Author Archives: dblade

Whiz Bang Item Creation Week 5 Poll Results!

And the winner is...

Mass Effect Leg Armor!




Poor War Machine Legs just didn't have the mettle to win against heavy hitter Mass Effect Legs.

I'll get working on this next week.

HM3: Buggy Britches



The winner of the Whiz Bang Creation Poll#4 is live. You can find the thigh and shin pieces in Legwear/MaleStandard, while the foot can be found in FootRight/Mech.

Whiz Bang Item Creation Poll #5 (SciFi Leg Armor)

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Alrighty. I really want to make some more tech legs. I'm taking last weeks losers and putting them up for a second chance at life in the Machine. Lame, you say. A little. Lazy, you say. Probably on target. But sometimes the Whiz Bang organization rolls like that. So buckle up and get your vote revving! It's a head-to-head, hmmmm....leg-to-leg match between these scifi juggernauts!

The vote will close next Wednesday, January 29th.

Whiz Bang Item Creation Week 4 Poll Results!

And the winner is....

Guyver Leg!


With 41.84% of the votes!

I'm going to create the whole leg and break it up into pieces.

A thank you to everyone who took the time to vote. Keep an eye out for the other pieces in future polls because I would really like to work on those eventually.

HM3: Kirby Energy Blasts (Reward for CDC #54 Winner RobM)


These Kirby energy blasts were requested by Character Design Contest #54 (Flying) winner RobM. So if you have any problems/satisfaction with these items he's the man to blame/thank!

They can be found in ItemRightEnergy.

Whiz Bang Item Creation Poll #4 (SciFi Leg Armor)

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It's scifi leg armor time? We have War Machine, Guyver, and Mass Effect leg armor. I will be making the complete leg (so boot, knee, and thigh piece where applicable). Don't leave me without a leg to stand on. Vote and it shall be made!

Now's your chance to decide what artwork I will work on next. Whatever wins the vote will be completed the following week. This doesn't mean I won't work on other pieces. The winning piece will just be guaranteed my attention.

This poll will end on Thursday, January 23rd.

HM3: Tech Leg and Lightning Masks



This old leg? Yeah. I had it lying around. You can find it in LegwearMaleStandard.

A few lightning-inspired masks for speedy, electrical, or pointy characters. The 4th mask was actually inspired by an HM3 creation by Deadman (Speed Demon). You can find these in HeadgearMasks.

Whiz Bang Poll #4 Delayed Because of Kimono

Instead of posting a poll I decided to create a Kimono as my item of the week. I will miss the excitement of the voting but I hope you won't mind so much. I'll get back to the polls the following week.

Ah, what the heck. Here is a little poll to help me focus on the next couple of polls. I chose a couple of sets that I personally wanted to focus on but I left it open for people to add to the voting.

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HM3: Stompin Time!


The Ent foot and reptilian abomination foot from the week 3 poll have kicked their way into the Machine! You can find these items in the FootRight/Monster set. Did I mention that we put together a new set for monstrous/creature feet? Mostly old items at the moment but hopefully more will follow.

Whiz Bang Item Creation Week 3 Poll Results!

And the winner is...

Ent Foot


Rhino Foot and Abomination Foot just couldn't keep pace with the Ent Foot.

I've already got the Ent Foot going...

and I've started working on the Abomination (Special Five-Toed Edition) Foot...

Now let's see if I can pull off a hat trick and finish the Rhino Foot.