Category Archives: Lists

The List: 5 Things The Star Wars Prequels Did Right

We all know the Star Wars Prequels. Three of the best films ever made, with excellent dialogue, a fantastic dynamic between it two romantic leads and no-one has anything bad to say about them. Well, that would be the case if we lived in Bizarro world, but unfortunately we don't, so what we instead got was a confused mess with an awfully wooden lead, stereotypical and racist characters that annoyed everyone and midiclorians. But that's not to say the films were all bad, all three films had definite good parts. And I've managed to cobble together a list out of them. I'm only doing 5 this time, because a lot of the good bits I've found can fit under certain banners, so rather than stretching the list out to make 10 or so, let's just go with 5.

Warning: Opinions ahead. Don't let them get you angry, anger leads to the dark side.

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The List: Top 10 Aliens In Comics

Aliens, they're everywhere. We might not be any closer to discovering extra-terrestrial life in real life, but in mass media the invasion has already happened. In film you have all manner of blobs, little brown things with glowy fingers and long necks, cockroaches that love sugary water, horrifying monsters with elongated heads and a preference for exploding out of peoples chests and, of course, walking carpets. TV has numerous examples as well, whether it be men in blue boxes that are bigger on the inside, war-loving guys with creases running down the middle of their faces and pseudo-roman centurions that try to kill rabbits with ray guns. And of course comics are no different. Throughout the around 90 years of comic book publication, there have been many examples of aliens in comics, and in todays list I'm going to rank what I believe to be the top 10.

Now, this list will only include aliens from the comics medium, so no beings from other dimensions or parallel worlds (so no Anti-Monitor, Annihilus, Howard The Duck or Mr Mxyzptlk), any beings which are considered aliens in cannons outside of the comics (so no Asgardians here) and no characters that originated in other medium but have appeared in comics (so no Star Wars, Star Trek or Doctor Who characters here, at least none that really matter because there have been numerous minor characters from those series that have debuted in the comics but never mattered in the grand scheme of things). I'm also not including entire races, so you won't see the Oan's, the Kree or the Skrulls on this list, despite their impact on comics (although individuals that belong to these races may appear). And I'm also not going to include more than one member of any particular race, because then you have half the list taken up by one alien race and the other half divided between another 2-3 which is a bit boring. Oh and no symbiotes. Venom and Carnage are great and yes the suits are alien, but there's still a human in there, so it doesn't count.

Anyway, long enough intro I think. On with the show.

Warning: Opinions ahead. If you don't like it, well, things could be worse, you could be getting attacked by a face-hugger or something.

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The List: Top 10 Superhero Rogues Galleries

There are a lot of things that go into making a great superhero. The powers, the costume, the personality, their alter-ego/ secret identity all play a huge role. But what really defines a hero is the villains that they face. Whether it be thwarting would-be world conquerors or sending back alley lunatics back to whatever jail it was they broke out of this time, the villains are a quintessential part of any superhero story. But who has the best collection of villains to face off against? I'm not including The Avengers or the Justice League on this list because, whilst they do have fantastic rogues galleries of their own, often they may end up fighting villains belonging to one of their members rogues galleries (Loki, looking at you here), so they'll be left off so we can keep things simple. Other superhero teams not made up of All-Star line-ups do count though.

Warning: 'Ere be opinions. Beware.

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The List: Top 10 Worst Superhero Films

Well, last week we did the best, so this week I'm being predictable. To clarify, I'm looking at films that were released by a major studio and given a full distribution (so nothing like Pumaman or other b-movie style superhero films and no straight to TV stuff like Swamp-Thing and obviously no Howard The Duck because whilst he was a comic book character he wasn't a superhero per se). As a little game, I want everyone to guess what number 1 is before reading and put down in the comments what you thought it would be and if you were right.

Honourable mentions have to go to Steel, Daredevil, both of the original Fantastic Four films and X-Men: Last Stand for being not quite terrible enough to get on this list despite a lot of people probably expecting them to be on here.

