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    Janus is cool looking. how hard was it to combine the heads/torsos?



    Thanks everyone
    @ qwerty1971 is wasn’t too hard if I remember correctly I did little to no masking to make Janus
    @ Alexander no one said being a goddess would be easy
    Speaking of terrible births being a lover to a god isn’t very fun either when the child comes. The new Poseidon has a few children each with a different woman (one of the few things the new gods have in common with the old ones beside powers). The new Hera angry with the male gods making commitments to one woman then sleeping with another decided to curse each god with one child that would haunt them for the rest of their lives. Poseidon and a lovely surfer gal had a fun time and if you ask her she had the worst end of the deal. The woman went to the hospital and when the baby came it felt like it had horns. Three nurses fainted and the doctor said a very bad word as he held up the child where the woman could see it. The child did in fact had horns; in fact it had hoofs as well as being covered in black fur and a head very similar to a bull. The woman fainted knowing that she gave birth to a monster she gave birth to the new Minotaur. She was a very strong woman and raised the boy/calf or whatever you may call it and of course he was a vegetarian but had a terrible temper and destroyed everything when he had a tantrum. He grew up to fulfill Hera’s curse and attacked a school nearly killing the man that would become All-Star and joining the Animal Kingdom before getting kicked out due to his bullheadedness and uncontrollable nature. He soon found a home with others like him and happily serve the Dark Olympians.



    Just a random robot with no zyping



    On Earth 3 an event happen that changed that world forever. During the Kronosian War Nighthawk of Earth 3 died in the first conflict being killed by Kronos himself this caused the timeline to shift of that of Earth 1. Due to the death of one human that on Earth 1 was able to convince Ajax to do the what needed to be done and teleport both Kronos and himself to a planet made Paradoxium the rarest mineral in the galaxy which unfortunately three pieces were on Earth one held by Ajax, Kronos, and Nighthawk. On Earth 3 however no one talked Ajax into this dissension and the war continued four years longer than that of Earth 1’s. The skies were half clear,blue and sunny and the other half was dark, cloudy, and chaotic. It rained everyday during the war yet each day there was a drought or a flood. Finally the force of good were defeated by the forces of evil. Kronos ended the battle by stabbing Ajax in the chest with his broken spear of Paradoxium. After that the he reshaped the Earth into his on chaotic image and slowly killing off every superhero that ever lived. Kronos made his capital in Saint City where he had killed Nighthawk in the very first battle renaming the town Nighthawk Falls. Years later most of the regular people had died due to the crime, insanity, rebellions, or just to amuse Kronos. Kronos then made billions of clones each one with a different personality to rule over. One clone however had a heroic personality and powers of an atomic bomb, he decided that what Kronos was doing was wrong and found the last remaining piece of Paradoxium donning the late Nighthawk’s costume he made his way to Kronos’ palace and supercharged the Paradoxium as Nighthawk Falls became a crater Kronos killed the rebel and ruled to this day bringing some of the heroes back alive just to kill them in new and exciting ways.



    Gordon Reed was just like any other college student until he met Vorcha’ne an alien superhero wounded in battle that told him that Gordon and his friends were destine to be the new Power Stone Corps. Vorcha’ne took them to Peblos and showed them the Stone of Power as he died the stone granted each one of the students with powers when they touched a certain color on the stone. After each one got their powers there were two colors not touched brown and black which the stone said was unimportant at the time. The stone sent them back to Earth to train to defeat Dark Matter. Gordon became the Red Power Stone and could fire red energy blast, fly, breath in space, translate any language, and control fire. As they trained more and more was revealed about the past of the Power Stone Corps and Dark Matter. The group would face huge challenges that Dark Matter threw at them hoping they would die he even turned their best friend into the evil Parasite. Parasite would become the Power Stone Corps. greatest enemy in and out of uniform on Earth.



    As the Greek Gods passed their powers on to a new generation the Egyptian and Norse Gods did as well. The new Egyptians Gods aren’t as animalistic as there predecessors but just as powerful but just as any other person taking up an old mantle they are going to look different and the same is with gods. Donald Lawson was on his way to the court to defend a client he knew was guilty and hoping karma would come back and bite that man in the hindquarters. A jackal appeared out of nowhere and bit Donald instead of pain Donald felt great power flowing through him gaining the powers of Anubis the Egyptian God of the dead and embalming. In the courtroom his client sat there with a smug look on his face thinking about getting away with over twenty murders. Donald could see the man’s heavy heart and ripped it out of his chest instantly embalming the man and causing the heart to burst into flames.
    This is a work in progress so let me know what you think about the design and back-story.



    cool, but it struck me that he’s Egyptian, … yet he’s white.



    He’s actually not Egyptian he just gained the powers of Anubis and became the new Egyptian God



    A few more Egyptian Gods work in progress let me know what you think



    Another member of the Power Stone Corps. Paul Mitchel is in control of the blue shard of the stone and has the same abilities as the red member except he controls water instead of fire. He is a serious military brat and keeps the team in line and helps come up with battle plans.



    Binary was a member of the original Elite that died in the Xornian Invasion but before that he was a mutant that could talk to machines and control them. He lost his arm hacking into a crime lord’s computer network. From there he made himself a robotic arm that gave him tremendous strength in that arm but also gave him a techno-virus that was slowly turning him into a machine which took his left eye he has to be careful when fighting that he don’t raise his heart rate too much or the virus spreads faster so he wears a belt that keeps track of the virus and his heart rate and on his right arm he made a substance that allows him to fight just as hard as always but slows his heart down greatly his belt keeps track of the dosage so he doesn’t kill himself. He died with the other members of the Elite when he had the main Warship self-destruct.



    Redoing designs of the United States Alliance
    This is Redwood of California he able to grow up to 75 feet tall with proportional strength and speed but unable to shrink below his 6’8″ normal height. He joined the U.S. Alliance as the fifth member after they helped him stop Atom from sinking part of California into the Pacific Ocean by setting off charges along the San Andreas Fault Line.



    Cool character, the red and green really look great together on his costume and the brown parts fit in perfectly with the tree theme. A simple, but effective design Smile



    Thanks a lot Jeimuzu



    Here is the redo of Gateway from Missouri. Gateway is able to open a portal anywhere on Earth and travel there by walking through. He is a very valued member of the team allowing them to travel in a blink of a eye but unfortunately he was not recruited before Apache’s tribe were slaughter in a demon attack. Gateway joined the U.S. Alliance when Crossbones stole the Gateway Arch with technology based off of Gateway’s powers. Gateway became good friends with Lone Star and Yellowstone.

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