Category Archives: Lists

The List: Top 10 Things Warner Brothers Would Need To Do To Make “The Sandman” Into A Movie

Ok, so some of you guys might remember last year there was a lot of talk about the DC Cinematic Universe, around the time the first details of Batman vs. Superman were starting to see the light of day. The list contained all the stuff you'd expect, Justice League, Shazam (no), Wonder Woman, Flash etc. But one thing stood out like a sore thumb. The Sandman, Neil Gaiman's seminal tour through the world of the dreaming, was among those projects slated for a movie debut. Now, apart from the fact that this film had been doing the rounds for almost 15 years by that point, it seemed like such a bad idea. How could they translate what is possibly the best work in the comic book medium onto the big screen without it ending up being a hollow facsimile of the original (hi Watchmen and V for Vendetta). Well, why don't we take a look?

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The List: Top 5 Do’s and Don’ts for the next Star Wars Films

Last week we covered potential characters that could appear in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. For this weeks list, I'm sure many of you were expecting a DC equivalent, but no. Not yet. This week I'm going to do a different kind of "fantasy booking" as it were. What Disney should and should not do with Star Wars episodes 8 and 9.

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The List: Characters I’d Most Like To See In The Marvel Cinematic Universe

Hi guys, JR here.

Since last weeks worst superhero origins list got a good response, I'm going to start doing a list series  on Tuesdays. I may also try and get another weekly blog post going, but that's still a W.I.P at the moment. But anyway, this week I'm going to list the 10 comic book characters I'd most like to see appear in an upcoming Marvel movie, why I'd like to see them and how likely it is that we will see them, as well as 5 that I wouldn't and why.

See you after the jump.

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Top 5 Stupidest Superhero Origins

Every good superhero needs a good origin story. Batman's parents where killed in front of him, so he decides to fight crime in his city. Captain America isn't able to join the US military to fight in WW2 so volunteers for an experiment to turn him into a super-soldier and goes on to fight for truth, justice and the American way. And Thor fights crime because...

Well you can't have them all.

But some superhero origins just can't avoid being bad. The original Flash gets his powers by inhaling "hard water vapours" (isn't hard water basically ice?) and the original Human Torch is actually a robot (negating the Human part of his name). And the less said about how half of the Fantastic Four shouldn't have actually been anywhere near that spaceship (one being unqualified and the other still being in college) the better. But there are some that are just plain terrible. And here's 5 of them.

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