Warning: Opinions below. If your favourite film is on this list, get a new favourite film.

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The List: Top 10 Best Superhero Films

Ok, big list this. Really, you should never do "Best" lists because someone is always going to say that you're wrong, but hey, I'm going to because I can and, to be honest, I don't think there's going to be much disagreement with what I put on the list. People might disagree with a few films on the list, but I think the majority of them will be acceptable. Also, warning, there's only one pre-millennium film on this list. Whilst I do like Christopher Reeve's first two outings as Superman neither of them will be on this list and I had to choose between Tim Burton's two Batman films, mostly because the Superhero film genre really hit its stride after the first X-Men film and there have been more high quality films released since then than before.

Warning: This list contains opinions. Do not take if allergic.

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The List: Top 10 Comic Book Characters/ Teams That Should Get Their Own Live Action TV Show

The last few years have seen a renaissance in live action superhero TV shows, with Marvel fielding Agents Of Shield, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist, Punisher, Luke Cage etc. and DC giving us The Flash, Arrow, Supergirl and Legends Of Tomorrow. But there is still untapped potential in the medium and lots of characters, not just from Marvel and DC, that deserve a shot in a series on the small screen.

WARNING: Opinions ahead. Not saying your opinions are wrong, it's just mine are better. 😉

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The List: Top 10 Characters I’d Like To See In An X-Men Live Action TV Show

Ok, so following on from the news that Marvel and Fox are going to be working together on an X-Men TV show, I thought "why not do a list about it?" Originally I was going to do a list of X-Men characters I want to see in upcoming X-Men films, but that can be a list for another day.

I will not be including any characters that have already appeared in the X-Men films, so you won't see Wolverine, Cyclops, Storm, Nightcrawler (even though he would probably be perfect for a TV show), Jean Grey et al. This is because I'm going to assume they are going to focus on less well-known characters in the show.

But with that, on with the list.

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The List: Top 10 Legacy Heroes

So, Tony Stark is to be replaced as Iron Man by Riri Williams, a 15 year old African-American student who also happens to be a girl. Apart from the obvious misnomer, this could be either a really inspired move or a cynical shock value based cash grab with allusions to appeasing people who are demanding more heroes of ethnic minorities, and lets be honest, it's probably a bit of both. This also means that within the last 6 years, Marvel have replaced all 6 of their big 6 heroes (Spider-Man, Hulk, Wolverine, Captain America, Thor and now Iron Man) with new characters. So what better time to look at some of the heroes that took up the mantel of an already established hero and actually succeeded. As a rule I am going to be excluding characters created during DC's Silver Age revival of the superhero genre (e.g. Barry Allen replacing Jay Garrick or Hal Jordan replacing Alan Scott), as, whilst these characters are probably the definitive versions of of that superhero lineage, these neither character existed in the same universe at the time and as such were not aware of the lineage they were taking on (unless you count Barry Allen reading Flash comics and thinking Jay Garrick was a fictional character).

Warning: Opinions below. You have been warned.

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The List: Things Marvel Got Wrong With The First 2 Stages Of The MCU

Ok, gonna try a different kind of list this week. Instead of doing a top 10, I'm going to go through each of Marvels Stage 1 and 2 films and find the problems. This is going to be interesting.

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The List: Characters I Want To See In The DC Expanded Universe (and those I don’t)

Ok, so, a couple of weeks ago I did a list of characters from the Marvel Universe that I most wanted to see introduced on the big screen and it was requested that I do a DC version of the list. That puts me in a bit of a bind because, whilst I do own a copy of Man of Steel, I've never bothered to watch it and I still haven't watched Batman vs. Superman (so sue me) so I'm not all that up on what they've done so far with their cinematic universe. Plus, DC's apparent aversion to movie origin stories (not necessarily a bad thing) does make it a bit harder to make a list like this. But, you asked for it, so who am I to say no. Of course, I have nothing but the finest of no faith at all in Warner Bros. being able to make a good superhero movie, but you've always got to hope right?

WARNING: Opinions after the jump. You have been warned.

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