Category Archives: Sharing Day

Free Draw Friday

Today I just want to take time to enjoy awesome looking images. So take this as a "Free Draw Friday" to post an image that you love. It could be one of your favorite HeroMachine creations (your own or someone else's), or something you drew yourself, or just a really cool picture you found on the Internet. All day long you can come back here to see what others have put up and get a little lift.

Here's mine (via Reddit):

Sharing Day, Geek Interview Edition

One of the cool things about Dragon*Con is getting to see some of the creators and actors you've loved in person. So my question for you is:

If you could have one hour of live, in person, one-on-one time to talk with any real-life, currently alive person from the world of geekery, with whom would you choose to conversate, and what would you ask them?

As for me, I'd choose Joss Whedon, as someone who has excelled at producing geeky content from multiple genres (supernatural, super-heroes, horror) in multiple media (television, musicals, movies, the web) and who just seems like a nifty guy. Among other standard questions ("What was it like directing Sarah Michelle Geller!?"), I'd ask him what commonalities he sees between super-heroes powers and stories, and more standard fictional entertainment. And if he's surprised that out of all the people he's "made big", that David Boreanz would be the one to ultimately star in another big hit.

In return for playing along, you can (if you want, no obligation) ask me a question about whatever you like and I'll answer truthfully.

A Legend Remembered…

Over the weekend, as some of you know, Joe Kubert passed away at 85. He was an artist/writer and at one time, DC's director of publications. Either way, the man was phenomenal. As a way to insure that his legend lives on for a least bait longer, I thought it only fitting that blog, of which I'm proud to be a part, should honor him in our own way. He deserves at least an honorable mention. So, here's to Joe, an artist, a writer, a legend, a teacher, an icon, a husband, and most importantly, a father.

Rest in peace, Joe Kubert (1926-2012), you deserve it.

This post is for anyone who wants to share any memories they have of Mr. Kubert's work or any thought regarding his legacy or impact on the comics and art world in general.

Hall of Fame updates coming!

Today's usually "Sharing Day", so I'm finally going through the nominations for new "Hall of Fame" HeroMachine illustrations. As a result you'll see a ton of new posts today when each of them goes up. In other words, today should be a long series of awesome images, rolling on like the tide!

Feel free to use this as a space to discuss them as they go up, or to talk about whatever you like.

Nominations, please!

Instead of the usual Open Critique Day, I wanted to make a thread where each of you can nominate one however many HeroMachine illustrations you want (either of yours or someone else's) that you think ought to be in the Hall of Fame gallery here on the site. Just post a link to them in the comments along with a few words about why you think they should be enshrined for all posterity.

Have at it! Tomorrow I'll add at least one to the gallery from the received nominations.

ETA: I changed it so you can only nominate a piece by someone other than yourself and as many as you want. I think that gets more to the spirit of the thing, which is that I want to see what you think is a "great" piece of HM art. Not just good, but great, something that ought to make people sit back in their chairs on viewing and go "Wow".

Hall of Faves

I finally updated the "Hall of Fame" with the last dozen contest winners (thanks to reader Meres for the kick in the pants) and was once again blown away by your creativity and talent. So instead of our usual RPG day today, I was hoping you'd take a bit to go through the Hall of Fame images and give us one or two of your particular favorites, along with why you like them, what you think makes for a good design, and anything else that occurs to you.

Sometimes I find it very inspirational to look through galleries of cool artwork, and I want to spend today feeling that way. I hope you do, too.

Sharing Day, Nerd Merit Badge Edition

Everyone deserves a chance to strut their stuff from time to time and today's your day! Tell us one thing that gives you your biggest bit of Nerd Cred, something that certifies you as a card-carrying Genuine Geek. Sort of your best "Nerd Merit Badge" if you will.

For instance, in my case if I want to establish that I really am a geek, my brag swag is "I can point to the exact spot on the screen where the USS Enterprise will emerge in the opening credits."

So what about you, what is your big geeky accomplishment that gives you pride?

If you want to ask me a question about something, go ahead, but mostly I just wanted this to be a "let's all feel good" kind of day.

Sharing Day, Vehicle Edition


Your Sharing Day question for this outing is:

If you could have one personal vehicle in real life from all of speculative fiction (comics, movies, novels, what have you), which one would you choose and why?

I included the image just for inspiration, you're not limited to just those ten, by the way.

In terms of what qualifies as a "personal vehicle", I think probably the Death Star wouldn't count (since it takes a whole crew to run), but a TIE Fighter would. I want to say Iron Man's armor wouldn't count because I don't really think of a suit as something you "ride", while a big Battle Tech mech would. But I am not 100% on that.

Some other examples might be Wonder Woman's invisible plane, the Batmobile, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, a TARDIS, and many more than I can possibly list.

I suspect the TARDIS will get a lot of loving, but for me, I want something that can zip around and which would be fun to drive or pilot. The idea of visiting other eras is very cool, but I'm not much of an adventurer and would likely end up broke, lost, and/or in a mental institution in fairly short order.

Instead, I think I'd pick Silver Surfer's surfboard. It provides protection for the rider(s), it can go at Faster Than Light speeds, and it looks wicked fun to ride.

Let me know in the comments what personal vehicle you'd choose for your own in real life. If you like, in return for answering my question to you, you may ask a question of me on any topic and I'll do my best to answer honestly and completely. Just leave your reply (and question, if any) as a comment. The goal is to learn a little more about our community!

Sharing Day, Batman Edition

OK, here we go -- what's your favorite Batman incarnation and why? Are you a movie person, or do you prefer the comics? If you're a movie Batman devotee, which incarnation is your preferred one, from Michael Keaton to Christian Bale? If comics, do you like your Batman original Bob Kane style, the Jim Aparo Seventies version, or the down and dirty Frank Miller era?

On a related note, when a big geek movie comes out, do you go see it opening night or do you wait for the crowds to die down? Or do you skip the theater altogether and just catch it at home on DVD?

If you like, in return for answering my question to you, you may ask a question of me on any topic and I'll do my best to answer honestly and completely. Just leave your reply (and question, if any) as a comment. The goal is to learn a little more about our community!

(Image and character ©2012, DC Comics & Warner Bros. Pictures.)

Sharing Day, Gravatar edition

A gravatar or avatar is the little icon that appears next to your comments on various online sites. So my question for you on this Sharing Day is:

Why do you use the avatar or gravatar you have?

I'd love a description of what it actually is as well, if it's not blindingly obvious. I really enjoyed hearing your stories about why you use the name you do online, so I look forward very much to hearing the story of your visual id too.

If you don't have a gravatar or avatar, I encourage you to make one, then post it here.

If you like, in return for answering my question to you, you may ask a question of me on any topic and I'll do my best to answer honestly and completely. Just leave your reply (and question, if any) as a comment. The goal is to learn a little more about our community!

(Image via.)