Home Forums Art Contests & Challenges ONE PART, MANY CHARACTERS contest……

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    Herr D

    Recently an inventor managed to create a low-power laser version of an industrial ‘cutter.’ With accuracy programmable to molecule widths, he realized his production capital problem was over. He started an art studio and was glad when a celebrity sculptor showed an interest. A custom-fitted kevlar suit, a welding helmet, and a prototype called a ‘repulsor,’ named for it’s ability to reverse the electron-shell attraction, were all that was necessary to open a public art studio and begin teaching a class in ‘Custom Repulsor Carving.’

    The beautiful Riala made some amazing carvings, but one result was, well, repulsive.
    –Hopefully that little problem will get worked out soon.


    Herr D

    Keric? Do you want to extend this, or should I go ahead and pick three? I’ll try to check back tomorrow.



    @Herr D said:

    Keric? Do you want to extend this, or should I go ahead and pick three? I’ll try to check back tomorrow.

    Sorry Forgot it’s Sunday!Yell Herr, pick your pieces! (Btw, nice job!)Laugh


    Herr D

    Thanx, man. I’ve picked three items, and now we continue our quest for a third “character” to join us.3-i.png



    This is not a serious entry, just the first thing that came to mind, and I had to show it!



    “After so many contests between Keric and Herb, Jester has appeared out of the shadows to join in on the challenge! Regarded as a joke, he takes on the reins of being a competitor, hoping more competition joins them as well. Be wary! He may have a smiling face all the time, but deep down inside, he is raging with sheer anger to wipe away the competition!”

    I do wish there were more people involved.. These contests are fun and bring out the creativity out of Heromachiners.







    That’s freaking genius Rob. Awesome!



    Rob M may have ‘stolen’ this one with his ‘one armed bandit’!!!


    Herr D

    Belated thanx to Keric . . . Riala’s anti-flashdance moment was a fun one to create.
    Good turnout this week. Smile
    Keric’s Sharkie, mattisagamer’s Jester, RobM’s SlotM

    Story score: S0…..J4…..M0
    Bkgd score: S0…..J0…..M4
    Item head: S2….J3…..M3
    Item legw: S4…..J4….M5
    Item handle: S4….J4…..M2
    Bells: S5….J4…..M4
    Whistles: S3….J4.5..M5
    Items-story: S7….J8…..M8
    Emotional: S7.5..J8.5..M10

    For the story and background part of the rubric, the scoring was easy. Two entries of each had none; the other entry in each category was good and appropriate. Individually, using a head as a head and a handle as a handle was okay, but ‘misuses’ are greatly loved by yours truly. The next tier up of creativity was using a head upside-down as a head or as a picture of a head. The next tier was using the legwear item as ‘epaulets’ and the handle as batons and scroll parts. The only excellent item score was the legwear item used to make coin takers.
    Sharkie looks like he’d lead his band pretty well. B & W categories showed the speed Keric posted with. He would’ve tied Jester if the hands had been masked better. (That hat and uniform went well. K’s fashion sense kept the scores fairly high.) Jester’s card motley and meaningful scroll were a great composition. SlotM had an unusual level of combined realism and glitz that looked really Vegas and took the combined B & W.
    I considered adding a category for other creatively used items because SlotM includes a hammer head as buttons, something I haven’t identified as the winnings feed, several misused background items, and something I haven’t identified as the sheen on the glass front (mountain?) Also Jester’s eyes might have qualified for notice there? Not sure what they were.
    In the end, though, I didn’t add the category. It was covered another way. Under emotional. Sharkie gave me a big smile. Jester gave me a big smile and appealed to my bias for supporting this contest. SlotM made me LAUGH, and THEN made me smile over the additional misuses. THEN I smiled again over the following notion–“Win a sawbuck with three hammerheads! Play SHARK ATTACK!” Did you plan that, RobM? Was the winnings feed a t.v.? Was the sheen mountains? Tune in and give us three, RobM!

    Btw, I hope to eventually see the rest of Sharkie’s band and Jester do some frolicking–particularly because he reminds me a little of Grimace from the old McDonald’s gang. Is he a mer-blob for underwater card sharks? That tail . . .



    Thanks, HerrD, and I appreciate the amount of thought you put into deciding this. To answer your questions, the winnings feed is a squashed, upside down clipboard with a black insignia; the sheen on the glass is the jagged spear point on page three of the Polearms.

    P.S. the fulcrum of the slot handle is also a hammer head.

    Anyhoo, here’s the next three items
    pistol-1.png ItemRight Pistols, pentultimate page, bottom row second column
    neckwear.png Neckwear, pentultimate page, bottom row second column
    hair.png Hair Standard, pentultimate page, bottom row second column



    entry 1
    entry 2
    entry 3


    Herr D

    @RobM: Thanks for the info and rubric recognition. Other judges are welcome to use or adapt it.
    Rumblat was ready to play the gig. Then they told him he’d be playing classical music.
    He NORMALLY specializes in funkedelic banjo. (Shown here wearing his blinged-out picker-glove.)



    Results time. The contest comes down to Herr D and Keric’s Hidden Camera (my favorite prog rock band). I like the story-telling for both. I also like the misappropriation of the “basket” items. The neckwear item as foil wrap around the potted plant In Keric’s piece is especially clever. And I like the pistol items as eyeglass lenses. I suppose it comes down to which appealed to me most; and since I’m a sucker for a man in an ascot with many rings, I chose Herr D. Congrats and pick your items.

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