JReviews: Doctor Who Series 8 Episode 3- Robot Of Sherwood

Oh dear. I don't actually want to write this.

Hopefully that'll set the tone for what's to come after the jump. Sorry guys *gives pained and defeated smile*

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Kaldath's Caption Contest #41

Sneaking in real quick, taking a break from moving to get the caption contest posted. So here we go! This week I want you to give me your best dialogue for the following image.

shadow cat 1

The usual rules apply, You are limited to Three (3) entries which are due by 11:59 PM Eastern Time on Tuesday September 9th.  Of course I as always expect you to keep your entries no worse then PG-13 in nature and that you follow all the normal rules of the forum when writing your caption for the above image. That being said I wish you all Good luck!

Whiz Bang Prize Update (Backwards Bending Robot Leg)

So I'm working on Extremely Epic's backward bending robot leg prize. This one will take a bit more time than usual. Thought I would share a working draft of the "foot" section. Ultimately the complete leg will be three separate pieces.

"Why not wait until you have completed all three sections before posting an update?" you may ask. I guess I'm feeling kind of lonely without the warm welcoming embrace of the forums.




Character Design Contest ♯88 (Sports TGT)- Poll

[polldaddy poll="8277543"]

Note: Kaldath, I noticed that last weeks poll hasn't yet closed. Do you think you could close it for us, so as to avoid any confusion. Thanks.

Character Design Contest ♯87 (Time Travel)- Winner

The winner of this weeks poll is Yautja for their Miss Time. Congratulations Yautja, I'm gonna assume dblade will comment down below as to how you can claim your prize with the forums being down, and well done to everyone who entered.

87 Yautja- Miss Time

JReviews: Doctor Who Series 8 Episode 2- Into The Dalek

Well, that was… interesting.

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No Caption Contest This Week.

Due to a busy schedule with work and having to Move there will be no caption contest this week, I am sorry for anyone disappointed by this however real life sometimes intrudes on my HeroMachine duties! Hopefully I will be settled into my new place by next week and the caption contest will be back on track.

Kaldath's Caption Contest #40 – Results

Last week I asked you to give me your best dialogue for the following image:

Frog Thor 1

There are a TON of great entries this week, and normally I would give you my top five however I am the process of moving this week and so my time is limited so I will only be giving the winner this week, which is ......................

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HM3: In a World… (Prizes!)

We have prizes!

Stulte's prize request was a world map that can be found in Backgrounds/Standard.

Candruth's prize request was some elvish leg armor  that can now be found in Legwear/MaleOuterwear.



JReviews: Doctor Who Series 8 Episode 1- Deep Breath

Guess who's back!!!!!

And it's not just them. It seems that you guys can't survive a week without me. I go away on holiday for 7 days and when I return the forum has completely gone kaput. Guess that means I'm not to go away again 😉

Anyway, on to the real business, because, as I'm sure most of you are aware, the new series of Doctor Who started on Saturday, whilst I was unable to watch it admittedly, so I have only just seen it, which is why this review is up today, rather than on Sunday. But it would appear I am rambling, lets just get onto the review.

See ya below the jump.

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