piece was originally suggested for the item poll by Shocking458. I hope you have fun playing soldier!

Robot Skull was a item poll piece suggested by CKnap. It resides in Head/MaleStandard. Keep an eye on this one. I have a feeling it has malevolent plans for the human race.

Generic Flared Helmet and Star Insignia were item poll pieces suggested by Lightningsword. The Generic Flared Helmet can be found in Headgear/Standard, while the Star Insignia can be found in Insignia/Standard. Call me crazy but I bet these two items would look good together.

The guitar is an item created in the distant path for a young rockin adventurer called Harlequin. The reasons behind its creation are lost in the mists of time. It can be found in ItemRight/Music.

Whiz Bang Item Creation Poll #2 (Footwear)

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This week's poll theme is Footwear, so step right in and kickstart this poll!

Now's your chance to decide what artwork I will work on next. Whatever wins the vote will be completed the following week. This doesn't mean I won't work on other pieces. The winning piece will just be guaranteed my attention.

This poll will end on Wednesday, December 18th.

Power User Profiles: Nobody

Ok, I was going to make last weeks PUP a one off, but the next day one of the people I'd contacted during the original run got back to me, so here's a bonus one. I've spent all week trying to come up with some sort of witty pun based on his username, but I failed miserably. So what I will say is that he is a great creator and there really is Nobody like him. I knew I'd get one eventually. But all jokes aside, ladies and gentlemen please welcome our newest Power User: Nobody.

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HeadZombies is becoming more sort of HeadHorror, but whatever. It now has these things in it!


Whiz Bang Item Creation Week 1 Poll Results!

And the winner is....

Futuristic Soldier Helmet!


Sorry Robot Skull and Nova Helmet. You just didn't have the right stuff to overcome this militaristic juggernaut. Back into the old unfinished idea crate with you...

But wait! This memo just in. The high ups at Whiz Bang have demanded we put all three into production. This totally undermines the democratic process, but I'm sure all of you are just as pleased as punch. I hope you can live with yourselves.