Yearly Archives: 2011

RP: If Hollywood were to remake “The Hunchback of Notre Dame”

(From "Daredevil" number 11, 1942.)

Caption Contest 89 Winner! A little late …

So a funny thing happened on the way to judging Caption Contest 89. We were moving, and of course a massive snow storm hit that day (-27 that night). That delayed everything, including our internet installation. When that finally got done and we were settled in enough for me to have time to go through all the entries, I was pretty tired. I did my usual thing, collecting all the ones I thought were potential winners, in a plain text document. By the time I was done I had to get up to make dinner.

Afterwards my mother-in-law (did I mention we had relatives visiting, arriving at the airport two hours after I touched down from my week long visit to Baton Rouge? In the middle of a move from one town to another? During a massive snow storm? Yeah.) asked if she could use the computer to check her Yahoo Mail. She's on a Dell at home and I have a Mac, but no big deal because a browser's a browser, right?


I sat down late that night after she was done and stared at my shiny, empty desktop. Every document had been dutifully closed, including my unsaved text file with all the finalists.

So, yeah. Again.

Anyway, love her to death, but I just didn't have the heart to go back through and re-do it all. Which is a long way around saying I'm sorry for the long delay, and here are your Finalists.

  • Z. Daniel Phoenix:
    Hulk not just strong.
    Hulk Army Strong!
  • Runt82: Hulk have manners! Hulk tank you very much!
  • Watson Bradshaw: “HULK PARK TANK, YOU TIP BIG!!!”
  • count libido: Now Hulk just need other Hulks to spell out M-C-A!
  • kyle: Die spider!
  • Razhwurz: “NO BODY MOVE! I lost a contact lens!”
  • Rhinoman: “DUDE! Where Hulk’s Car?”
  • venomfang666: All your tank belong to hulk!

Particular noteworthy are Frankie and HalLoweEn JacK for referencing particularly funny random panels from the past. And to Count Libido for what I think was the most out-of-the-box response that never would have occurred to me, and is especially funny given the plethora of Hulks wandering around the Marvelverse these days.

However, your overall winner is not one of those, but rather from ... Gero!

This is a very obscure reference, but for all us old fogies who used to be stuck playing cheap-ass computer games, it really struck a note. Well done, Gero, let me know what you'd like for your prize!

Caption Contest 90: The ties that bind

Come up with the best replacement dialog for this random comics panel (courtesy of Nicholas/GtaMythMaster43) and you’ll win your choice of either any item you like or any portrait to be included in HeroMachine 3′s final release, or a custom black and white “Sketch of the Day” style illustration!

All entries must be left as a comment (or comments) to this post. Keep ‘em clean (appropriate for a late-night broadcast TV show), but most importantly, keep ‘em funny! That will be a challenge given this week's subject, but I know you can do it!

Finally, please make sure to break your entry into the two different word balloons, like:

1. This is absolutely the last time ...
2. ... I fly coach!


1. Um, hello, is anyone out there?
2. I'm here to apply for the Princess Leia on the pleasure barge role? Anyone?

No limit on the number of submissions beyond normal self-editing (i.e. don’t spam crappy entries hoping to get lucky), so good luck to everyone. Contest closes next Monday.

(Image © LucasFilms Ltd.)

Character Contest 54 Results

Many thanks to everyone who entered Character Contest 54! I'm going to do something quite different with the results this week: I've chosen one entry I felt was the best from each person who provided a valid link and will comment on it. Then at the end, I'll announce which one I think was the winner overall.

Usually I'd pick out 10-20 of the very best overall, but I can see how it would be frustrating to work hard every week only to never get any sense for why yours wasn't chosen. I can't promise I'll do this every week because it's a lot of work, and the descriptions may be as brief as just a sentence, but we'll see how it goes. I'd love to hear what you think of this approach, though.

Practically speaking, that means you're going to find a lot of images after the jump, so click through with caution!

Continue reading

RP: Tempting, but … NO.

(From "Daredevil" number 11, 1942.)

RP: Amen

(From "New Romances" number 5, 1951.)

“Antique” shopping

I was sent to the antique stores to see if I could find any appropriate furnishings for the new house, and this is what I came back with:

Never send a geek to do a man's job, that's my motto. Rocketeer's motto of course is "Quit lookin' at me before I blast your face in with jet exhaust." Or something like that.

Sadly, while totally cool and a great find that I definitely love, this particular action figure moves only at the head, waist, and upper arm. He also can't stand up on his own, presumably from the after-effects of a long night drinking with Betty. Not that I blame him.

If you've got a photo of an action figure or other toy on your desk that you love, by all means post it in the comments, it'd be great for everyone to see!

RP: No one ever introduced Hammerhead to the concept of a doorknob

(From "Keen Detective Funnies" number 19, 1941.)

META: What about Fridays?

I need some ideas for an ongoing series of posts for Fridays. Or Thursdays. I'll be doing Open Critique Days on one of the two starting next week again, when the hardwire internet at the new place is done, but that still leaves one of the two days without a "theme".

Any suggestions?

In the past, Hammerknight suggested RPG Day, where we would talk about anything related to role-playing games, and from time to time we do Friday Night Fights, and I've done "Why I Hate Rob Liefeld's Art". But now I'm out of ideas. Help!

RP: Why FIGHT crime when you can just OBSERVE it?

(From "Keen Detective Funnies" number 19, 1941.)